Thursday, October 04, 2007

Did he have someone in mind?

It's been a busy week and I missed the local version of Comedy Central -- the MPACT broadcast of the Monroe City Council meeting.
But someone told me that soon-to-be-mayor Pat McElligot stood up and advocated a fast-track implementation of the city slash-and-burn cost-cutting study.
Hmmm. I wonder if he had anyone specific in mind to lop from the city payroll?
Like maybe his ex-squeeze and her new main squeeze?
I guess you gotta start somewhere.
But if it was me, I'd wait until I got elected mayor so I would have the pleasure of dropping the axe myself.
I think his message was that council can't stand Pat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me see if I have this right… Pat McElligot stood up and advocated a fast-track implementation of the city slash-and-burn cost-cutting study. When slash and burn is cited is this like clearing the rain forest to use the land to grow sugar cane to make cheap whiskey for Americans to run autos without any carbon footprint tax. Gee Democrats have some outstanding hair fires from just trying to think a problem through.

I thought the rain forests harbored all manner of strange life forms. Are his former squeeze and her new squeeze both hominoid life forms? Does this involve anyone living in sin? Are there and PPO issues here. If so, what happened? A PPO is a shortcut to dealing with a problem person questioning the way a politician parts his or her hair or the correct color to dye it.

Who is this CaCa bird living in a Bainum and Wobble sub division who is bitching about his neighbors putting fence posts in his unrecorded sub standard backyard drain pipe and feels compelled to run for council?

Lets see: Compora wants rid of industry and jobs along with $30,000.00 or so more in damages according to what she accused Brian od posting on some blog in a council meeting—more essential businessdepartment. Is McElligot a victim of cuckoldry and has a short member issue.

Is anyone running who proposes to increase government efficiency and reduce taxes?

04 October, 2007  
Blogger alacajun said...

Funny thing is we paid 80,000.00 for this report and now, even knowing that we face a deficit in excess of 1.5 Mil next year, even with ACH closing, even with Pre Besto Homes closed, even with an increase in Retirement contributions we are in a holding pattern? Why?

I appreciate Councilman Beneteau's input on this from your earlier post but, we are past the time of allowing Department Heads to "prepare" or for the City Manager to ease into this. We need to implement the recommendations now. The mayor is not running for re-election; what a better way to go out with some leadership. Councilman Beneteau should be helping with this (as he is unchallenged) as should Councilwoman Edwards.

Do this now! Set the precedent for the next Mayor that if they are going to run up the financial debt of the City then they are setting a "new" direction.

Inform the Union's now that this is coming and they "sorry" but, things will soon be changing.

Funny thing is that without fanfare part of this study has already been implemented (Lt. Steward's position has not been replaced and it is my understanding that one of the Sgt's assigned to OMNI has been "brought back") not only prior to the final report being read but continues.

Pat, sure he wants to swing some wood at some one's position. As long as he follows the assessment I could care less. But, no way will Pat become Mayor.

The assessment is on the Internet - read it, follow-it, now! Why wait for next year when we can begin the savings now!

05 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A work session is planned for the retirement strategy before the next Council meeting. It will then get moving. It WILL NOT be next near, trust me.

05 October, 2007  
Blogger The Observer said...

Despite your best intentions, I bet nothing substantial will be done before the election.

06 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much?

06 October, 2007  
Blogger alacajun said...

Once again, Thanks Councilman Benteau.

06 October, 2007  
Blogger The Observer said...

I'll bet your reputation against mine, which admittedly is a lopsided bet. But you have some ability to influence the outcome. I have absolutely none.
And it all will depend on your definition of substantial.
Here's my definition: Elimination of at least seven positions -- not thru attrition or retirement -- before the end of the calendar year.

07 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your definition of substantial includes the elimination of seven positions, not through attrition or retirement.

Unfortunately I believe that the positions to be eliminated should be done first through attrition and retirement, and this is the reason for the strategy being brought forth before the next meeting. To not at least look at this strategy is ridiculous. Why would we not want to implement this assessment in the least intrusive way? We are not heartless people who enjoy cutting positions, so I believe that the most gentle way is the best way. If for some unforseen reason we are not able to do this in a gentle way, then we must resort to a less gentle way. Either way, this will get done, even though it may not be going as fast as you and I would prefer.

As for our reputations as a bet, why not just lay out paying for lunch as a bet? It's hard to bet reputations when one of our identities is unknown. If I win, you can just send in payment to Monroe Street Grill in a plain brown paper bag, to keep your identity a secret :)

07 October, 2007  
Blogger The Observer said...

I appreciate your position about not being ruthless or heartless. But my math shows that if you cut everything the assessment recommended, the city's still in a hole that's getting deeper by the day. We can leave it to attrition and early retirements and wait a few years, but it won't get the job done unless they build the new nuke plant within the city limits. That would leave the question of whether your ruthless and heartless when you move to raise taxes on a population that's already struggling to keep afloat in a sinking economy.
BTW, I like the idea of the brown bag. How's about I just fill it with a lunch and leave it by the door of Frenchie's?
But that's only if I concede I made a losing bet. I think I have a fair chance of winning. You can donate the cost of a dinner in honor of the Observer at the Salvation Army shelter or God Works. I trust you.

08 October, 2007  

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