Thursday, August 30, 2007

Just a question ...

Now don't get me wrong and start jumping all over me for this, but I have a question (maybe two) about the upcoming Downtown Mainstreet Barbeque Hoedown Freedom Walk Night Drive Country-Western Yowl Fest set for this weekend.
I'm all for this contrived crap to generate interest in downtown and get the non-shoppers to give the retailers and restaurants a chance.
But ...
Who's paying for the overtime for the police and DPS on this stuff? And, can we afford it?
(Serious questions, folks. Is the DDA or the Tourism board footing the bill for everything? Does anyone know? Does anyone care?)


Blogger Bruce said...

Seems that I recall the DDA/Mainstreet getting together with Hunter Brucks, budgeting $25,000 up front money from the DDA, all with the brilliant idea that fundraising would be done to reimburse the DDA's budget. I doubt that the $25,000 blown on this one day event will get reimbursed by sponsors. The Mainstreet manager has no background in raising money, and really couldn't care less. I would have to think that this upcoming blunder will not fare well in chairperson Floraday's upcoming election campaign. He is, after all, the one responsible for getting this up front money idea brought before the DDA board. I don't feel that the general public will feel that this misuse of taxpayer funds was a good idea with the financial state that the city is currently in. Besides, the only businesses that seem to benefit from these things are the bars and restaurants, and now with food being at this event, the DDA is even cutting into their bottom lines. Great idea again.

30 August, 2007  
Blogger alacajun said...

Good question and I do think that people care. I would have a hard time believing that the Monroe County Convention and Tourism Bureau is kicking in any cash, don't forget the City paid in 5,000.00 for the Jazz Festival (probably more in terms of "in kind" once one figures in the cost of police, fire, DPS and so on).

If the DDA is paying for this that is sort of ironic isn't it? I mean, the DDA is funded via funds from the City (CDBG and Community Block funding) and they (DDA) will now return some of those funds?

Let's just hope that there are more food vendors than at the Jazz festival and that business' decide to start staying open later for this event.

30 August, 2007  
Blogger roundybout said...

Why in gods name did the DDA / Mainstreet choose to do the festival this weekend?

They are competing against the Detroit Grand Prix and Arts, Beats, and Eats in Pontiac (A pretty good time) and the Peach Festival in Romeo (complete with a good old fashioned beer tent).

If I was going to do a festival I would attempt to put it on a fairly dead weekend.

If Rick F has 25K of taxpayers dollars to waste on this it is time to disband the DDA. The city can use the money for the whole community instead of building Altrusa park downtown.

I heard their charter has run out. Perhaps this council will have the wisdom to totally disband it as one of their last acts after the election. If they get voted out they have nothing to lose, if they win reelection they could call it a mandate.


31 August, 2007  
Blogger alacajun said...

Did I really read the Monroe Evening New's correctly and that "hundreds" enjoyed the Downtown Hoe Down? Hundreds. So, what's 25,000. divided by 900? Nearly 30.00 - great, next time lets spend the cash and send everyone to go see Tim McGraw!

Seriously, I did walk downtown a bit. Streets were starting to empty out by 5:30. Most of the shops were closed (I was looking forward to going into Jones).

Wow - is this on the colossal scale regarding the waste department? How will this help Mr. Floraday's campaign?

02 September, 2007  
Blogger Councilwatcher said...

This blog hits some good problems that need addressed. The downtown of Monroe is not a proper venue for a yowlfest or hootenanny attempted by Rick and his friends. Events of this kind should be held at the fairgrounds where there is room and facilities to accommodate the crowd they must have expected. The city should not issue a permit let along pay for a yowlfest or any activist what blocks people from shopping downtown,
Saturday morning I went downtown for some shopping at Jones for Men and Front Street was blocked by what looked like a gipsy encampment. This whole fracas is an ill conceived scheme to spend taxpayer money at Rick’s discretion. It is high time to disband the DDA and let the downtown thrive without the input of stupid politicians and city planners.
A friend showed the news front page with the fat tattooed teenage girl in bed worshiping Elvis. What set off this fit was the thirtieth anniversary of his suicide, I am glad we don’t throw money to support a newspaper publishing such filth. The News cannot get any facts right so a number closer 200 to 500 is probably the truth. The owners of the News appear to think God intends them to run the city promoting Floraday, Compora and other jerks.

03 September, 2007  
Blogger roundybout said...

Mr Floraday's campaign?

What campaign?

I thought the observer had said Rick wasn't going to run.

04 September, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you stop carping about Rick Floraday? Wasn't the purpose of this hoedown to bring people downtown? Isn't the purpose of a festival to showcase our downtown and bring people into the businesses?

All you naysayers, I heard that Beeks sold out of their ribs and McGeadys ran out of food. I saw quite a few people carrying Jones for Men bags. A piano artist in one of the shows stopped into Jefanas and gave an impromptu performance for the customers! This is what it's about folks, stop the bellyaching and whining!


Did the hoedown benefit our downtown businesses? Yes!

This was not a "blunder" it brought people to Monroe who spent their money here!

Unless things have changed, doesn't each DDA Board member only have 1 vote? I don't think the Chairman is allowed more than one.

I suppose you think that a better use of DDA funds would be to give it to the Beneteau's for facade grants?

Maybe they could give some $ to Paisley to shovel his walk in the winter?

Monroe has much more to worry about than this hoedown. We have a sitting councilman (Paisley)with a seemingly apparent problem with disclosure (honesty), who is on probation with the State of Michigan, who has been fined by the State of Michigan and who failed to disclose his relationship with a client in order to gain DDA funds for that client,then turned around and voted to give the SAME client a tax abatement on the SAME property! Misuse of taxpayer funds anybody? Don't give me the milarkey about the Ethics Board junk, they suggested that in the future there should be disclosure, just not THIS time. Paisley was not "exonerated" by a long shot! BTW didn't Al appoint all his buddys to the Ethics Board?

Get real! Paisley doesn't deserve to be reelected. It's a matter of trust and he blew his political capital in this town. So the Paisley supporters on this blog find it necessary to distort the truth and try to make Floraday the bad guy here.... because he chose to run against "Honest Ed"

Why don't you try supporting this town for a change! Anything that brings people into Monroe to spend their money is a plus. Maybe some of those people thought Monroe was nice enough to make their home here or educate their kids here.

Sick of the deliberate character assassination that goes on here!

Ed Paisley cooked his own turkey, he knew what he was doing and STILL did it,so why don't you talk about that?

04 September, 2007  
Blogger Councilwatcher said...

Hang on folks; a motor mouth truth is on the loose—sort of like being vexed with just the facts. Sure IACO had to try running a restaurant but went bankrupt and friends held the bag while he trotted off with the liquor license. IACO played at being mayor and the whole city would be bankrupt if he was elected for a second term.

Now let’s see, the IACO Floraday Compora cabal is weighing with the same old crap. I suppose IACO would disband the ethics committee. Sure Compora would never lie—more of the same crap thrown in the ice cream. To these people and the Monroe News facts and truth is not what you see, feel, hear, or touch: it is what the editorial staff and a few people want you to think the truth is.

The MEN saw the power of the blogs and started one of their own—what a screw up. I start getting e-mail from California that according to the MEN blog I should never use Jim’s Towing because he threw a M80 firework and scared a kid at a taxpayer supported home for the bewildered. The truth is that it was the sound of a tire rim popping into place. Now let’s see, anyone with an axe to grind can weigh on a MEN blog and try to bankrupt a business near a home for the bewildered.

I get the feeling this non Google Blogger (black type name) is the same person who feeds Compora crap to read at council meetings and gives her the bill of particulars against Paisley to bitch to the ethics panel.

05 September, 2007  
Blogger Bruce said...

It is funny, real funny, that you choose to say "Sick of the deliberate character assassination that goes on here!" yet you choose to bash Councilman Paisley, and you bring up another Councilman, Beneteau. You have put up a new screen name, but why not just call yourself "one of John's boys"? At least when you wish to show support of your "boy" you don't have to try and make it look like you just stumbled onto this site and voiced your unbiased opinion.

The Hoedown was successful in bringing people into downtown, true. Who benefitted from this? Bars and restaurants, that's who. I'm sure the retailers had some additional traffic, but not enough to justify the cost of this one day event. If you really want to promote the downtown, fire the mainstreet manager and get a real marketing manager who can bring business into downtown. Bring in someone who can fill vacancies and someone who can help retain the businesses which remain. If the DDA thinks that this event was successful at a cost of $25,000, then it may be time to rethink the board members apointments. I don't think that Doug Chaffin would blow his own money, not the banks money, but his own money, on throwing a party just to get people to come around for free music. Pete Carleton wouldn't consider this either, would he? If so, he is the worst CPA around. Festivals have their place, but not at a taxpayer cost of $25,000. This money could have been spent on more important items to help downtown over the long haul. It could have gone to proper signage for wayfinding and parking, promotional materials to bring people into town everyday, business recruitment and retention, etc. It could even help an upstart business by funding the first month or two rental fees.

The DDA dropped the ball on this. They were supposed to get sponsors, but waited too long and got very little in donations. Floraday is the chairman and should feel somewhat more responsibility than the other members of the DDA. He does direct the mainstreet manager as to her daily duties, and her duties should be more than that of an overpriced secretary. He is the one pushing for the projects that the DDA has on their agenda, and many people on the board are simply sheep who will believe that since he is the chairman, they should follow his direction.

It will be interesting how much of this hits the MEN during the upcoming election. I think that when the taxpayers hear how much of their money was spent on this, with little effort to get sponsors, they will look to blame someone as not being capable of handling money. I think the finger will be pointed at Rick.

Another side point, I hear John was seen at a Gentleman's Entertainment establishment getting familiar with one of the lap dancers. Wonder if his wife knows of his lunches.

05 September, 2007  
Blogger Councilwatcher said...

This whole rant is easy to see through. The threesome IACO, Compora, and Floraday have failed to defame council members including Paisley and even a private citizen with ethics, open meeting violation, and stalking charges. Having this failed at every turn they come before the readers of this blog with the usual litany of lies and libel.

John, go back under the rock and hide a while. Linda, get a mud pack to soak off the layers of make up and try to look younger. Rickey, admit you are a failure, resign and leave the taxpayers alone. Enough!!!

05 September, 2007  
Blogger alacajun said...

Monroe Truth:

OK, so this was about Monroe. We knew that - but, if it cost 25,000.00 to have Beeks sell out of ribs or to have folks eat at McGeady's then it is a huge waste when "a few hundred people" came! If you are unable to see that then the problem isn't others it is your perception on what a success is.

Yes, Mr. Floraday is one vote. But, he is the board chair and is responsible for setting not only the agenda but the direction. If Ms. Jones did not seek sponsorships or she did not do the things she was instructed then when will he make a motion to terminate her contract with the DDA? If he does not do this then do you not believe that this reflects poorly on his ability to manage taxpayers money? As such, does this not reflect poorly on his ability to be a councilperson? Remember, he is the one that sought the DDA post and therefore puts himself in the limelight for both credit and criticism.

In term of Mr. Paisley I too have questions about his past actions - however, your obvious slant to defend Mr. Floraday and then to try and hammer others makes your criticism seem not only insincere but immature at best. You remind me of Pee Wee Herman; "I know you are but what am I". Stop.


Why bring up the former Mayors fail restaurant? God, let it go. Don't we have to move forward and look to the future for the City?


Why bring up the Former Mayor's attendance at a strip club? What does this prove - he wants to be like Pac Man Jones and "make it rain?". On all of your other points, I agree wholeheartedly.

06 September, 2007  

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