Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Speaking of cutting fat...

Some on the city council should cut off their own heads, if they can find them. Because it was a fathead move to allow open burning in the city.
Aim to reduce fire department staffing and allow open burning on a case by case basis?
Isn't this like letting the fireworks store clerk take a smoking break -- in the store!
Luckily, the city doesn't have a substantial elderly population that might suffer from asthma and other respiratory problems.
Luckily most housing in the city isn't old wood-frame stock on small lots.
Luckily we've never had water pressure problems anywhere in the city.
Luckily we might soon have one less fire station.
Luckily no one ever asks whether the city's fire insurance rating might go up because of all of this, meaning homeowners will end up paying higher insurance rates.
Luckily council terms are usually only two years.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Open burning in the City is not allowed. The resolution was to "allow" burning is approved by the Fire Chief. There will not be much "allowed" by this, but areas for this will probably be, the City park behind Walgreens on Telegraph and the Academy's "crop" which requires burning every so often.
The open burning of leaves et al will never be permitted in the City.
Luckily the firefighters have a scheduled vote on Monday to end the confusion by all of their signs which were ambiguous, not to mention spelled incorrectly. They will vote on the reduction of only three positions and the early retirement option by two to aleviate the need for two layoffs, and thus there will be no need to close a fire station.
Luckily you have been paying attention.

25 April, 2009  

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