Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

In honor of the holiday, I will not be posting any holiday drivel on Christmas day and probably will not be moderating any comments.
I'm not particularly religious -- I don't sit in any pew at St. Mary's -- but it seems that everyone including innocent bystanders should be spared any harsh words, vindictiveness or anger on Christmas Day. Really, if you're tempted to check any blog on Christmas, I hope you get some free passes to a counseling session under the tree.
To all those I've offended this year, keep your chin up. The little bit of truth in it might have hurt, but most of this stuff is opinion and that shouldn't hurt anyone.
To those I've entertained, sorry it couldn't have been more entertaining.
To those who are ignorant, hope you find some brains under the tree, or at least some peace of mind to accept yourself for what you are.
For all those who really care about their community and do so without any axes to grind, you have my highest admiration and I wish you the best in the coming year.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Observer,

By operating this blog you are making Dick Floraday and his wife Christine look vile and vicious. Indeed you have many hints that point to them. This is unfair to them and the DDA.

When you take a broadside at someone you don’t like having a building you think should be condemned who do you make reference to? Is it Steve Richardville, Hal Weakly, The Fox Club, or the Monroe Club and so on?

25 December, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Observer, Merry X Mass to you and yours. I have several questions to ponder for the rest of this year, as short as it may be. # 1. Will you reveal your identity and give your views a face and name? #2. Whats your opinion on Monroe's economic future for the next two years? #3. Did you hear about the Mayor and George Brown, and several others being sued personally by the scrap company on the west end? # 4. Whats your opinion of how the DDA should be run in conjuncton with our economy? #5. Will you agree never to respond to another mindless comment on this site and only focus on good productive dialogue this new year? Happy new year!!!!

26 December, 2007  
Blogger The Observer said...

Anonymous No. 1:
If you read through all the archives since this blog began, there are no hints that I am anyone you know.
The only pointing that has been done has been done by commenters who think they know who I am. I will not accept responsibility for the assumptions of fools.

Anonymous No. 2:
1. No.
2. Slow.
3. Yes
4. The downtown can function perfectly well with or without the DDA.
5. Too late.

27 December, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please resolve to let this thing die.

30 December, 2007  
Blogger roundybout said...


I understand the need to remain anonymous, but would you at least care to deny who you are not?

It would appear to the casual reader that many believe you are Rick Floraday. Can you at least confirm to your loyal readers that you are not this person? It would seem that by not at least denying this allegation you are being unfair to Rick.

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas, and I wish everyone a successful Happy New Year.

I am optimistic that City politics will be more civil in the upcoming year with the new Mayor and council members. They have many challenges to face in the upcoming year, including long term changes that need to be implemented to make sure the city remains solvent over the long term.

I think Mayor Mark is also going to expand the emphasis on Capital Improvements, though they may not be the glitzy projects like John did (Parks, Splash Parks, and Intersection reconfigurations). I think he will focus on upgrading and improving the existing streets, sewers, and water mains. Hopefully we can expand beyond that if we can make larger changes to right size the city, but honestly it would take several years to bring up the existing infrastructure that have been neglected for too long.

For my New Year resolution I am going to focus on keeping things positive. It doesn’t benefit anyone to finger point and berate certain individuals. I am hoping everyone can embrace this philosophy.


02 January, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!! Another alligation that old C.D and Georgie Brown were behind the scenes to undermine 1400 jobs in Monroe for the sake of taking some land from Ford? Sounds all too familiar to me. The game plan of screw business in Monroe and take land or prevent business is what is killing this town. Does IKO, Monroe Transfer,Ford Motor, the Papermill, and many more sound like Monroe embraces industrial business. Meanwhile right to work states are taking all these business's with open arms. There shoul be an investigation to see what really happened. Maybe this new city council will have the balls to look into what George Brown and the Ex Mayor knew about Ford. Seems to me Ford would love to walk from their contaminated land and just hand it over to the Port Authority considering thats what our Port land is, A HUGE CONTAMINATED FOUNDRY SAND LANDFILL!!! Whats one more piece of contaminated land in this historical bedroom community. Has anyone ever asked the question why so many business's have passed on those 300 plus acres over the last 10 or so years? The land is contaminated. I wont hold my breath that Mayor Worrell and this new bunch will have the courage to look into the facts. It will all get covered up and shoved under the rug. I just hope the citizens will hold this group accountable. If a investigation to how the city conducted itself regarding the fate of 1400 jobs in this community is not conducted then none of your jobs or business's are safe. Maybe Brian Benetaue, a man that many say could be mayor one day can step up and start the investigation against his buddy C.D. How about Mark Worell who just gave George Brown a vote of confidence. Is Mark the man of integrity we think or will he let this just slide by. Good thing our press had the courage to write about it and let us know whats going on. Maybe Brian is to busy selling jewelry and doesnt have time to rock the boat?? Time will tell who and what type of leaders this city really has. I dont know what happened but Im dam sure this issue needs looked into. What do the rest of you think???

06 January, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please tell the facts. Who is behind running Ford out of town? Is is the DDA, Floroday, Linda Compora or the Port Commission to get even for the poor reception of the United Furnature soon to be parking Lot.

If George or Al did it tell us us wise observer. Also Did Willie Hall Restart the NAACP so he can get back at MacSteel for no equal opprtinity to kiss white women.

06 January, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I about crapped when I saw that the admission to our splash pond was $3.00. For twenty dollars, you can buy a backyard splash pond.

07 January, 2008  
Blogger alacajun said...

OMG! Neither this administration or the last or the one before that "ran" Ford out of town. Believe what you wish but the production lines being used were not competitive in the open market. The facility is old (does anyone remember what the building was originally built for?) and had not be maintained properly. Further if the production was so damn competitive as has been maintained by a Union Rep. (i.e. Jodey Dunn) why did the company who purchased one line not just take the facility? Ford surely would have sold it at a very reduced price as it would have saved them tons.

The City did what they were suppose to do - they kept abreast of what was happening and planned contingencies. Nothing wrong with that - stop looking for a scape goat. But, if you want one here it is:

Why do line workers (Ford guys) make 25.00 an hour with minimal education?

Why does for use no less than five catalytic converters (note; Toyota uses two - Volvo uses one). Each time you "re-engineer to use a new part it cost and those increases cost the consumer and company. Overhead sucks! Especially when it is produced by engineers who simply "build a new part" instead of going to the parts bin to see what they can make work.

Is there a reason NO investment was made to retool or upgrade this facility? Yeah, Ford was serious about selling it. Look, you go to sell your house you paint something, maybe get a new sink. Not in this case - why?

Still need a scape goat? How about taking a drive out to Ford / Visteon / ACH and looking in the parking lot. Nearly 1/2 of the cars there are not Ford / Mercury vehicles nor are they even from an American owned manufacturer!

Second to the last Anonymous - your too funny. If you think the Mayor has that much power that he can run off Ford Motor Company you really must live in a bubble. Your not one of those disgruntled UAW members that should have taken the by out in 2004 are you? Oh, 2004 that's right - Ol' Al was not even in office at the time the "buy out's" and plant closing talk began!

That means it was John, Linda and Rick that did it, right? Maybe it was Dick Micka and his group of environmentalist that wanted that land to create a nature preserve - yeah, that's the ticket.

Please - Business' close. In this instance a plant built before most of us were born (and before Al Gore created the Internet) was expendable. Sadly, those that worked there were given the chance for by outs and transfers.

Last anonymous - According to the State NAACP there is no chapter in Monroe County (meaning there are not fifty members) - sorry.

08 January, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Well Well- it took the crazy man Smith only 10 days after posting that he was only going to post positive things- to start his rant about the DDA, Floraday and Compora.

You should've seen the wacko all dressed up in a 30 year old shiny suit at the swearing in ceremony- probably trying to suck up to the new Mayor that he'll soon be stabbing in the back.

What's really hilarious was to sit back and watch all of the goings on in the room- but the best was to watch how the toxic blow hard high tailed it out of the chambers as soon as Judge Joe sat down in the first row- seems the wacko bully decided it was best not to harass Compora with Judge Joe sitting right there seeing as the good judge heard her court case against the pig. My wife said watching the pig run was better entertainment than a reality show. Sure was fun watching all the happenings in that room- but the pig took the prize. Wha's the matter Davey Boy-afraid you could land in jail next time? Not a good night for a pig to harass someone in full view of 2 judges.. guess he's a blow hard chicken shit too! Any rate it was a laugh to see him cave and run!

Does anyone believe for a minute that Cappuccilli and Brown are telling the truth about ACH! Al has never been know for the truth and it seems George is right behind him - the sad thing is that Al should've stayed out of politics and not run again- instead of going out on top-he tore down instead of built up and now (as everyone knows) his lying is front page news. What a shame that he sacrificed what ever reputation he previously built in order to come back to show everyone that he is consumed with hatred towards Iaco.

Not to mention that he is so inept that nothing was done for 2 years- but he left us with a legacy of crumbling infrastructure, tax burden of the ice arena and as his signature trademark- gave everything away. Now he's tagged as a liar and I have no doubt that Mr. Dunn is telling the truth.

Sure Cappy's a good back slapper and glad hander - but he's a liar! And an incompetent one at that! Monroe is well rid of him!

I say where there's smoke there's fire and Jodey Dunn is NOT a liar! Hope the MEN takes this and investigates the hell out of it but I wouldn't bet on it- either way Cappy went out with a huge stain on his reputation. Too many conflicting statements in that article- and I repeat- Jodey Dunn is NOT a liar!

08 January, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear alacajun & Roundabout,

You two both make sense. Most of the anon postings do as well. A UAW region 1-E rep makes top dollar plus a big percentage over those he or she represents. A major requirement of the job is to generate untrue and baseless press releases. If the jerk in question is an International Rep is to pay him back for the favor of letting the plant make the transition form a Ford facility to what it become and finally is now. The UAW appearing to be reasonable makes good press like we will work harder. We will try to make it to work most Mondays and even try to be her on Friday.

You become a union rep by screaming the loudest and painting one shoe gold and the other one silver. You must assault a foreperson, knock him or her down, and then urinate on the person. You will be fired but the UAW will get you back after a day or two.

So now this jerk is having some secretary write his press releases.

Ford Monroe has more beds that the holiday inn, is a free trade zone for drugs, and considers everyone armed and dangerous.

08 January, 2008  

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