Friday, August 24, 2007

About that splash pad thing ...

I've resisted the temptation to respond to some of the criticisms I've seen by commenters about the splash park at Cantrick pool, but I can resist no longer partly because of a post by JUST THE FACTS. He or she mentions that those who take shots at the pool are denying a recreational opportunity for a certain constituency in the city. That might have some factual basis -- not might -- it DOES have factual basis, but I think that there's a serious misconception about that pool or splash pad or whatever you want to call it.
Part of the misconception is on the part of people who never get out of their easychairs or are able to pull themselves away from their computers. Part of the misconception is just a deliberate distortion of the facts.
Here is my version of the facts: You can talk all you want about how much the splash pad cost and whether there were overruns. But you can't twist the facts to portray it as equal to the ice rink blunder and, more importantly, you're dead wrong if you think scads of citizens don't think it's a great idea. How do I reach this conclusion? I unglued myself from this keyboard a few times during hot days this summer and took some kids to Cantrick. Here's my suggestion to anyone who is running for office or is supporting someone running for office or who is interested in giving back something to the taxpayers: Embrace the idea of that splash pad because if you diss it, you're going to be costing you or your candidate a lot of votes from people all over the city who think it's a great addition, not just people who live in one neighborhood.
Furthermore, if anyone checks the facts, I think they'll find that revenue at the pool has been up since that splash pad has been installed. Keep in mind also that -- like the ice arena -- it brings in revenue from non-city residents. I'm not saying it's paying for itself yet. But it boils down to this: You think the pad was a big mistake and boondoggle, but you don't mind the ice arena? You either hate kids, you're an old curmudgeon, a piker, a hypocrite or all of the above.


Blogger David Alkire Smith said...

Dear Observer,

The whole issue of candidate support and endorsement is a matter of personal choice. I can see no logic in the city making a splash pad or pond on property that they do not own. I can see no logic in the city even building a splash pad or pond. I think my view that it is a useless waste of money we do not have nor will it help or hinder any candidate for any office.

The ice rink does offer the practice of skills and recreation that requires refrigerated ice. With a little work on the part of the promoters it also could serve as a curling rink. If I am to be classified, please consider me an old curmudgeon, although I prefer to be considered a thoughtful citizen and taxpayer with a right to question expenditures and deployment of our city staff along with staffing levels.

In doing an industrial benchmarking and machine utilization study one could not get away with the procedure our contracted expert used for the city study. In industry you must benchmark your business against the plants that are eating your lunch in the market place. In our case, it is it includes the townships of Bedford, Monroe, Frenchtown, Dundee, and Raisinville. None of these have a 100% full time fire department or police force. What you must look for is not what your competition does as compared to what you do. You must look at what your competition does better.

Please tell me just how many persons benefit from the splash pad. I never see anyone using it. If you have some accurate numerical data on costs and usage, a cost benefit ratio can be charted.

The observer continues to do a good job.

25 August, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Smith

First let me start out by saying that you have never been more correct and all I can say is thank goodness the issue of candidate support is a personal choice.

Now I have to admit I am some what confused on your position regarding the ice rink. From your most recent post I get the impression that you support the ice rink, could that be correct?

In your previous post you stated;
“The ice arena seemed like a good idea at the time. Picking on the ice arena as a money sink is politics not money management. It is clear that it is like Munson Park and only caters to the recreation needs of a few persons and those who use Munson are mainly from the townships. Munson does not pay its own way either.

I think neither contributes to the quality of life and both should be sold. This need not require a referendum. Let the Mayor and council decide between maintaining our infrastructure and recreation for the whole county.”

So which is it, keep it or sell it? You obviously detest the splash pad but why try to soften your approach on the ice rink? When you mention the money we don’t have, I also wonder how much the splash pad cost to operate annually. Unfortunately both of us can probably agree it doesn’t come close, even by a long shot, to the cost of the ice rink.

That leads into your next question when you brought up the amount of people who use the splash park since you never see anyone using it. I on the other hand drive by the ice rink regularly and very seldom see more than a few cars during the week. When you ask the Observer “If you have some accurate numerical data on costs and usage, a cost benefit ratio can be charted” I wonder if you might not be able to provide the same statistics on the ice rink.

You mention the operational study recently completed by the City and its contractor. I really can’t see how you can expect to compare a municipality that provides human services to an industry that uses machines. But since you mention it, aren’t some companies very successful and as a result they set the standard of excellence and best practices? In other words their the ones who set the standard for a benchmark. Shouldn’t we as taxpayers be proud that the City of Monroe has established such high level of services for their citizens? Most people I know speak highly of our police and fire departments, and are actually envious of the service provided by our DPS and Engineering departments. You sort of give me the impression we should be in competition with the surrounding communities. If that were the case we should quit giving City services away for little or nothing.

Instead of looking at the others who “are eating our lunch” and not providing the same level of human service the City of Monroe is, maybe we need to look at them in a different way. Why don’t we start looking at what attracts industry and residents to our surrounding communities buffet table and attempt to duplicate it. Anybody with enough guts and a lack of common sense can make cuts, doesn’t take much brain power to do something like that, you don’t want police whack’m wait for the Sheriff or State Police. Don’t want an ambulance or fire truck within minutes whack’m as well.

It’s going to take a group of people with courage and conviction to move this community forward. Won’t take much to move it backward though. As you stated earlier its all about choice. If the residents of the City of Monroe think services should be slashed then they should make it a mandate.
And I have to agree, the Observer is doing a good job.

Slightly off topic, wanted to let alacajun know, if he is still out there, I had a response to the Wednesday, August 15, 2007 topic There's a brush fire a startin' you might find interesting.

Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS.

26 August, 2007  
Blogger roundybout said...


I think the splash park was a mistake on 3 levels.

1. It was built on property the city does not own or control.
2. Could the city afford it at the time, and by this I mean both the cost of construction and the cost to operate it?
3. What other recreational programs were cut to make budget for it?

There used to be a Tot Lot in the neighborhood park near my house, with many sites around town. There were always 5 or 6 kids there playing or doing arts and crafts every time I drove by. This summer they didn’t operate it. Why? I assume it was a budget decision. Was it directly related to the splash park? (Just the Facts – that is a question mark. A question is not a statement of fact.) I don’t know. I guess there wasn’t the money to run the program. If it was due to the splash park, I question the wisdom of that tradeoff.

I didn’t think the City should go in the Hockey business when they were in the process of approving that expenditure in the first place. There was a company that wanted to build one at the same time, and the City moved quickly so they could get there first.

If I remember correctly the business case said that not only was the hockey rink going to pay for itself, but it would also generate revenue to support other recreational programs? It seemed plausible at the time given that private ice arena’s seemed to be doing well. I guess given the numbers that council was given I might have also voted to have an ice arena. I only objected because I think that government should stay out of things that private enterprise is willing to do for us. Hockey is a rich kids game. Cities don’t need to subsidize rich kids activities.

I won’t second-guess that decision, and I don’t understand what the Hockey rink has to do with the splash park. This and future city councils will need to address both of them.

I hope candidates that are fiscally conservative get elected this fall. We don’t need dreamers right now. We need a group that will make tough decisions and keep Monroe out of bankruptcy.

Just the facts!


27 August, 2007  
Blogger roundybout said...

Just the facts,

I would like to address a few statements / suggestions you made.

“Maybe we need to look at them in a different way. Why don’t we start looking at what attracts industry and residents to our surrounding communities buffet table and attempt to duplicate it.”

What attracts people to move the townships, for example Raisinville, Monroe, etc.

Is it the superior fire protection? Well, they both have volunteer fire departments. Is anyone willing to claim that the volunteer fire department has superior protection to the City of Monroe’s professional department? I don’t think anyone seriously believes that.

Is it the superior police protection? Well, they contract sheriff deputies or just depend on the good graces of the county and state police to take care of them. I would assume that our dedicated police department gives superior protection to the contracted deputy route.

Is it the superior recreation opportunities? Well, it would appear that all of the city recreation opportunities are available to anyone willing to pay the entry fee. So, if you want to play tennis, sled, have your kid romp in the playscape, or do your skateboard it is free. If you want to play in a league or ice skate or take lessons you have to pay a slightly higher fee to get the service. If I calculated the extra cost township residents pay to get city recreation opportunities, you would have to use the 24 hours a day every day of the year to pay more than I do in my tax bill.

Is it the superior garbage pickup service we get in the city? Well, when I lived in a township I had unlimited pickup and I paid substantially less than I pay in my taxes for this service?

I thought it was the fact that my road will be taken care of when it needs maintenance, but now the talk is they want a separate road mileage so they have enough money to fix the roads. The “W” streets are essentially gravel now and they have no sign of curbage left. I assume my street will also look like that in another 50 years. At least in the township your subdivision could repave with an assessment if everyone agreed it was necessary.

Is it the fact that we have a historic preservationist on staff and they don’t? Seems to me that I’ve heard nothing but complaints from property owners that are subjected to the Department of the Interior standards.

Is it the fact that we have lots of well-compensated employees with great pensions that work at City Hall? I can’t imagine this being a source of pride and reason for moving to a community unless you got a job offer from the city in question.

I think in every category of service the City offers gourmet food prepared to order by a skilled chef, while the townships offer the Chinese Buffet with all you can eat for $5.95. Sure the quality isn’t great, but man you can eat all you want and you can’t make it yourself for what they charge.

Another way of saying that – our taxes are way too high for the service level we receive.

Your next statement is “It’s going to take a group of people with courage and conviction to move this community forward. Won’t take much to move it backward though. As you stated earlier its all about choice. If the residents of the City of Monroe think services should be slashed then they should make it a mandate.”

What do you define as moving forward and moving backwards?

I get the feeling you embraced the previous administration and all of the reckless spending they were doing. Is this the correct assessment? You think of decorated parks, splash parks, and reconfigured intersections as “courage and conviction?”

If you don’t see the intelligence in the pretty park you are defined as an individual that “hate kids, you're an old curmudgeon, a piker, a hypocrite or all of the above.”

I define that as stupid and reckless thinking, and you define me as a piker.

Sometimes you need to take a step back before you can move forward. Right now the priority should be to get the financial house and manpower in order to what the city can actually afford. Taxes cut to better compete with the townships and capital improvements (Fixing stuff – not building new stuff) would be the next order of business.

If the “courage and conviction” crowd by your definition get elected in this next cycle Monroe will be the most beautiful, walkable, historic, bankrupt city in the state of Michigan.

Just the facts man!

If I misunderstand your positions please clarify them in a polite, professional manner. I'm just trying to read between the lines. Perhaps I misunderstood. Only Jesus Christ lived a perfect life, and I have never claimed to be God. Please forgive me of my shortcomings and misunderstandings if there are any.


27 August, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Chill baby before you burst one of the major veins which supplies what little blood your brain is receiving. You apparently got so caught up in trashing what I was saying that you actually confused the things I said with some of the points the Observer was making. So next time slow down and gather your thoughts and direct them where they need to be directed. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

My whole point to the story is, what is it that attracts people to the townships? Is it simply the lower taxes and lack of services? If so then Monroe should lower their standards reduce services and lower taxes. But if there happens to be something else what is it? Can the City some how incorporate these ideas to stimulate industrial and residential growth? That’s where I was headed, like I said any lame brain can slash services and reduce taxes if that’s what it is really needed. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

Obviously you took the wrong path on the journey I was trying to take us on. My point was simple and in some sort of way you might be able to supply an answer because you apparently lived on both sides of the fence. If the taxes are so high in the City of Monroe why on Gods Earth did you move from the township into the City. It obviously wasn’t any service the City provided because you trashed them all, so what was it? Please don’t tell me you found cheaper housing, or you liked the amenities or you enjoy paying higher taxes for the shabby services you receive. Be honest, what possessed you to move into the City? Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

Lets be clear, and to kind of reiterate from my earlier post I am not advocating for the IACO administration or CAPPI’s administration, I simply am fed up with people always attacking IACO and Compora yet we hear nothing about the others. Don’t forget, and I said it earlier, CAPPI’s been in office 14 years, Burkett 9 and Edwards 17 why is everything IACO and Compora’s fault. CAPPI did some good things during his administration, if the ice rink would have turned out the way the private had planned he obviously would have been a hero, unfortunately it didn’t so it’s overshadowing everything. IACO did some good things as well, yet the verdict is still out on the splash park. Compora speaks from the heart which we all know trumps the brain, she’s not a politician, she just cares about the community. Sometimes even I get annoyed, like the time she mentioned Mayor Al’s 83 or 93 cent candy bar. I thought how petty it was she brought that up. Then when the Detroit News broke the story of the Hawaii pension excursion it made me wonder if a guy would charge off less than a dollar knowing she was watching, was anything done when nobody was. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

Please don’t put words in my mouth never said I condoned the roundabout roundybout you were the one who talked about cost I simply asked what the cost were. I am not talking about the projected cost of the project but any work completed before it was terminated by council. From what I understood IACO presented the idea as part of the CPI, no engineering study was ever completed, therefore no cost, except maybe some lip service at a council meeting. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

Was this professional enough or would you like to bend over in Loranger Square so I can kiss your _____? Well you fill in the blank since your good at reading between the lines. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

27 August, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Why don’t we all be good little soldiers and turn a blind eye to the ice rink, right? You can’t be for real when you wonder what the ice rink has do to with the splash pad. You appear concerned that the splash pad expense may have cut into the Tot Lot programs, but you don’t think we should consider what impact the ice rink has on the entire recreation budget.

From the 2007 – 2008 budget

Multi-Sports Complex Expenses

Supplies $8,000
Other Operating $1,513,336
Total Multi-Sports Complex expenditures 1,521,336

Mult-Sports Complex Revenue

Rent-Ice Surface $715,000
Rent-Dry Floor : $10,960
Rent-Meeting Room $6,000
Rent-Ice $8,500
Admission-Public Skating $40,000
Admission-Drop In Hockey $36,500
Rent-Advertising Space $22,000
Commissions on Video Games $10,000
Commissions-Vending Mach3nes $6,700
Sales-Pro Shop $94,500
Total Multi- Sports Complex Revenue $950,160

Cost of supporting ice rink from General Fund $571,176

These are the true facts, over a half million dollars in taxpayer dollars to support, “rich kids” your words. That’s just for this budget year. Would you like to guess how many Tot Lots we could support with those kind of funds? But that’s okay John Q Public, Roundybout would like us to believe maintenance on a few shower heads is the real reason there is no Tot Lot in his neighborhood. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

27 August, 2007  
Blogger alacajun said...

Too bad that we seem to be caught in the "blaming game" again. Yes, when times were great our City (elected officials, department heads and even residents) spent like "drunken sailors". That's what we do, in part, it is human nature. The problem isn't the spending by itself, it is if we can sustain those things, long term. Sadly, obviously, we can no longer do so.

Both ideas, Ice Rink and Splash Pad / Park have merits. It isn't that they are bad ideas it again, is a question of can we afford them, long term? Sadly, unless the projections change greatly the answer could be no. Understand, I think that there are ways out of this dilemma and one of them maybe an adoption a recreation fee for non citizen's that use our parks.

I too like the Ice Rink and Splash Park. Just as I enjoy most of our other parks (although I do think that 40 of them are excessive). But, with the belt tightening the question isn't, do I like it but, can I afford it. Look, I would like to have cable, HDTV, a nice well stocked bar, a wonderful walnut humidor, three cars, children who never have any problems, a spouse who is always happy and a job that does not have any difficulties. But, I don't live in Lake Woebegone and neither does anyone else posting on this board.

The idea that the ice rink is a "rich kids" thing is not only ignorant but it is immaterial. So what if only those who's income is within whatever level you wish to define as "rich" are the ones that use the park. Consider it this way, if they live within the City limits then typically there homes and property are of greater value so wouldn't it be reasonable for those folks to believe they "pay for those" services not just by there taxes but by using and paying for the facility. Ergo, the logic of "rich v. poor" is a shell game that does nothing but pit groups against each other and does not answer the very real question - can we continue to afford these services? Besides, Cities, Counties, States and the Federal Government have all been subsidizing the activities of what others would call "rich" for time immemorial or have we all forgotten about; railroad subsidies, tax abatements, tax shelters and so on. Like it or not they are the same.

29 August, 2007  
Blogger roundybout said...

Just the facts,

You are indeed an ___hole (I think you know how to fill in that blank).

You are misrepresenting and twisting the facts once again. You have an amazing way of sprinkling lies and distortions in with facts. I hope the observer’s readers can tell them apart.

For the record (and I will type it slowly so maybe you’ll get it this time) I was against the ice rink from the beginning. I was against it because in most cases private companies run ice hockey rinks for profit. At the time there was an investor who wanted to build a rink in the Monroe area (I think in Monroe Township) that would have filled our populations need for an ice arena and all the great things you can do in one.

The city council at that time was given a study that showed that an ice arena would actually generate revenue – at least supporting itself and possibly even generating funds to go back into the general fund. Honestly it seemed plausible at the time considering that private companies are in fact successful running similar ventures. I can’t fault that group for making the decision they did.

With that said, however, we can’t continue on with the mistake forever. I would suggest either selling the facility to a private company if one can be found or converting it to another use. I would hope we can sell it to a private company for enough to recoup the investment that was made, or at a minimum we would want to cover the debt. Another possible use would be to sell the compressors, zambonis, equipment, etc and convert the building to another use. Maybe it could be the new water department service center. Use it for the water department’s trucks and maintenance equipment. It has the locker rooms / showers they would need, conference rooms office centers, etc. Take out the ice surfaces and stands, put in some hoists or storage for the equipment, and you have a new use. That would get that debt load out of the general fund.

How is that position supporting or turning a blind eye? I understand how we got to this situation, and honestly I don’t fault the original decision though I didn’t agree with it. I think something drastic needs to be done to right the ship.

Now – your proposal is since the splash park cost less to build and operate it is less of a mistake than the ice rink, so it’s okay? Since Cappi made a bad move in retrospective with the ice rink Iaco gets a free pass with the splash park?

Honestly I understand the ice rink decision better than the splash park. The budget was in much better shape, it was supposed to make money, it is actually an asset on city owned property.

The Splash Park on the other hand was money the city couldn’t afford to spend in the capital budget while streets were falling apart. The city couldn’t afford the additional budget to operate it either. It was built on property that the city does not own or control. Monroe Public Schools could sell it to a developer or charter school that might not want the city in there. What do we have then?

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Just the facts!

Now, please distort what I said, call me names, all while pretending you are super knowledgeable and taking the high non-judgmental road.


29 August, 2007  
Blogger Just the Facts said...


See, there you go again, your creative witticisms never seize to amaze me. To bad you didn’t even have a spark of creativity. Leaving off your first sentence would have been real simple and would have led to less distraction and certainly added another level of creditability to your comments, but you just couldn’t resist could you? Wouldn’t have been that difficult would it have? Just remember you started this slanderfest and if you want it to continue you window licking, chicken-fondling, armpit-smelling, toe jam-munching, boil-nibbling, twit. Your post is the world's greatest proof of reincarnation; no one could get that dumb in just one lifetime. Your post is a tedious, homogenised, chameleon-esque scribble which amounts to nothing more than the demented cacophonous racket of a drugged lunatic banging loudly on kitchen pots and pans. Oh well, as the late Douglas Adams said: "You live and learn. At any rate, you live." Yea see I’m more than willing to oblige. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

That being said, now maybe we can have a conversation like a couple of adults, okay? The facts I bring to the table speak for themselves, if anything has been distorted or any lies sprinkled they happened along time before I got here. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

Where in any part of my post have I accused or implied you were in support of the ice rink? I simply maintain that you can’t ignore it and not pretend it didn’t happen just because it didn’t turn out as expected. And no I am not saying two wrongs make a right, where in heavens name did you get that from? Blaming the splash pad because it maybe the latest blunder, sorry Observer, would be like looking at Gonzales and burying our head in the sand regarding the war. Don’t keeping try to justify why the ice rink was built, yet beat down the splash pad because of the hidden expenses. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

Once again I don’t think anybody, yes ANBODY, deserves a free pass. The only thing is lets hold EVERYBODY accountable. Like I said before, there are seven members on council all equally responsible, unless they voted NO, that need to beheld accountable. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

Here again you want to justify by stating “I understand the ice rink decision better than the splash park. The budget was in much better shape, it was supposed to make money, it is actually an asset on city owned property.” The budget when the splash pad was built was also in good shape. A similar discussion went on at the MEN blog, here are some excerpts,

“taken from the City of Monroe’s Comprehensive Annual Fiscal Report for the year ended June 30, 2005 it clearly states “Fund balance for the General Fund increased $210,341 to $3,207,222. Of the increase, $106,016 was related to budgeted funds that were not expended, but were encumbered. Those funds transfer to the 2006 fiscal year as budgeted expenditures, making the net increase in fund balance available for appropriation $104,325. This was done at the same time state-shared revenue was reduced by $58,000."

But you insist on saying that because the splash pad was built it robbed funds the community could have used to improve streets. That couldn’t be further from the truth, you might want to thank some people from previous administrations for the deteriorating street conditions, here is a sample. Some additional discussion regarding street repairs taken from the MEN website

”According to the City of Monroe Street Program History 1997-2006 by Pat Lewis that can be found on the City of Monroe Website. During 2004 – 2005 Iacoangeli spent $2,765,916.00 or $1,382,958.00 per year on road repair. During Cappuccilli, Burkett tenure they spent $2,867,912.00 for 5 years or $573,582.00 per year fixing your roads. So he not only spent money beautifying parks he spent money FIXING UP THE ROADS.”

Both of which were taken verbatim form the website and both are accurate because I have since checked. Money spent any where in the budget could always be used to fix streets, the trick is balancing those expenses. Believe it or not, I do happen to agree with everything you said regarding the ice rink. Get out from underneath the LIABILITY because it certainly isn’t an asset in my way of thinking. Hopefully in a couple of years the City wouldn’t have to continually face doom and gloom projections. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

29 August, 2007  
Blogger Bruce said...

Just the facts,

Your knowledge of everything is simply amazing. Wherever did you amass such knowledge of the City of Monroe, and its projects and finances? You really can't claim just from looking at the City's web site, can you? I am wondering if you may be one of the upcoming Mayoral candidates? Are you? If not, why not? With your vast knowledge of what the City needs, and your obvious knowledge of how to get the City out of the red, you need to state your intention to take a run at it.

This could be your platform:

1. Sell the Multi Sports Complex. (after all, it was done under Al's watch, and it has been a political hot button for Iacoangeli and this last term, Compora. Doesn't matter that it is an asset like the splash park, just sell it and take the credit for the GRAND decision).

2. Fire the Finance Director who actually has a grip on what is happening. (that way you can direct the new guy on how to shift money around). He can go with Kansier, Soloman, and Laitur.

3. Explain to the taxpayers that you will raise their taxes in order to fix their roads and infrastructure. (you could look to cut employees, but why ruin the City of Monroe employment agency).

4. Also explain that their taxes will be used to fix up the really needy areas of the City like gravesite, totlots, splashparks, intersections, and an old furniture store.

5. Finally, you can proclaim the City of Monroe as the most walkable, historic City in Michigan. Also the one with no good paying manufacturing or industrial jobs, and that is why everyone will be walking.

Please run, so that we don't have to face another two years of Iacoangeli or Cappuccilli. It seems from the above comments that neither were that good with running the City. Neither did any good for the taxpayers. Neither brought any industry or good paying jobs. Neither had infrastructure improvements as their highest priority. Neither one needs to be our next Mayor. Let's just bring both of them into Loranger Square and burn them at the stake. They should both be drawn and quartered. Let's elect Pat McElligott to get things at City Hall straightened out. Or better yet, let's elect Mrs. McIntyre. She may not know anything about running a meeting or may not have any governmental experience, but she will be much better to look at than the last hundred Mayors the City has had.

29 August, 2007  
Blogger Just the Facts said...


Hear Ye, Hear Ye, all of Ye old country men stand up and listen the great and insightful one, his majesty, cityresident has something earth shattering he has to contribute.

I was wondering how long it would take one of you intelligent bloggers to make the insinuation I was John, and Linda, and Rick! Oh My! But your right, I definitely could be one of the Mayoral candidates pushing my agenda, but I’ll never tell. On the other hand so could you, seems there maybe more then one incompetent candidate out there. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

Your comments are just that comments, since you didn't bother to make any significant contribution to this discussion its difficult to intelligently reflect on the trivia you presented. When you have something worthwhile to contribute come back and will discuss them.

Do have to say I am somewhat disappointed in your obvious male chauvinistic attitude towards Ms. McIntyre. You say she can’t contribute anything to the dais but her looks, to bad, so sad. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

Maybe next time cityresident you could pick a topic and make some form of contribution instead of just running off at the mouth like a tourist in Mexico who didn’t take the tour guides advice and drank the water anyway. Prove to the bloggers here you have some hint of astuteness. Remember this is non bashing fact, not rumor, not myth, not a biased opinion, not vindictive driven bs. JUST THE FACTS

Have a great evening!!

30 August, 2007  
Blogger alacajun said...

Just the Facts -

OK, I sense the you are reviling in your "rebel" status and enjoying getting on some folks nerves. But, come on, CityResident, did not accuse you of or call you John, Linda or Rick.

CityResident did offer four ideas for a platform and I, for one, would not mind hearing your and others input. (Note, I said four because I think point one, "sell the ice rink" is a dead issue, won't occur without suffering a loss).

I don't believe Ed Sell should be dismissed. Although, I doubt that he is alone in having a grip on our financial situation.

I don't believe that it would be wise to raise taxes - who can afford it? There will be a continued loss of jobs - ACH, Prebesto Homes and so on. I do think that we should first trim the fat, where applicable, before even attempting this.

I don't think that some of the improvements; splash park, memorial place, were bad ideas. I will agree they were poorly executed, but, that does not mean they are a pox on our community. I did and do disagree with the United Furniture building ideals but again, truth is that this item, like the above mentioned item was not "tax dollars" as suggested. These items were paid from from CDBG funds (I believe) and in the United Furniture building expenditure DDA (community development) funds. Yes, I understand that in some assemblance this is tax dollars however, they are specified, by federal and state agencies, how they must be spent. That said, before the suggestion gets made that the former mayor or city manager "moved funds" from one place to another (i.e. outside of line items) please bring that evidence forward as it would be illegal and would be a misappropriation of funds. Ergo, we can all disagree that these projects were good or bad but maybe we need to stop throwing (head)stones over this (full pun intended). (Side note: Totlots are funded by the Rec Budget - cooperative agreements for tot lots should be sought - Americore is an option, we have a grant writer in the City).

I disagree with the underlying assertion that the City can not be walkable and historic but must be unwelcoming to business. This is an issue that I think can be fixed. I thought, this is way Mr. Richardville was brought on board with the Port Authority. Sadly, in the case of at least one business, Monroe Transfer LLC, under his tenure we have been led into federal court. Yes, we can change this image but, it will take everyone working together to do so.

31 August, 2007  
Blogger Bruce said...


It is my opinion that you are an ___hole. I also will state my opinions whether you care to read them or not, and also at any time I may deem appropriate. Your comments are simply your opinions as well, and whether or not someone chooses to believe the nonsense statistics you provide is up to them. Personally I take everything I read on blogs as somewhat personal agenda serving, since most comments, including yours, are mostly anonymous BS. So go blow your own horn and we can each believe what we choose to believe. Other than that, piss off.

31 August, 2007  
Blogger Councilwatcher said...

To Just the Facts:

Both your bias and rudeness is showing through. Our city needs a new team that tries to save rather than spend money. You cannot impress anyone with this bull stuff when the facts speak for all to see. Am I to assume you are either an apologist to the sitting mayor and council or the last crew of wimps led by a bankrupt jerk?

03 September, 2007  

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