Caught parts of that strange Monroe city council meeting and I couldn't believe I heard what I heard.
Pat McElligot said he's so worked up about the state of the city, he's decided to run for mayor.
His platform: Let'em die in the streets.
To be fair, he said something like he didn't think the city fire department should be involved in the ambulance business. They should put out fires.
It sounds crazy, but the city's predicament does seem to boil down to hard choices like this. Firefighters at the meeting said hey, we can respond in three minutes and we're saving lives.
So how much is a life worth? Should the city cut out the ambulance service. Let's face it, not every city resident needs an ambulance every day. The service does bring in some money, but not enough to cover expenses.
Maybe the ambulance service should be scaled back -- operating only after regular business hours when families are home beating and stabbing each other.
I have to admit, the ambulance service is a fine luxury. But as Pat should know, it's also a pretty good insurance policy.
After his comments Monday night, I just hope he doesn't have a medical emergency anytime soon.
The outcome probably will be a lot like his mayoral bid: Dead on arrival.