By George, he did it!
I see in the Monroe Snooze where the city council gave Sweet George Brown as sweet pay raise for enduring his city manager job for more than a year. We really don't know what the council REALLY thinks of him because his evaluation was held during a meeting where the public was shut out. It didn't have to be that way, but he obviously wanted it that way. This makes some sense since there would have been all kinds of theatrics if the stroking had been done in public. I wonder if they asked him if he EVER intends to take up permanent residence in the city rather than just being a sometime tenant. I guess it doesn't matter because most city employees don't live in the city. Maybe they should just strip the residency clause from his contract (he violated it already anyway) and say he doesn't have to live in the city. That would end the charade, save him some rent money and then they could right-size his raise by a corresponding amount Hey, we all gotta make sacrifices, don't we?
You seem to know even less that Linda Compora concerning the open meetings act. Yes George had a right to have a private evaluation session. Given the amount of stupid people we have in Monroe who do not posses a shred of common decency a private meeting avoided Compora making it into a roast George on TV session because the last bitch was fired. Rick if you ever had any kind of job where performance reviews are conducted, they are normally done privately.
One of her final shots was to thank the police for being available and thankfully she never needed them. Now look at the essence of polecat issue, the closed meeting BS, the crapping on Smith the younger and smith the elder. I recall a few police officers had to put up with her essential stink to service her.
George lives in Monroe and is an excellent manager. Please check your facts before you libel people.
TV observer-
Your comment betrays your own ignorance. I never said George didn't have a right to have a private evaluation. I basically said what you said. Also, you obviously don't know anything about performance reviews. You must be retired or you never worked in a large corporation in your life. In both governments and businesses, very open peer reviews are becoming the norm. Most of your comments, including those about George "living" in Monroe are based on ignorance. Maybe you should stop watching TV and get out in the real world a little more.
Do you have a wife.
Tell us about your job experience,
Observer: Do I detect a bit of testyness in your response to TV Observer?
Since you've used this medium to dump on all sorts of people from the shadows without regard to their feelings; I would have thought your skin would be thicker than it is.
Perhaps some are right: maybe this blogs 15 minutes of fame are up.
Rick / Observer,
When did you ever work for a large company? I thought you just had your little in-bred arrangement with MBT where you could claim credentials that you really don't have. This arrangement also allows you to make business arrangements that would be a license or ethical violation if you did have the credentials you claim. You are truly one slimy individual who leaves excrement on anything you touch.
As a little added side bonus of not admitting you are the one and only Rick Floraday you also get to libel / slander Ed Paisley and other individuals who put their ass on the line everyday to do what they think is right for the City and County of Monroe. You won't end up in court like David Smith did when your dear personal friend Linda Compora lied to a judge about being threatened. It is beyond me why Smith didn’t nail her hide to the smoke house wall for the multiple lies she made to the court. I guess this makes Smith a decent, Christian man who can forgive individuals for their stupidity. You on the other hand are a chicken shit who is afraid to put your name and reputation on the line for what you believe, but you freely take swipes at whoever you wish.
I do work in a very large corporation and the reviews are private between the employee, management, and HR. Peer reviews are starting to become a standard part of this process for some companies, but these are also confidential to the employee file. In many cases they are also done anonymously so they get more balanced / unbiased opinions without worrying about hurting someone’s feelings. Management / HR know from whence they came, but the peer and employee often don’t unless someone discusses it publicly that I did Ricky’s review and he stinks. The company could be in a world of hurt if they divulged this information out to the general public or other employees.
If I was George I wouldn’t want my “review” where your friend Linda gets to pontificate about how useless he is to be the latest comic installment on public access cable. I can perfectly understand why he chose private. I would have done the same. My opinion from many dealings with George is he is an honest, hardworking individual who is executing public policy in the City of Monroe as he is directed to by the City Council. This is much better than Debbie who just did what your friend John told her to and ignored the rest of the bobble head council.
Rick / Observer please don't act like you know what you are doing. You are just a bugger that likes to take shots from your protected, anonymous perch. Please grow a set of testicles and act like a man.
Please feel free to deny that I speak the truth. As the Anonymous Observer you can continue to spread your hate and venom and then deny that is what you are doing. I for one know who you are, and I can’t wait for you to be run off the DDA.
I would put my name, but then again shouldn’t I just follow the precedent that you set?
The Monroe Oracle
NOTE TO ALL COMMENTERS: If you don't like what you read here, just go away. This blog wasn't started for you to air your views. Yet, day after day, I PERMIT your drivel to be published on MY blog. Asinine comments that pale in comparison to any asinine comment I've ever made here. So, if you don't like it, just go away. Or start your own blog. Does it ever occur to any of you regular goofball commenters that about 600 or so people actually read this and they probably get a big kick out of your naivete? That's one of the main reasons I moderate it. And lest we forget, the moderation began because one of you idiots -- and most of us know who -- decided to jam and spam.
Apologies for the rant to those who actually are thoughtful and contribute something to the discussion here.
Where is TV Observer in error?
Since you've used this medium to dump on all sorts of people from the shadows without regard to their feelings; I would have thought your skin would be thicker than it is.
Lets see everyone who comments to your proposals and questions has made it clear that you are a jerk who should go in the corner and paly with yourself by your self.
I think this comment makes this session wise public observers (all 600 or so) a score of 5 to observers wining and bitching 2.
Perhaps some are right: maybe this blogs 15 minutes of fame are up.
Hang it up Rick and let Jan Berns (sp) take over the DDA.You have the smarts and personaluty of a big black step ant. Th we don't get your sorry blotchy hide out of there it must be disbanded.
I hear some other observers thought you looked cote as Linda's Quasi Lawyer in court. You were very foolish to show up on her side ricky boy! You are in the same class as Mary and Chuck lampoon on toll street--about as doum as they come.
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