That's even more astounding!
Did you see the story in the Monroe Snooze about the scrapyard episode at the city council meeting?
Holey moley! There was more than met the eye!
The scrapyard guy actually had a settlement all written up and nobody in the city knows anything about it?
$300,000 and all is forgiven?
This guy is either really optimistic, really frustrated or really dumb. I mean you can be right, but still be dumb.
I guess after he tries to strongarm the city, they'll just go along to get along now.
I know how in any town in America, city councils just love to be bullied and badgered by outsiders.
Unless this guy figures he's got a bunch of insiders in his pocket.
Holey moley! There was more than met the eye!
The scrapyard guy actually had a settlement all written up and nobody in the city knows anything about it?
$300,000 and all is forgiven?
This guy is either really optimistic, really frustrated or really dumb. I mean you can be right, but still be dumb.
I guess after he tries to strongarm the city, they'll just go along to get along now.
I know how in any town in America, city councils just love to be bullied and badgered by outsiders.
Unless this guy figures he's got a bunch of insiders in his pocket.
Look at the progression of events. A wise administration builds hangers and facilities at Custer Airport to attract a good fixed base operator for aircraft maintenance and jobs—the plan works. Frenchtown residents complain airport operations disturb their rural lifestyle so the city caves in without a reason and about 100 jobs are lost. Compora brings frivolous lawsuit and runs marginally papermill out of town—back to Canada where the jobs are needed. She gets greedy neighbors to join in her bitch whine give me money game and the mill shuts down. About another 100 jobs are lost.
An experienced scrap yard operator buys a properly zoned for a scrap yard and wishes to engage in business as the price of scrap steel goes from under $100.00 a ton to over $350.00 a ton. The operator is denied a rightful use of the land. This occurs after a meeting at ALCC where Compora, some ecology “man” from Ann Arbor and local scum including the Lampoon family and a self ordained going to hell negro pastor hoot and howl that this is another IKO. The scrap yard has a professional video recording operator record the meeting not needing or asking permission. This meeting is the public hearing on the project.
A vote to maintain the zoning is then conducted at city hall. Dave Smith brings a simple still camera like many other people have done before and it on a small tripod as approved by the chair. Two hours into the meeting as signaled by Willie Hall and The Lampoons Compora notices the little camera and claims it is blinding her with a laser strobe type cobalt eye and gets completely out of order.
Compora makes a well rehearsed speech about her mother her rights her sore bung hole and many other items not germane to this discussion which has degenerated into a badly out of order meeting where the downtrodden hoot and howl about their daddies’, trains, and all kind of crap. Compora falsified claims before the court to obtain a PPO against Dave Smith’s use of a camera.
The Killer is that the ZBA fails to follow the law and interpret the code which should have allowed the scrap yard to open. Brian Beneteau and Dave Smith vote following a correct interpretation. It is to be noted that they both follow metal recycling and understand that recycling of scrap metals is a legitimate business and that the appellant needed to have the use of their property.
At this point it appears that the Operator wishes a reasonable amount of damages noting that the price of scrap has fallen and economy slipped from a period when they could made a good profit if allowed to do so. If the operator’s claims are correct, we must dig a little deeper in our pockets—will he settle for a splash pool?
So Charlie Slat, there you have it briefly. Just cut and paste if the truth is what the readers want. Mayor Al, Compora, Dorthy and most of the ZBA are dumb--the operator just wants his check from the casino. Do not make book if you cannot cover the bets.
Frustrated is most likely the case. Imagine purchasing a piece of property and then going through the four year drama that he has survived.
Here is what is amazing - the City has ANOTHER attorney! So, how much is Mr. Gilolley being paid on top of what we already pay Mr. Liteur, Ready LLC, and now we have a law firm to "help us with the assessment" and Mr. Gilolley out of Detroit (hey, I recall another Gilolley in Detroit with a blond figure skater - humm, don't suppose somebodies knee is gonna get whacked do ya? If a fat man in a trench coat comes near run).
I doubt that he needs insiders. I think he just needs for a few people that know how to read the zoning ordinance. I didn't see this as "strong arming" I saw it as trying to pull everything from behind closed doors and to move forward. Hey, how much money has this company lost because of our elected officials obvious ineptitude?
Jeez. . . Can anyone tell me where I can get a klan rob for the cross burning?
You all are a bunch of cracker, dumb a** racists. Just what difference does it make if the preacher is black, white, asian or Candaian. Last I heard, preachers still had 1st amendment rights.
alacajun, annono. and others: you all are pieces of work! You make me embarrased to say that I am from Monroe. From now on, when people ask where I am from, I'll just say that I live in the Toledo suburbs and leave it at that.
I feel sorry for you all!!!
Dear Alacajun,
An overlooked point is that the zoning code is screwed up like Hogan’s Goat. Between Laura Kreps who has seven years experience at doing nothing and her boss Ben it took years to do what could have been done correctly in six weeks by a competent staff person and a competent consultant.
Now we have a skid row district defined in the code and that is exactly where the scrap yard property is located. The code calls for things like speak easy strip clubs and whore houses to be located there and they are. After watching the preacher, wilily and assorted other malcontented riffraff in action, I feel good as referring to the 3rd precinct as over there or down there or that place. The residents have made it what it is—a haven for dope dealers and whores.
The ZBA was charged with a simple task and the majority went along with Compora, and other great thinkers. The wording is convoluted but Brian Beneteau and Dave Smith could figure it out.
Laura Kreps telling the CPC that she made a mistake and the zoning should be other than it was took as much nerve as the swimmer Ted Kennedy getting on TV and telling the nation “I had an accident”.
Near Monroe Evening News Observer: we do not need to wonder how or why the needless communications center cost and completion will cost us. Either finish this topic or put an end to this having us help you invent news.
anonymous -
Who is a bunch of racist? One poster writes something ignorant and then you lump everyone in together - gee, thinks for being a diplomat and informed.
Go ahead and tell folks you are from a "suburb of Toledo" they did actually have the Klan and the White Power Movement that is the Neo Nazi's marching and did have a riot because of it. They do have a Mayor that stated the deaf should live near the airport so the noise will not bother them. They did just have a police officer killed by a 15 year old drug dealer. (would you like me to go on and highlight the gang problems or maybe even the infrastructure issues like the City being sued by resident's because of flooding?).
You people crack me up - one jacka@@ writes something and your ready to make everyone a party to it and run for the great state of Ohio. Whatever -
Just for the record. The Pastor (Rev. Overton) that made the comments at a council meeting about the council being good christians and not subjecting his people to a scrap yard - (like the last anonymous) does not live in Monroe he resides (I think) in Flint and only swoops in for church services. Does that matter? Sure does to me considering the problems in Flint's backyard maybe he should change the community he lives in first or at least move to ours and then try and demand changes.
I generally enjoy reading the spirited posts here, but just felt compelled to take a moment to address the unfortunate comments a certain anonymous poster and to state my observations of other posters to this blog.
Again, I regularly read this blog and have never seen a post by Alacajun that would lead me to suspect he or she (whichever the case may be) in any way condone or support the devisive, racist inspired diatribe of a certain anonymous poster.
Alacajun is spirited at times, but from what I've seen, never in a malicious manner. I look forward to reading many more of his or her post in the months ahead. Given the recent election results, there will surely be lots more to talk about in the weeks ahead.
Further, it comes as no great surprise to see that the certain anonymous poster spewing racist rethoric, peppered with clearly hate inspired insults choose to remain anonymous. This type of individual often does. Just remember, there's a reason this faction of our species, like rats, likes to remain in the dark, lurking in shadows.
So, let us not be distracted by their kind. This is a good community and I believe the dialogue here generally comes out of a genuine (although misguided at times, in my opinion) concern for the community.
It is for this reason I think it benefits us all.
So while we may disagree on how we get there, let's remember. we are all trying to get to the same place...that is a strong, safe and economically secure community for everyone.
A better community is not an us or them proposition. We are in this together...for better...or for worse, and will share in the benefits or sufferings right along side one another.
Let's keep one another focused on the prize...making the City of Monroe a great city for all its' residents.
Dear Alacajun,
I don’t understand this racist view of the black preachers and activists either. Most blacks I have any dealings with are decent hard working people who contribute more to society than they take. Any perception of a race issue will never go away so long at the white person is looked upon by anyone as other than a human being. We all have our problems and limitations and should not look upon one another except to see the good in the person.
As long as Willie and the blowholes are around, you can bet that they will spew their racist comments on everyone, all the while being backed up by preachers, the NAACP, Jesse J and Louis F.
It seems that in Monroe as well as in many areas around the country, the African-American race tends to be much more racist than anyone else. They want to play the race card anytime it suits them. To tell you the truth, I am getting kind of sick of being non-racist. I'd love to turn on the tv and not hear some black guy calling some white guy "cracker" or "honky" or other terms they may use.
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