Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

In honor of the holiday, I will not be posting any holiday drivel on Christmas day and probably will not be moderating any comments.
I'm not particularly religious -- I don't sit in any pew at St. Mary's -- but it seems that everyone including innocent bystanders should be spared any harsh words, vindictiveness or anger on Christmas Day. Really, if you're tempted to check any blog on Christmas, I hope you get some free passes to a counseling session under the tree.
To all those I've offended this year, keep your chin up. The little bit of truth in it might have hurt, but most of this stuff is opinion and that shouldn't hurt anyone.
To those I've entertained, sorry it couldn't have been more entertaining.
To those who are ignorant, hope you find some brains under the tree, or at least some peace of mind to accept yourself for what you are.
For all those who really care about their community and do so without any axes to grind, you have my highest admiration and I wish you the best in the coming year.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Downtown looking good sort of

I mentioned the other day how the downtown was looking good. I visited the Sterling Hotel the other night but later realized that the daytime view from the hotel is part of the ratty building across the street. Why hasn't the city condemned that building? It's been mostly vacant for years and now is just about the only big eyesore between Monroe St. and the post office. This is the guy who always has been so vocally critical of city policies in the past. The place is one of those that detract from the whole downtown.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Downtown looking good

I was strolling around downtown the other night and I must say the place is looking pretty nice. Many of the shops had some kind of holiday decoration and there were people on the streets. Cafe Classics was pretty busy, as usual. I even peeked into the new Sterling Hotel for a little while.
Some of the changes and development really seems to show that 2008 might even be a better year for the downtown area even with hard times in Michigan.
There are a few key vacant storefronts that could use filling, but otherwise it seems like the downtown is a little more lively.
So what's the DDA doing about trying to recruit some businesses to fill the vacancies? Anyone have a clue?

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

By George, he did it!

I see in the Monroe Snooze where the city council gave Sweet George Brown as sweet pay raise for enduring his city manager job for more than a year. We really don't know what the council REALLY thinks of him because his evaluation was held during a meeting where the public was shut out. It didn't have to be that way, but he obviously wanted it that way. This makes some sense since there would have been all kinds of theatrics if the stroking had been done in public. I wonder if they asked him if he EVER intends to take up permanent residence in the city rather than just being a sometime tenant. I guess it doesn't matter because most city employees don't live in the city. Maybe they should just strip the residency clause from his contract (he violated it already anyway) and say he doesn't have to live in the city. That would end the charade, save him some rent money and then they could right-size his raise by a corresponding amount Hey, we all gotta make sacrifices, don't we?

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Downtown drinking dynamics

Seems like a lot of people like to drink at some of our downtown watering holes. Which raises a question: With the new city council coming on board, will the dynamics change so that the Monroe Street Grill will be able to get one of those downtown district liquor licenses or will someone with the "best interests" of the city prevent that from happening again?

Friday, December 14, 2007

To protect and to fleece?

I'm all for law and order, but sometimes things can go overboard.
Is that what's happening now?
Maybe it's my imagination, but I've been noticing a lot more Monroe cops speed traps. Are these guys lurking longer and giving out more tickets to generate more money? Or do they just have nothing better to do? Or have they always done this and I haven't noticed.
Fer instance, the other day I was going down north monroe street and just happened to glance over at the Delisle Center parking lot, that place where the Comcast office used to be. Hidden behind the big Delisle sign was a city police car, radaring the southbound traffic. It's a perfect place for a speed trap. About 45 minutes later, I'm heading in the other direction and there's the same cop car, same place.
It seems like there are a lot more speed traps around town. Anyone have the same feeling?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Fascinating development

Looks like everybody got really fired up over the "discussion" involving a living wage ordinance at county.

Wonder where this one's going to go? Wonder if the city's money problems will lead the new council to re-examine its quirky wage ordinances?

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The next request

I wonder if the next request from a certain lame duck councilperson will be aimed at figuring if any city money AT ALL was spent on that swansong party for outgoing Mayor Cappy. Oh, wait a minute. Let's not jump to conclusinos. Let's ponder the question deeply for a while. Who has all the answers on this one?