Monday, August 27, 2007

About that leaf, uh, log pick up

I saw on my TV scroll tonight that the city is going to pick up and dispose of those logs and branches city residents can drag to their curb.
I'm all for this. It's almost like that leaf pick up plan that that drunken sailor initiated. Oh, yeah, I know. We've always done it this way and the fact that the city's biggest employer plans to exit stage left shouldn't alter business as usual.
That's why I love paying my taxes. I get a lot of services for nothing.

As a side note to Roundybout, one of my favorite commenters, I will take the blame for calling Splash Park critics curmudgeons, pikers and kid haters. It wasn't Just the Facts who said that, as a matter of fact.
It's not a sin to say something's a good idea, even if the devil himself thought it up. And reckless spending might be defined as developing a high-cost ice arena (which I really do enjoy but understand is one of the city's biggest financial albatrosses).

So I like the splash park and like the ice arena. They did cost money (one far more than the other) but both add to MY quality of life. If you can't swim or skate or don't have young children in your life, you probably don't need them or want them.
But given city finances, something is going to give, no matter whose priority it might be.


Blogger David Alkire Smith said...

Dear Observer,
The question that we face as voters and possible candidate in the election is not who made past decisions that proved to be less wise that any of us might wish.

The big question is how we maintain an affordable tax rate while delivering an acceptable level of necessary services. A reasonable level of recreation is a useful service. Better community outreach with the ice rink could make a difference between an asset and a liability.

For several decades we have gotten by on the tax base of industry mainly the Edison generation plant. As these tax base declines and we lose our industry such as Ford and IKO, we must make a difficult adjustment, especially if we have under funded pension obligations. Monroe may be forced to declare bankruptcy in order to set aside union contracts and pension obligations.

Google Bloggers have their names printed in blue which is a hyperlink to their profile even if the profile is blank. Our newest and nastiest Blogger is “just the facts”. How can an unregistered commenter to the observer and others make comments?

The Compora issue “just the facts” brought up is old news except is rare for a person who is involved in other than a domestic marital dispute or shacked up to have a PPO granted by a Circuit Court Judge. Compora tried for over a year to have one granted. Her complaint was her signs and yelling at Andy and me for photographing them. She lies when she claims to have ever asked anything in a nice way as she claimed in her out of order fit and tirade. Let’s face it; she is not a nice person.

A PPO was granted because she lied about two or more non concurrent incidents involving alleged yelling in City Hall. These did not occur nor did I pour skunk oil in her car vents.

Yes, Compora repeatedly tried to have any weapons I may possess confiscated as shown in the court papers. Let me say that men and women using deadly force against our nations enemies of our freedom and constitution that protects freedom of speech. Who may hold a concealed weapons carrying permit is not the publics business. That fact is what makes our Michigan system so effective. Would be muggers and persons considering assaulting another must weigh the “what if” factor.

27 August, 2007  
Blogger The Observer said...

Mr. Smith:
I always appreciate your comments, though I sometimes get weary of hearing about your Compora issue. BTW, you might be familiar with a certain citizen's problems with a PPO and a certain county official, which has some parallels. I think what it comes down to is if a public official wants to make a case that a public citizen is a pest and is persuasive enough, they can get a PPO. It might not be right or fair, but that's how it works. Maybe you should put this behind you and focus on Compora's or other public officials' stands on public issues.
Also, I don't pay much attention to the hyperlinks or profiles of commenters, but I believe there is a preference selection when you register that will negate the hyperlink, I'm not sure. What I am sure about is that I read and post JUST THE FACTS comments just as I do yours.
Someone asked recently if I've rejected comments many comments. I rejected one recently for some profanity use. I almost rejected one from Roundybout for similar reasons, but it was a bit borderline and I do see value in many of his comments, although use of foul language really demeans his or anyone's argument. I probably know and use more foul language than anyone on this blog (you should hear me when I hit my finger with a hammer), but I believe I have some obligation to try to shield horrible language from youngsters who might stumble across a comment and start asking their parents what this word means. It's just an issue I have. As JUST THE FACTS and past bloggers have indioated, there's a way to strongly imply a word without spelling it out for the more sensitive among us. Of course I know you refrain from such language, but the message is a general one for all commenters.

28 August, 2007  
Blogger Just the Facts said...

Even though the Observer doesn’t have a problem, I certainly wouldn’t want to give Mr. Smith or anyone else a reason to question my integrity or motives simply because I didn’t want to waste the time registering at Google. So Mr. Smith you should be relieved, I am now blue like you and an official card carrying member of the prestigious Google society. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

And the prize goes to, pause, pause, pause, pause, Just the Facts for being the newest, nastiest, condescending prick of a Blogger on the Monroe Observer. Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap. Like I said in one of my first post to this blog “Just seems like every time someone brings facts to this blog, instead of bs, they get crucified, well to bad, take your best shot.” Is this all you guys have here, I can get a better response from the old geezers who hangout at McDonald's in the morning. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

All I have done is bring Facts to this blog, I haven’t initiated any comments with anybody here including the Observer. It’s not my intention to be your friend or get warm and cuddly, meet and have a cocktail, coffee or pop or date your son/daughter. My sole purpose is to provide JUST THE FACTS. I enjoy living in Monroe and try to keep up on what’s happening and will share FACTS when the need arises. I am not here looking to fight, or cause fights I simply thought I found a group who sorely needed the FACTS, instead of the hypocritical bs some of you guys post. Facts, especially when supported with documentation, is a hard pill to swallow isn’t. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

So unlike Mr. Smith, who’s definition of nasty I would like to hear, and who is undoubtedly the Pot calling the Kettle black. How have the things I said compare to the nastiness you have inflicted on your website. And no, I am not talking about the most recent picture. Oh by the way an entertainer friend previously from Monroe is some what ticked because he actually belongs to the Society Hill, South Carolina Clown Society. And of course he finds your attempt at humor extremely distasteful. So please enlighten and enrich my life with an explanation of what makes me so nasty and you the perfect West Virginia gentlemen?. How is it a supposedly intelligent, cleaver, entertaining, professional old guy can justify some of the excrement you put there. What is it, you enjoy entertaining your friends and family, does it get you back into the center of attention, please tell me what it is you are trying to accomplish because I obviously missed the point. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

On a less nasty note, you are correct and it’s truly a shame Ford is leaving the community, but I always find it amazing how you always manage to bring IKO into the discussion. The Observer is right you need to get past this thing with Compora it will certainly be the death of you old timer. If you really want to add some validity to your diatribe why don’t you throw in Delta, North and South Side Consolidated, Monroe Packaging, Smurfit, and many of the other various business that have left Monroe in recent years, why always focus on IKO. I seem to recall the noise you created when the hospital started landing helicopters. Oh that’s different because it was in your backyard, it’s okay to complain about things when it effects oneself, but God forbid someone else from doing the same. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

Mr. Smith just on the outside chance you don’t happen to be a contributing blogster on Rick Berman’s site are you? The doom and gloom of the Union’s, the heavily unfunded pension liabilities of local municipalities, yad a yad a yad. Relax, don’t worry, Monroe has seen its share of loss of business and some how we have always pulled through, we will this time as well. Kind of makes me wonder just how much the local politicians gave away with all those huge tax abatements. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

28 August, 2007  
Blogger roundybout said...


Sorry if I occasionally slide in a colorful word. I think it is due to my environment since I went to work. My parents would kick the S___ out of me if I said it was genetic or the home environment.

I don’t understand your comparison of the leaf pickup and limb pickup.

The leaf pickup was a program that Iaco’s own survey showed that the majority of residents didn’t want. Most residents objected to the streets full of leaves, the clogged gutters, etc. Turns out the majority liked the free leaf bags.

After a couple years of “free” leaf pickup it coincidentally turned out the refuse budget was also mysteriously shot, even though the program wasn’t going to cost anything.

It seems appropriate the city pick up branches if you drag them to the curb. It will be easier for the city to turn them into valuable mulch that way. With the unlimited yard waste pickup the city was going to have to haul it all away anyway. This way it will be easier for everyone involved, or at least that would seem to be the case to me.

It is a shame that mother nature threw in this budget stretching item. At least storms like that usually don’t happen every year, unlike leafs falling off the trees.


29 August, 2007  

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