Thursday, October 25, 2007

Your Monroe city election results

Here are the official Observer predictions of the outcome of the Monroe city elections.
Mayor -- WORRELL, by a wider margin than the last two contests between Iaco and Cappy because Iaco and Burkett will split most of Cappy's votes. Thanks partly to Cappy himself who chose to throw Burkett a bone, guaranteeing a split. McIntyre and McElligot will just make Worrell's margin greater. McElligot will, of course, come in last.
1st Precinct -- CLARK in a squeaker over Hensley because people tend to trust a state cop more than a Detroit Edison worker. Clark also needs this win if he ever plans to run for sheriff, which he probably will.
2nd Precinct -- Floriday will be upset when PAISLEY wins because he doesn't even have Paisley's track record of ethics and professional licensing problems, junkets to Hawaii and attempts to bump retirees from the retiree board. Sweat will pull votes from both of them, but not enough to make a difference.
3rd Precinct -- McGhee, naturally.
4th Precinct -- MOLENDA because Martin and Guyor will partially split beenthere-donethatvotes and Martin hasn't even pretended to be interested in city business except for trying to get John Patterson a parking pass.
5th Precinct -- CONNER in a close one because she knows how to use absentee ballots and Compora's in your face style has never flown well in Monroe and because Rosenberger is a recluse, for pete's sake. But Compora wins anyway because her goal on council was to make life miserable for Cappy.
6th Precinct -- BENETEAU, who might end up as mayor someday, but not in this decade.
Clerk -- EVANS for at least another term or two unless city voters decide the city doesn't need such an office.

Disclaimer -- The above predictions do not necessarily reflect the Observer's personal preferences and are not meant to be used for wagers or influencing betting pools. Use of the predictions for any other purpose than amusement is strictly prohibited.

BONUS PREDICTION -- Order of finish in mayor's race: Worrell, Iacoangeli, Burkett, McIntryre, McElligott.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One can only hope you are wrong in the Mayor's race. This egotistical jackass won't be happy till he runs the city like he ran his restaurant, into the ground.

He should take all of his cult up to Ann Arbor where they belong.

What personal investment does this nut have in Monroe anyways? He has a broken down "Historic" home, which he can't even take care of. He could try fixing up the eyesore he calls a garage. Yet he wants to tell all of the other "historic" homeowners what color they can paint their houses, and what type of porch they can put up. This nut is the biggest hypocrite in town.

Best of all, he wants to surround himself with his group of losers who will do anything he tells them to do. Be for real! If he were concerned for Monroe in the least bit he would not want Compora in office. What intelligent conversation has this person ever had at a council meeting. Unless you call making false charges against her co-council intelligent. I have heard her compliment the firemen for doing their job when she has called them in the past, and DPS for doing their jobs cleaning up tree limbs. Then there is Guyor. Another two years of that whiny nasally banter from her and I may just go insane. Then there is the buffoon Floraday. What a professional. Dresses like he is working on the farm all day, and his only agenda is whatever Iaco says it is. Hasn't done squat for the DDA except blow tons of money on hoe downs. Vanancies are up and parking still has not improved. Great suggestion about the parking change on First St. Picked up one spot and created a traffic hazard. Went by there today, a pickup was on the North side of the street in the spot nearest Monroe St. Couldn't hardly get a Yugo through there. Great waste of tax money changing that.

Jeeze, I could go on and on about that group of losers and wannabees. Maybe their cult should simply start their own city in Ida. They could build their own downtown how they want it. They could hire all of their relatives as department heads, give them all huge health benefits, overtime and retirement benefits, and just start their taxes at the highest allowable by law. With all of that property out there, they could have hundreds of acres of parks.

p.s. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to all residents of Ida for making such a ridiculous proposal. I wouldn't wish this group on anyone.

25 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous!
Perhaps you should run for Governor!
No, no....President!!
Go stick your head back in the sand!

27 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


If Guyor gets elected you MIGHT go insane?? MIGHT?? You're already there, brother!

27 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only a person who does not see this has their head in the sand. If you don't like my opinion, then just ask Iacoangeli for yours.

27 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Monroe Evening News owned and is ran by semi-literate sports writers and has a fortune teller on staff.

The “Observer” is in the employment of the Monroe Evening News and runs this blog to create competition for their write and bitch service.

29 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since when does Floraday work for the news?

30 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if Floraday is bright enough to know how to start and maintain a blog site. He's surely not bright enough to run our city.

30 October, 2007  
Blogger alacajun said...


Sadly if you are correct then I am even more scared than you can imagine - maybe elections are near Halloween for a reason!

If Iacoangeli wins then will he follow out with the plan of "restructuring the debit"? If so, considering the current economy, is this really a good idea? Should we truly look to extend our debit (even at a reduced interest rate)? Is this not just putting off the inevitable so that we can live well today? Kinda like using one credit card to pay another.

1st Precinct - Since the Hensley signs showed up at Iacoangeli's house, I am good with that.

2nd Precinct - How horrible is this? Rick "Echo" Floraday as a councilman. Is this good? He may not have "Honest Ed's" ethic or licensing issues as you observe but does he have an opinion or independent idea? So, they guy that has pissed off (or on) most of the downtown business, has done little as DDA chair to attract new business, will now get to sit on Council. Wonderful. Thanks.

3rd Precinct - Sadly, his greatest attribute seems to be that right now he "does not have enough information to properly answer that question". Wonder if Iacoangeli has contacted him yet to get the hook set?

4th Precinct - Guyor. No, say it isn't so. Either of the M's would be fine.

5th Precinct - Conner - fine.

6th Precinct - Beneteau - good. Mayor someday? Maybe, but, why take such a pay cut? Does'nt seem like the kinda guy that will give a half a**ed attempt and call it a "part time job" like some others' have done.

Clerk - Evans. Fine. But, let's change the charter and get rid of this position.

I am curious about a couple of things and need to ask:

Anonymous said:

This egotistical jackass won't be happy till he runs the city like he ran his restaurant, into the ground.

Can someone offer specifics on this? Was there a grant from the City as has been said in the past? What was the name of the restaurant and it's location?

Speaking of the "Historic" groups that both Floraday and Iacoangeli are into. Hope everyone in there neighborhood is aware that there "willing co-conspirator" Jeff Greene (City's Historic whatever) and they are working on turning there neighborhood into a "historic district". Gee, there is a great idea - take a community that is not attracting business and is currently in an economic downturn and make it even more difficult for homeowners. Thanks A**H****! But, you know, John, Rick, Linda, Jean and the entire group must know better than the rest of us - I mean look how wonderful they are doing.

31 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alacajun: You must be smoking crack with these two comments.

3rd Precinct - Sadly, his greatest attribute seems to be that right now he "does not have enough information to properly answer that question". Wonder if Iacoangeli has contacted him yet to get the hook set?

I thought he showed a lot of class not sucking up to the fire fighter pac like all the other candidates did.

His answers were more honestly placed then any of the other candidates that whored themselves for this endorsement.

If the firefighters and police do not think they are going to be cut as a result of the budget problem; they are delusional. If there is a politican out there that tells them that it won't happen, they are either stupid, gutless or lying (or all three).

6th Precinct - Beneteau - good. Mayor someday?

Asked as a question, not made as a statement. My answer NO.

Everyone quesses who you are observer; my quess is that you are either a current or reciently removed employee of the Monroe Evening News. I am I close?

01 November, 2007  
Blogger alacajun said...


Sorry, never used drugs.

You can say Mr. McGhee's answer's were, "honest" and not "sucking up" if you like. But, did you read his answers to the MEN? Did you attend the forum at the Dorsch? If you had you would realize that this fellow seems to have no real ideals - oh, gee, thinks for letting us know you like living in Monroe. To show up at the MEN and state that you "don't have enough information to comment" makes me wonder, he knew what the MEN did write? He understood they were going to be asking questions right? Consider this, if he was doing a business presentation for his employer do you think his boss would be happy with his presentation - er, no. I wasn't even thinking of the firefighters video, but, as you brought it up - here's a thought, why isn't his wife the one running? Seems she was more composed and able to fill in the gaps that he left out at the end of the tape. Makes me wonder, is he really up to this?

I find your comments interesting and offensive - you find someone who willingly admits they have not done the homework necessary for running the City to be "honest" and not "whoring" themselves. Funny - who is being whored here? How about the citizen's of the City and more importantly the Third Precinct? They have apparently gotten a councilperson that we needs how long to be prepared? Too bad Pat decided to run for Mayor - he could have had a council seat easily. Hey, he may not be desirable but at least Pat has a general understanding of the City.

By the way the Beneteau question / comment was off of the Observers post. But, who knows - maybe he would do a good job - I could see it. (and that is an honest answer without sucking up).

01 November, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps I missed something but I didn't see a wealth of candidates lining up for the 3rd pct job.

I am sure he will be a quick study and be up to the task.

Hey Observer: don't keep us in the dark. Do you work for the MEN or not?

03 November, 2007  
Blogger alacajun said...

Anon wrote:

I am sure he will be a quick study and be up to the task.

Yeah, that's what I want, someone with no experience and has not even taken the time to study the issues before they run! Hmmm, maybe I should run for President, yeah, that's the ticket!

Admit it - quick study or not, he should not wait till he is elected to study the important issues of this City, he looked like a buffoon.

05 November, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The NAACP is OK with the guy they run in 3 precint. Now NAACP support Willie going to buss them to voter for His gal Compora their no need for a job and no need to industry west of 75 back in office she play footsie with john.

Need Police to quit shooting up cars in the orchard. Spmeone cound be hurt. No more railroad junkyard and bad for colored peoples.

05 November, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like your predictions were way off base. Go Worrell!!

06 November, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor- Wrong, no one wanted either Cappuccilli or Iacoangeli again. Looks like Burkett's voters went to Worrell's side.
1st- right but no squeaker
2nd- wrong, looks like Floraday's smear campaign lost out to Paisley's ability
3rd- right on
4th- wrong, Molenda should fill this seat well, no nasal Guyor
5th- right, but not even close, Conner blew away the b@#*h
6th- again, right on
clerk- right on

Looks like you did well on the unopposed races. Other than that it looks like you were 1-3 on contested races. That should bring down your average. .333 would be good for a batting average, but not so good on predictions. Don't quit your day job.

Your bonus prediction was really tough, and you screwed that up. I batted 1,000 on that. Was somewhat surprised that there were 132 people who voted for McJackass.

07 November, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon wrote:

I am sure he will be a quick study and be up to the task.

Yeah, that's what I want, someone with no experience and has not even taken the time to study the issues before they run! Hmmm, maybe I should run for President, yeah, that's the ticket!

Admit it - quick study or not, he should not wait till he is elected to study the important issues of this City, he looked like a buffoon.

alacajun: Don't waste your time running for president . . . you are obviously underqualified for the position. But you can get off your butt and run for council if you know all the questions and have all the answers.

Give the man a chance! This isn't rocket science, it's only local government.

All things considered; this was a good election. Only two old faces on the council and a wealth of intelligence, ability and committment from the new faces.

Let's start moving this city in the right direction.

07 November, 2007  
Blogger The Observer said...

I don't understand half these comments. Why criticize someone who was 100 percent on the mark?

07 November, 2007  

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