Sunday, April 19, 2009

Yelling fire in a crowded theater

Let's get this straight. I admire firefighters. I don't think employee groups should have contracts forced on them.
But ... having said that. I hate the idea that some people associated with the City of Monroe's firefighter's union is trying to use scare tactics to turn public opinion against the pikers on city council.
I mean, really. If you think you're worth what you're being paid. Or worth more than you're being paid, go with that argument.
Don't tell me that firefighters save lives, not budget cuts.
In Monroe, ALS paramedics save lives.
I can't remember the last time anyone's life was saved from a fire in Monroe by a firefighter.
If I ruled the world, I would get rid of the current fire operation, run only an ambulance service and field a paid on call RESIDENT fire department. Offer subsidized firefighter training and put monitors in their homes.
For the small city area to be covered, it would probably be as good or better coverage than the departments in Frenchtown or Monroetown.
If everybody else can make wild-assed claims, so can I.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back observer.

I think the union is being hypocritical on a number of levels.

First, they say we are in danger "do" to budget cuts, but most of them live in townships with volunteer fire departments and the very contract ambulance service that they contend will put us in jepordy.

Second, if their Union would allow we could have a paid on call or a volunteer department that would give even better service.

This is about them keeping their 100K a year jobs with overtime.

Scare tactics is a way to try to accomplish it.

Strange so many of their signs are up in the townships. I wonder if the townships are getting calls asking for what the cuts are.

20 April, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't remember when the monroe fire dept actually put out a fire. I remember when the antique building on monroe st burned down, because firefighters stood there and watched it burn. why! no pressure from the fire hydrants? or didn't come prepared with the right equipment. we have overpaid sleeping fire fighters. they are desperate and trying to use the citzens of monroe as a scare tactic. face it we are in a economic bad time. deal with it. the rest of us do.

23 April, 2009  

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