The next request
I wonder if the next request from a certain lame duck councilperson will be aimed at figuring if any city money AT ALL was spent on that swansong party for outgoing Mayor Cappy. Oh, wait a minute. Let's not jump to conclusinos. Let's ponder the question deeply for a while. Who has all the answers on this one?
From what I understand, this was a totally sponsored event. No city money went toward the party at all. My invitation said that in lieu of gifts, contributions to Cappuccilli Park improvements could be made in the form of a contribution to the DMBN. I guess that maybe the DMBN put on the party??
Why do you call your friend Linda a lame duck? Although it is certainly true, she seems to be your friend, travelling companion, dinner date, or whatever. Guess your character or ethics should be called into question Rick.
Your Lame Duck is not living in the world where same people dwell. She takes her orders from IACO and her Atty is Ricky.
The respondent in her stalking complaint is sure to extract a pound of flesh from the rump of both IACO and Ricky Babe who put the stupid lame duck up to becoming a lame duck.
There are too many decent people in Monroe to let Mary abnd Chuck Lampoon or willy NAACP-Black Panther Black Muslim anything stand in the way of a decent community.
There may be some colletral damage but the stalker is pretty percise. You jerks asked for it screwing with the wrong people.
Why does she not take a lawsuit shot at Walmart. She is worthless biomass that ought to be processed into somthing that stinks as bad as she does.
Sure, we worry about the italian maufia and the first three rows of St Marys--Bovine Byproduct!
IACO Party had the same provisions as Al's byt cost twice as much for the steaks that went in the tronk of the bovine produce IACO colition.
The MEN is losing readrship repidly and it has their attention. What does it take to get you to crawl back where you came form?
Anonymous No. 3:
Please do not drink before posting here. It ruins your credibiity. LOL!
Sounds like Davey Boy aka Anonymous 3 is whacked out of his ever lovin' mind! Making threaats against people will surely land the Whacked Out Crybaby Wimp into a spot at the Tilman Crutchfield Inn.
The jackass harasses a public official and then whines like a stuck pig at the consequences, I can see a bunk at the Inn for this wacko, well at least he'd be forced to take a shower and scrape some of the scum off!
People like this jerk is what gives Monroe a bad name. He must think that making threats against people makes him look good. Hope it brings the law down on him good and hard. It only shows how stupid this jerk is!
Me thinks Rick is going ouch yipe ouch yowl because anon 3 got in his knickers with a hot poker and he has the red A bad now.
Rick, the anonymous Observer, is calling anyone's credibility into question? You really are a joke Floraday.
I didn't see you at the party. Were you there?
Maybe you and Linda are just pissed off you weren't invited to the party.
I hope everytime someone decides to have a get together in Monroe people like yourself don't accuse them of using government funds.
Get over it. I can't wait until Mark kicks you off the DDA. We don't need jerks like you to sponser "Hoe Downs" with tax payers money. That was a party where taxpayers money was wasted. I hope the next council uses actions like your hoe down as evidence they should just disband the DDA and put the DMBN in charge.
Well ponder deeply? Her brain has less processing power than an 8088 even when you invoke himem.sys.
Linda's computer grinds slowly and then has a little thought. She is looking for the files to reference such as rick.ini or john.ini which engages mouth and hand points pencil.
What comes out of her mouth depends on which crappy bite or two of memory instruction rick.ini or john.ini invokes.
Linda brings a whole new meaning to random access memory. Thus what says are not her own thoughts.
My thoughts are that a group of people who like Al passed the hat and invited the decent people to the party.
If the same group passed the hat for rick or john it would only buy two rails, tar and fethers.
Think she went into hiding in Italy. some person is considered to have shook every skunk in the county into a 5 gallon pail so look out little jap car.
I heard that part of this party was paid for through the council budget. I'm sure that there is no paper trail though.
Dear Blog Keeper,
Monroe is like most of the world—divided into 90% happy people and 10% malcontented people. Compora and you share malcontentment. Why don’t you do the city a favor and go into the corner and play with yourself by yourself.
This blog really has gone into the shitter. The Observer has nothing newsworthy to discuss, and with the moderation enabled, any conversation is not possible due to all of the vacations he takes. I think in my time off next week, I'll start up a good blog which I hope will bring intelligent conversation into the mix.
This fixation with Dave Smith you have is plain sick. Sure Linda did a stupid thing. She is in the same class as Londo and other political hacks except she is not on a payroll.
You are not a lawyar, a CPA or anything put a failure. Leave the old man alone. At least he is respected in the community and able to earn a living. From what I read in the newspaper Dave thinks the DDA is a failure. A lot of people think that aht thank you for much of the problem.
You can get a PPO against Dave. Just go to a Judge and swear that Dave chased you around the courthouse three times with a pole axe.
This blog really has gone into the shitter. The Observer has nothing newsworthy to discuss, and with the moderation enabled, any conversation is not possible due to all of the vacations he takes. I think in my time off next week, I'll start up a good blog which I hope will bring intelligent conversation into the mix.
Somehow I doubt that you have the capability for intelligent conversation.
We'll see now won't we, Rick?
It is time to vacate this site and activity. John, Rick, Compora, the wizards at the News got crap on their faces. The victory party in Italy turned into who to have the most and wound lickinf session.
Let it go Rick... It is eating you alive.
I was checking the Monroe Observer heading "Its primary goal is to illuminate, enlighten, inform and entertain those in Monroe County, Mich. and the rest of the universe."
It seems as if its goal is unattainable. The author would do best to end this agony once and for all. This blog is simply a forum to bash one's political adversaries, and now that the public has spoken on the candidates, the unsuccessful candidates need to stay away and let the elected do their jobs. The author may or may not be one of the unsuccessful candidates from the second precinct, and who cares. Whomever you are, please just close it up.
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