Sunday, August 12, 2007


Is it just me or does it seem the jazz festival in downtown Monroe might need a new venue or parking or something more spacious in a few years.

I see a much bigger show at the fairgrounds in a little while. Just watch.


Blogger alacajun said...

Man let's hope not. Part of the flavor of the "Jazz Fest" is that it allows for a free music festival of nationally recognized musicians in a "small town" atmosphere.

Being in the middle of down and featuring the amenities of the "county seat" right along the river raisin is unbelievable.

If the location must be changed then taking it to the fairgrounds makes no logical sense as participants will be too far away from town (shopping, party stores, food/restaurants).

Maybe a though could be to invest the money and move the festival to Hellenberg Field - create a "hill auditorium" type atmosphere with parking across the street. Remove the current baseball diamond. Shuttles could be set up (how about using the tractors and tailors from the fair) to ferry folks downtown and shuttles could be set up to take folks to the Outlet Shopping Mall (assuming it improves).

Of course, I know this isn't the greatest location because of the rail lines, but, I do think that moving the Jazz Fest out of the City would be a mistake. Here is an idea; get rid of the hill at St. Mary's. Build a large burm in front of SMCC to hold bleachers. Trim back some of the trees. Move the hospitality tents to the parking lot. In essence, do what ever we need to do to make this festival work in the City on the River. It would be sad if success killed the intent of this festival, wouldn't it.

13 August, 2007  
Blogger David Alkire Smith said...

You could be correct Observer. There is a limit to how much disruption of residential neighborhoods and parking can occur before a move is needed and the Fairgrounds looks obvious.
The noise ordinance was changed under IACO’s administration to music audible within twenty feet and I could hear the noise a mile away after returning from the rifle range last evening. At age 68 having worked in severely noisy shops before the Walsh – Healy act which predated OSHA, I have in excess of 60 dB threshold shift. I am aware that city planners and the consultant do not wish the term dB used. They found it is objective and not at all user friendly. They found during a public hearing that a zero reference for the term dB when used is needed.

13 August, 2007  

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