Sunday, June 08, 2008

Help wanted: Future flower planters

Those who got up in arms about planting expensive flowers to spell out the Monroe name at that Kentucky memorial park on S. Monroe St. deserve some applause. No question the annual planting is attractive, but there's got to be a less expensive alternative. Like, wouldn't marigolds work?
The $5,000 being spent for the flowers is one thing. I wonder how much they spend on city labor costs planting them? When I drove by, there were no fewer than five people planting flowers and one supervisor. It took them about four hours to get it half done.
Let's ballpark it. Let say the average pay is $12 an hour. With six people, that's $72 an hour. Let's say they got it done in eight hours. That's about $600, conservatively.
I see a valuable community service that could be performed by a garden club or service organization, or both.
The objections raised on city council seem to show that the go-along, get-along idea isn't necessarily going to work anymore.
Councilman McGhee did a nice job of comparing the money spent on flowers to the money saved on eliminating a traffic signal in his area. I hope nobody gets hurt at those intersections, although I hear there already was a fairly serious accident at one.


Blogger alacajun said...

The flowers are a nice traditional touch. Traditionally, this is something that should occur. Traditionally, the citizens would rally behind with a sense of civic pride. Traditionally, the grave markers atop the hill would be standing erect. Oh - wait - maybe we can change tradition. How about colored stone? Maybe get France Stone to sponsor it?

10 June, 2008  

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