Jim, don't stay home
Boy, with all the talk about parental responsibility these days, isn't it stunning when we hear about the offspring of upstanding citizens getting in over their heads. Looks like that's what the son of Monroe City fire inspector Jim Kansier is up to. Wait a minute, I bet the kid didn't really write that letter to the Evening Snooze attacking Councilwoman Compora. I bet it was Jim himself hiding behind the name of his son. Boy, just like a courageous firefighter. Of course, one would come to expect that from Old Man Kansier who did nothing but snipe at former mayor Iaco from behind the scenes and in those intimate city committee meetings. The unspoken problem here doesn't have anything to do with Linda Compora. It has to do with the fact that Kansier is part of the fire department administration and Mayor Iaco's brother Paul is head of the firefighter's union. And when Iaco was mayor, he actually suggested that Kansier had a do nothing job -- or rather had a meaningful job that he turned into a do nothing job. See, Mayor Iaco figured that if a fire inspector was really doing his job, he wouldn't have let the old Smurfit plant down across from the ice rink get to the point where it would go up in flames and not be put out because of lack of water pressure. It sure seemed as if nobody was inspecting nothing. Meanwhile, the regular rental inspections by the fire department were getting backlogged.
Regardless, it seems that if old man Kansier really is steamed at Compora, he should confront her like a man, not have his son write a letter to the newspaper about it. Geez, his wife coulda done that. Maybe Kansier should take his shots from the podium during a council meeting if he thinks there are some fires that need to be put out.
Regardless, it seems that if old man Kansier really is steamed at Compora, he should confront her like a man, not have his son write a letter to the newspaper about it. Geez, his wife coulda done that. Maybe Kansier should take his shots from the podium during a council meeting if he thinks there are some fires that need to be put out.