Thursday, July 31, 2008

Just my opinion

This is just a general comment.
Don't anyone take it personally.
But I just have to get this off my chest.
Let's say you figure life has dealt you a raw deal.
Maybe you can't get along with your boss at work.
Or maybe you have a drinking problem.
Deal with it.
Or seek help.
Don't take it out on your family.
If you can't stand your family, get out.
If you can't stand yourself, do something about it.
Even if all of a sudden you hate someone's guts, remove yourself from the situation. Don't do something stupid or rash that might hurt someone dear to you and make you appear like a monster to your friends and neighbors.
If you can't deal with issues in your life appropriately, seek help.
Just don't get violent or physically abusive with your family, your dog, your other relatives.
It's stupid.
But most of all ... it's wrong.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Walking the talk

It was interesting to see a certain councilman talk about how the city needs to be more business friendly.
This came on the heels of a decision to grant a tax break to Fedco in Monroe. It was a 12-year tax break. Not too long ago, certain members of the city thought 12 years was too long. They figured six years would be more appropriate. Of course, when the opportunity arose to try to recapture tax breaks granted to ACH, the city council opted not to. That probably was because the city was so business friendly, it had overassessed the auto parts plant and owed it a fat refund.
Word is that another city taxpayer is locked in an assessment battle that might end up the same way.
Anyway, the ironic thing about wanting to be business friendly is that the city only recently was unable to control a bunch of harpies who are supposedly pro-business -- they serve on the DDA -- and they decided to raise such a stink about a proposed geriatric center that they scared away a $3 million investment in downtown Monroe. Something about a lack of parking that would result.
What a joke. At times like these, some in the city really show their true colors.
It's not about the greater good at all. It's all about what's in it for me.
Business friendly my ass.