Can you believe this II?
It's from some woman who's complaining that the Christmas tree lighting ceremony downtown was bungled so badly it's ruined her Christmas and has her kids believing that Damien from The Omen might show up for Christmas instead of St. Nick.
Now I'll be the first to agree that it shouldn't take a mental giant to flip a switch at the appointed time and that somebody in the city either is a dunce or wanted to get home in time for Deal or No Deal.
But if you arrange your life's schedule for something like this, you might as well pack up all your stuff in properly labeled bins and move to Anal City.
Wait! Not yet! I think there's an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Support Group in town. Check them out. I'm sure they start their meetings right on time.
Anyhow, if the letter isn't nutty enough, there's one of those weird ediitor's notes that has Mayor Al saying yeah we bungled it, but if it means that much to you we'll have the city staff do a reenactment and even let some kid flip the switch.
In the spirit of Christmas, let me say this: JESUS CHRIST, MR. MAYOR, ARE YOU NUTS!
Heck, why don't we just have the city staff go over with some spare lights and decorate this crackpot lady's house for her? I know just where they can put the lighted candlesticks too.
I mean, really, being political and customer-conscious is nice, but sometimes you gotta draw the line. Last time I checked, no where in the city charter does it say if the annual town square Christmas tree lighting is botched, the city is required to do a reenactment to appease the small-minded constituents.
I swear, someone must be paying people to write letters like this just so my blood will boil and I'll keel over and die.
If the mayor makes good on his offer in the paper, I will personally launch a recall campaign against him.
After all, everyone in politics knows you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.
Now excuse me while I go do some deep breathing.