Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Signs of group think?

As I drive around the city, I see more campaign signs in groups.
Maybe this is supposed to be truth in advertising, but I think it's a dumb move.
Sure, it's a way to spread signs around as quickly as possible. You hit one house, get permission to post a sign as well as signs for two of your campaigning friends.
But it's goofy. To me it looks like Iacoangeli, Guyor and Floraday or Paisley, Burckett and Conner stand for the same things.
As someone who doesn't have a real clue about how city politics works, I'll just chalk it up to my ignorance. Let's say you're on the periphery of politics and you don't know much about anyone, but you know that Guyor or Paisley is a stinker because they don't return you phone calls. When you see one of their signs alongside others, doesn't it lower your estimation of those other candidates?
But when I see a sign like Bob Clark or Mark Worrell standing alone in a yard, I get the sense that these guys are independent thinkers not beholden to anyone, and not group thinkers, who will vote lockstep if they get on council and don't seem to be affiliated with the stinkers I don't like.
Am I the only one in town who thinks that if everyone on council thinks alike -- no matter what they think -- it's not necessarily a good thing?
If that's what we're shooting for, maybe we should just have a single-rule dictatorship. That won't be messy at all.


Blogger alacajun said...

Interesting take, guess I never really thought about it. I was raised in a Union family so yard signs were simply a way of showing appreciation to the Democrat that was running - even if Dad had no idea who it was.

As our City candidates do not have to declare which party they belong to this does not exist. I do wish that our candidates for council were only voted on by the precinct that they represent.

In terms of "group think", I will admit that I found it odd that Councilman Paisley and Lady Conner still have the orange "CCC" stickers on some of there signs. Yes, I know politicians keep signs but I would have taken that off - I think that left a really bad taste in everyone's mouth.

I will say that after all that has been said on this board and in casual conversation that I have had with others I chuckled when I drove past Mayor Iccoangenili's place and saw the three signs. Because it was a Sunday (and yes I have already said some "hail Mary's" for this) all I could think after seeing the "Compora, Floraday, Iccoangeneli" signs was - "geez, there's an unholy trinity if ever there was one", "the triple threat of terror". OK - it was all in good fun. Maybe.

10 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes it looks like the Iacoalition is in full force. Simply amazing that they have accused the 3C coalition for everything wrong under the sun, and for having illegal gatherings to come to the same conclusions on many votes, yet it is the previous "coalition" who shared a brain, and it seems that they wish to get their brain surgery again now, at the taxpayer's expense. Kind of like the husband who accuses his wife of cheating, simply because he is insecure due to the fact that he is cheating on her. This group named (Iaco, Compora, Guyor, and now Floraday) is a true recipe for disaster. I am spreading the word, and hope many others also follow suit.

11 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw those orange stickers also, but if you look closely they say vote Nov. 6th, not CCC. The old stickers were yellow also from what I recall, plus since I still have my CCC pin which is yellow.

12 October, 2007  
Blogger alacajun said...

Thanks Anonymous for letting me know that the CCC stickers were yellow. At first I was happy, now, not so much. See, what this means is that instead of using old signs with stickers already on them our current candidates coordinated together to put on NEW stickers! Not good.

14 October, 2007  

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