Wednesday, August 15, 2007

There's a brush fire a startin'

It doesn't take too much insight to see the flame up in the offing with respect to part of the city's financial problems that Monroe's finance director Ed Sell sold to city council the other night. He was talking about the growing costs and expenses and said that the city has had to kick in big bucks to shore up the pension fund.
Councilwoman Compora asked a few questions about this. My guess is it wasn't just idle curiosity. Fire inspector Jim Kansier has taken out petitions to run against Compora. That probably doesn't worry Compora, especially since Kansier hesds the city pension board, especially since Kansier was among that big group of city and county people who just had to spend a wad of pension fund money to go to Hawaii for a week to find out how to make their pension funds perform better.
So Kansier can attack Compora for attacking people and being disruptive, but he better come up with something better to put out the brush fire that threatens to consume his run for office.
That's probably one of the reasons Compora made a big declaration about never wanting to cut police and fire. She probably wanted to lay groundwork for the fact that when she starts to attack Kansier, she's not attacking the fire department, she's attacking his role on the pension board.
Anybody think I have this all wrong?


Blogger David Alkire Smith said...

Dear Observer,
Jim Kansier has always seemed like a decent professional and good at what he does. If there is going to be sparks flying over an election I intend to be just another observer.

Many folks who have served the city in volunteer work are backing away from dirty politics. I have long assumed that the kindest thing that one can sat about Compora is that she is seriously out of touch with reality and given to imagine that which is not true.

I now assume her not wishing to be photographed on the street sans her hair color, face powder, wrinkle treatment, and nail polish. Her natural hair color is thought to be very dark brown. I cannot bring myself to hate her. I should feel sorry for her because her life revolves around this 3C thing and assorted plots to undo her. She does like the camera under most circumstances.

So Observer, I enjoy this blog and web sites because I enjoy writing and the free expression of opinions. I am not a good or gifted writer. Being well published in engineering reference works may indicate one has a good peer review committee and a very good editor.

15 August, 2007  
Blogger Bruce said...

I have a funny feeling that the entire political world here in Monroe will soon take on the feeling of two pit bulls at Michael Vick's house. This will not be an election based on anyone's qualifications. It will be a slanderfestival.

15 August, 2007  
Blogger alacajun said...

Funny isn't it. There was a ton of people saying this last year when Councilmen Paisley, Fire Marshall Kansier and others said, "aloha" and departed on a seven day "fact finding mission".

Fact - we can no longer afford defined benefit programs. Sorry. These programs are killing private business and are not putting a choke hold on municipalities (honestly, back in the 1960's who really thought that we would be living (on average) into our late 70's).

Fact: Ms. Compora should be worried. Even if the good Fire marshall is on the retirement board the City Council has the ultimate hammer and should have known based on the actuarial reports that the pension fund was being underfunded. Where was the "City Savior" to step in and fight?

Fact: Sorry, we are going to have to cut Police and Fire. What's funny is that in at least one of these instances (Not replacing Lt. Steward) this appears to have been done by political fiat - where was the Councilwoman to protest this?

Fact: Attacking the fire department isn't the issue - most of our firefighters do not live in Monroe. (Yes, we have all heard this before but it bears repeating, our dedicated firefighters who defy us to cut service because it will place lives at risk, apparently don't feel there own families are worth the same protection - yada, yada, yada).

Enough - now that we are getting closer to the election what we really need is new, fresh, honest ideas. Of course it would be cool if we could get Michael Buffer to step to the podium during a council meeting and declare, "let's get ready to rumble".

16 August, 2007  
Blogger The Observer said...

Boy, it was just called to my attention that the rumble actually is going on at the newspaper's online monroetalks thing.

I'm kinda glad some of the folks who once were here have found a new home over there.

16 August, 2007  
Blogger David Alkire Smith said...

Dear Observer,
I took a look on the news comment site and Compora and others are being taken to task over the IKO closing and her anti industry stance. The comments are much nastier that the deeds deserve. One should be kind to their fellow beings. I have tried to have several neutral parties arrange a meeting with Compora to work out differences. This has failed because she is considered by esteemed friends to be out of touch with reality and never wrong.

Her claim that she asked Andrew and me in a nice way not to photograph her or her house is untrue. If someone asks me to correct something on the web site, that is accommodated. When someone is in a fit of peak and announces that the police are on the way the reasonable thing to do is to wait for them a reasonable time and then contact them should they need information to process the complaint.

Concerning PPO issues you might check what issues of this type affect Pat McElligot as we do not a brush fire lit under good city employees or anyone else he may be in a heated disagreement with. Bad political baggage can hurt us all—just a hunch.

17 August, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I’m a little late to the party folks, but my mama always told me “no bad deed should go unpunished. So Alacajun it’s your turn in the barrel.

Lets start off with this little juicy morsel, you state in a very pompous why, and I quote;
“Fact: Ms. Compora should be worried. Even if the good Fire marshall is on the retirement board the City Council has the ultimate hammer and should have known based on the actuarial reports that the pension fund was being underfunded. Where was the "City Savior" to step in and fight?”

First of all you are talking apples and oranges, the topic was the Hawaii trip with the Observer stating “but he better come up with something better to put out the brush fire that threatens to consume his run for office”. Then you go off topic inferring he has nothing to worry about because Compora is responsible for the unfunded pension system. So you ask where the “City Savor” was, so let me provide you with some facts. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

During the Hawaii trip discussions on the Eyes and Ears, once hosted by the MEN, our beloved, if he was a teddy bear you certainly would want to squeeze him, councilman Beneteau replied to a question the conversation was copied from the MEN’s old site.

Hogwilder asked “You state “I for one have not voted for anything that would cost unnecessary expense to the City of Monroe” Won’t these expenses have to be approved by council action at a regular council meeting? Even though these expenses will come after the fact are you saying you won’t support authorizing those payments?”

BBeneteau replied “The expenses are pension board expenses, so I don't believe that Council will be asked to approve them. If they do turn up, then they absolutely will be questioned and answers will be received.”

So it appears regarding just the Hawaii trip, Council, as stated by Beneteau, didn’t have any control of how those funds were spent, basically the responsibility of the Pension Board, of which Kansier is a member and was/wasn’t Chairman of the Pension Board at the time. In essences these expenses may be all or at least partially been Kansier’s responsibility. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

Then you make the leap into the unfunded aspect of the Pension system, obviously since you can’t blame Compora for the Hawaiian trip expenditures of Kansier, you need to blame her for something. In reality don’t we also need to blame, Councilmen, Beneteau, Burkett, Martin, Paisley, the Mayor we adore, Al and who could forget sweet Dorothy. How many of them stepped up to the plate? Did Paisley? If anyone should have, it should have been the man who understands finances, right? Oh wait a minute, maybe no one need to be the “City Savior” because the professional manager they hired did something about it. Just wondering if you ever actually looked at any documents the City sometimes shares online at their website. If you have maybe you have seen the 2007-2008 budget which was adopted April 16, 2007. In it George Brown states, “The budget includes a pension contribution totaling $1.444 million.

So once again quit trying to blame certain council people for any one particular issue, there are seven elected representatives for a reason. If nothing else to share the blame. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

You also go on to state; “Fact: Sorry, we are going to have to cut Police and Fire. What's funny is that in at least one of these instances (Not replacing Lt. Steward) this appears to have been done by political fiat - where was the Councilwoman to protest this? “

This bothers me, since you brought it up as “Fact” maybe you could expand on your statement “(Not replacing Lt. Steward) this appears to have been done by political fiat –“

How about this rhetoric “Fact: Attacking the fire department isn't the issue - most of our firefighters do not live in Monroe. (Yes, we have all heard this before but it bears repeating, our dedicated firefighters who defy us to cut service because it will place lives at risk, apparently don't feel there own families are worth the same protection - yada, yada, yada).”

Alacajun in a small way you may have a point, but then a again we all have choices. If you as my neighbor own a 2008 Ford Excursion, and I also have a 2008 Ford Excursion, and both of us were lucky enough to have paid cash for them. We both head down to the same insurance company, even though we paid cash I have enough left over to provide full coverage on mine, but alas you are not as fortunate and simply have enough cash to afford liability. On the same day we both get in horrendous accidents, were both fine but our new vehicles didn’t fair so well. Our insurance company mails me a check for $45,000 while they send you an empty sympathy card. Moral of the story is we both had a choice and we picked the level of service we could afford.

Now that I got that off my chest lets talk about the firefighters. Do you recall at one time firefighters actually had to live in the City before they could apply for the job? At the time there wasn’t a concern because they actually lived in the City. Then the law changed and allowed them to come from other communities, and the City changed their rules so they could live with in a certain distance from the City. Then State law changed so they could live within 20 miles of the City. The bottom line is the City is hiring people who have generally established themselves in other communities and only look at Monroe as an employer. Maybe if they provided firefighters moving expense and gave them a bonus like they do for City Managers maybe more of them would move into the City. Regardless, that shouldn’t change the fact that a City resident has a choice. No matter where a firefighters family lives doesn’t change the fact that t residents and people working in our community may suffer due to longer wait times. The operational assessment didn’t make much movement for the elimination of personnel other than two vacant positions and a third. The bottom line here is like the Excursion insurance, you get back what your willing to put in, plain and simple! Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

26 August, 2007  
Blogger alacajun said...

Just the facts:

WOW - I won't argue with you but I will point out that your "just the facts style" fails understand the grays that exist in politics. Seeing only the "black and white" means you misunderstand the hues that exist.

I did not bash Councilwoman Compora. I mearly stated, which you misunderstood, that as she was a Councilperson she too had a responsibility for the underfunding of the City Pension Program. Further as the third ranking Councilperson I would hope that she takes that responsibility serious. I neither deflected blame or responsibility from anyone else. The thread was about Councilwoman Compora and Mr. Kasnier not others on council.

As you appear willing to read past post please read mine regarding who I wish to be elected. Yes, I do hope that Ms. Compora is defeated however, I do so based on the need for this City to move forward without the blaming and finger pointing that has marred the last four years.

I was fully aware that the City Manager had indicated this in the City Budget. I am also aware that this was discussed in the Budget meetings. I am also aware that every Councilperson knew this as did those in the community that attend hearings and meetings. My point, again, was that this expenditure seems far more expensive than the Mayors bottle of water or candy bar - so, is there a reason this was not being trumpeted to the community? In essence, why is everything about political opportunism instead of about what is good for out City?

By the way, LT. Stewart has not been replaced has he? No. In fact, he came back as a civilian and worked for a while as the Chief of Police's assistant. My understanding is that he is no longer there doing that (although I maybe incorrect on this). So, if this LT. position was so important and imperative then why has it not been replaced? As it has not been replaced does this not mean that someone made the decision to not do so?

I don't believe that City resident's would suffer from increased wait time if the fire department got rid of the ambulance service. I believe that we, like the rest of the county, would then receive services from a private enterprise - just like we have in the past. I do not believe that this would put any one's life at risk. Again, why is it that the Police Chief sits on the very 911 Board that voted for the Monroe County ambulance service but that service does not include the City but the hospital sites within the City limits - does that not seem odd?

The bottom line is not, "you get back what you are willing to put in" as you have stated. Look, like it our not our taxes are disproportionate to the level of services that we as a community can afford. This situation has resulted because of several issues: 1). Declining revenue sharing from the State. 2). Increasing longevity of retirees, meaning, we have more retirees in a plan and less tax base to support the plan. 3). Increasing average age of the community; meaning, the community itself is becoming less and less in need of the vast number of parks and other recreation services. 4). Continued erosion of our business tax base - i.e. look at all the business that have left who is now going to pay all those property taxes? 5). Continued employment decisions (contracts and hiring) based on nepotism and not on a needs assessment for the City - (Just a thought, lets do a SWOT analysis on the City). 6). Because of issue one we may soon reach a tipping point where our infrastructure has reached a critical repair point - roads, water, sanitary sewers, ect. (we already know by the several fires that the suppression system is less than desired). 7). Animosity. Our City is not an island and must reflect and react to the forces around and within it. Your post in response to mine shows the inability of people in Monroe to do this. You do understand that it is alright to have a dissenting view and that neither view has 100% of "the facts" right? Your posting is a bit too much like the old Bob Dylan song, "with god on our side" - are you really sure you know what is in others hearts and minds or do you just wish to reflect what is in yours to them? I digress, this, I offer, is a major part of the problem within the City. We as citizens, can't see the issues because of the debate.

Finally - thank you for taking the time to respond and please understand that although I will not defend anyone on this board I will tell you that I neither try to attack anyone nor do I try and justify for others decision making. Looking forward to some good discussions.

29 August, 2007  

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