Saturday, November 17, 2007

East or West?

Monroe has a new mayor who's rumored to be wanting to close the west side fire station. Others say it would make more sense to close the east side fire station. Closing one or the other could mean fire trucks sent to the area after the closing could be blocked by trains.
Should maybe we close the central fire station instead?

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Credibility restored

After ruining my "credibility" with less than stunning election predictions, I'm seeking to restore the lost credibility so that I can continue to collect substantial income from running this blog.
Along those lines, I will not remind anyone that long ago I predicted that the Monroe County Fair expo building would be done long before the county's new commmunications building.
It looks like the county building finally is getting wrapped up. But the real question is whether it came in under budget.
I'll go out on the limb again and predict it will end up well over budget.
Will I be right or wrong this time?

Thursday, November 08, 2007

That's even more astounding!

Did you see the story in the Monroe Snooze about the scrapyard episode at the city council meeting?
Holey moley! There was more than met the eye!
The scrapyard guy actually had a settlement all written up and nobody in the city knows anything about it?
$300,000 and all is forgiven?
This guy is either really optimistic, really frustrated or really dumb. I mean you can be right, but still be dumb.
I guess after he tries to strongarm the city, they'll just go along to get along now.
I know how in any town in America, city councils just love to be bullied and badgered by outsiders.
Unless this guy figures he's got a bunch of insiders in his pocket.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Interesting election outcome

Altho I predicted the city's election results with uncanny precision, the vote totals tell the real story.
Choosing Worrell for mayor was a vote for a steady Eddy in hard times. Burkett, who tried to portray himmself as a Cappuccilli clone almost didn't beat McIntyre. He must be feeling bad. Cappy might be feeling worse because no one would portray him as a longtime Worrell ally.
Iacoangeli's loss was noteworthy because he had all the endorsements you're supposed to have to swing an election. It just didn't swing and the faction smell probably didn't do him any more good than it did Burkett. It would have been a far more interesting race if three of the candidates hadn't cluttered it up.
Clark's Pct. 1 win was by a wider margin than I thought. I guess Edison's clout in town is slipping.
Paisley's win in Pct. 2 looks like a stunner at first glance. But if you look closer, he got the fewest votes of any of the winners. That's not a good sign for an incumbent and if he wasn't in a three-way race, he easily could have been a loser.
McGhee in 3 was a stunner. He was unopposed, but he got the most votes of anybody. This should be an interesting seat to watch.
Molenda in 4 also benefitted from the fed-up with factions movement. He'll probably bring a lot to the board.
Conner in 5 was a given. She'll be great if she stays out of earshot of bad influences.
Beneteau did really well in gathering votes in 6 considering he's an unopposed incumbent.
This has the makings of a pretty powerful lineup. I think I see the ready-made makings of a Worrell majority -- Clark, Molenda, McGhee and maybe Beneteau for starters.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

That was astounding!

Did you catch that amazing display on America's Funniest Council Videos last night?
Was it an imposter or really the guy from Monroe Transfer telling the city they're footdragging in not agreeing to settle his lawsuit over the scrapyard he wants to reopen in the east side?
What was that about?
After that, the city would be crazy to settle with him before the administration changes - or settle with him at all.
Does that mean his case is really weak and he's grasping at straws, he's just greedy and impatient, or is trying to do someone a favor.
Someone told him the city wouldn't settle in the current administration? Who? Please tell me who.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Could it be true?

I have been told by someone who should know that Monroe city manager George Brown finally has taken up residency in the city, as his contract requires -- HOWEVER -- he's only renting some place and only uses it part of the time.
Is this true? Does this mean he doesn't think he's going to have his job so long?
He can't find a suitable house because there aren't enough up for sale?