Monday, October 15, 2007

Another food-for-thought theory

Let's chalk this one up to misguided campaign helpers.
Have you noticed the number of campaign signs that are on front lawns alongside FOR SALE signs?
I know it's a tough real estate market, but isn't this sending the wrong message about the candidate.
If I have a DINGBAT FOR MAYOR sign in my yard, right next to my FOR SALE sign, what message am I sending? My first impression was that the property owner was saying this place is going to hell and I'm getting out of here so I really don't care who's mayor. This DINGBAT guy might or might not be good for the city (or neighborhood), but what do I care, I'm leaving town.
Or maybe they're saying, if this guy gets elected, I'm leaving town.
Or maybe, if this guy gets elected, he's not going to make things better, so I'm leaving town anyway.
Really, is there any good spin you can put on something like this?
Maybe, I'm hoping this guy gets elected because then people will think the city's on its way up and I'll be able to sell my house and get outta town before they wise up?
At the very least, it looks like a candidate is being supported by someone who's intent on leaving town.


Blogger alacajun said...

Yeah that is ironic isn't it. Then again, how ironic is it that there are signs leading into Monroe (heading north on Monroe Street) in the township supporting candidates - nice to know the township cares. (Since the township cares so much could we ask them to start paying more for there water?).

On a side note: Observer, did you see that the Firefighters Union has put out there list of candidates -


Funniest thing in the world is the video of John IACOANGELI (somebody should have told me I was spelling the mans name wrong - sorry, that was not intentional) where states:

"I'll be very candid, if I am elected Mayor the Fire Chief is going to retire. The Fire Marshall is going to retire" and that "when I was Mayor, we had issues with those two positions with regards to management and leadership". Alrighty then, So, you had two years and did little but now, since we have a "study" you have a plan. OK. Ryan Solomon's job; it's a luxury.
The City Attorney's job can be farmed out. We can restructure the debt.

So - how much of the "debt" or future "debt" was created by the increase in the retirement multiplier? You know, the contract given by Mayor IACOANGELI. Plus, how about this one - The last comment given by the former Mayor was a dig at how hurt and disappointed he was that the Firefighters did not endorse him during the last election after he settled a contract with them and it was "My administration" that did a feasibility study on the firehouse! Nothing personal about a twenty four month old disappointment. WAAH!

Hey - John, it was also your administration that:

Ran up a huge debt building a splash park that was not even on the Cities property. (Guess spending less than the spending limit of 5,000.00 to sneak things by works!).

Agreed to the deal with Monroe Transfer LLC that has now led this City into Federal Court. OK, send out all the post cards that you like to everyone in the Orchard and yes, some of them may believe you that you had nothing to do with this. But, Fact: Monroe Transfer LLC purchased the property in April 2004 (While you were in office). Your administration approved a special use permit application (file number SU05-005) on 8 December 2005. Additionally, it was your administration that agreed to allow the property (49-1527-2 off Borchert Park Dr.) to be given a "special use permit" by Doug Dauer and Monroe Transfer LLC when this property was held by the Port Authority! Additionally, it was your administration (planner) and you that stated you did not know specifically, what they (Monroe Transfer LLC) wanted to do when the Special Use Permit Application filed by Mr. Dauer on 5 October 2004 states the purpose as, "A trucking transfer station, scrap metal shearing and bailing operation and a coal transfer station. 8,000 square foot facility will be built housing offices and truck maintenance". BTW - isn't it funny that they guy YOU hired (Randy Richardville) to be the director of development at the Port was also involved in this! Funny, seems like you and, your administration, did not complete the job (why, you had a year prior to the election) and you now want to say this isn't in your lap! Whatever!

Sorry to hijack the blog there observer but I am terrified of seeing what will happen if "free spending John" and his group take over. Funny, the fact's I just gave you are "FACTS" written directly from the Cities own documents that were FOIA'd - Councilman Compora, why did you not bring this up when you ranted? Instead you allowed folks to accuse the current Mayor and City Manager of a "hidden meeting" ala Willie Hall. Hmmm, too bad he was not insightful enough to pull an FOIA on this information prior to putting Compora, IACOANGELI, Floraday, and Hensley signs in front of his house!

If you get a chance you have to see the Mayor's interview video! Classic.

16 October, 2007  
Blogger roundybout said...


You were right on the money.

Did you read Iaco's campaign letter?

18 years as a business owner. Didn't mention his failed business downtown and how he never paid back the loan.

Splash park for the residents. It didn't mention how much more than budgeted that it cost.

Budget surplus when he left office. It didn't mention the pension bomb that he left behind.

His accomplishments that weren't listed just go on and on. I guess that is just an ordinary politician.


17 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

alacajun what’s the problem, absentee ballots going out, your candidate facing a possible slump so it’s time to trash the opposition? I’ll start by addressing one of your allegations. This half baked attack on Iaco over these supposedly FOIA documents and Monroe Transfer LLC, who you trying to kid.

On September 6 you professed your admiration by stating “It’s time for Bill Burkett. Pro's - Understands city politics and council decorum. Has a good grasp of the issues. Is not infected with the "vision" bug that seems to stop "common sense". Respectful. Sincere. Not interested in promoting only himself.”

With Iaco you said “John, as is apparant to all, has great dreams. But, he simply does not play well with others and considering our current state of affairs does not represent the future of where we need to be going. Now is not a time to take one step forward and two steps back.”

So now you expect everyone who ventures to this blog to believe your actually presenting pure unbiased facts, nice try. I have seen the same documents and your suppositions are off the mark. Before you blow a cork please allow me to elaborate.

Fact: Monroe Transfer LLC purchased the property in April 2004. We all know when property is for sale those with the cash are normally successful in purchasing, kind of hard for anyone to control this. What you failed to mention was the Iaco administration actually blocked Monroe Transfer LLC from starting operations at the old scrap yard located between the tracks. What they did do in conjunction with the Port Authority and Richardville was get Monroe Transfer LLC to agree to locate off Borchert Park Dr. Unfortunately when Iaco’s administration was replaced, the Monroe Transfer project reverted back to the area between the tracks, almost unchecked. From what I understand the Zoning Board, which coincidently has a Mayoral candidate and the wife of a 3rd precinct council candidate sitting on it, agreed to allow Monroe Transfer LLC to begin operations between the tracks in a residential neighborhood, simply because Monroe Transfer LLC’s attorney threatened to file a lawsuit if they didn’t.

So your citing of file numbers and property parcel numbers, I guess, may seem impressive but actually doesn’t tell the true story.

Whatever you do promoting your candidate should focus on his strengths and what he can do for the community. When another candidate is being discredited by desperate people walking through the 3rd precinct spreading lies and distorting the facts, that candidate should have the ability to provide the people additional facts.

Oh and by the way did you bother to ask Willie Hall if he saw the documents, or are you making another educated guess that he didn’t?

So give it a rest and find another way to promote your “It’s time for Bill Burkett” campaign.

17 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Speaking of money how much have you invested in downtown Monroe lately? How many business ventures have you attempted in the last 10 years? If my facts are correct you haven’t invested a dime and you haven’t had the guts to start a business. Instead you want to sit back in your comfy government job and attack those who have at least tried and yes maybe failed.

You remind me of the FBI, still searching for Hoffa and in your case the only haunting factor for the Iaco administration was the Splash park. How many times we going to beat this dead horse on this blog. So we have Iaco to thank for a Splash park that went what about $95,000 over budget because of the buried utilities. Shame on Iaco with all of his Superman abilities his Xray vision should have seen all of that. And yes the extra $95,000 one time fix has been spent, unlike the several hundred thousand dollars the city spends year after year thanks to Burkett and Worrell need I say, ice rink.

What pension bomb? Ask the other administrations why they neglected to make any pension contributions during the past several years. There are others who should be held just as accountable.

Please enlighten me as to the other accomplishments that weren't listed in his campaign lit

17 October, 2007  
Blogger alacajun said...

Thanks Roundybout - You know what is even scarier is the group orbiting former Mayor Iacoangeli right now.

Hmm - Councilwoman Compora - thanks for getting a standing policy changed because David Smith pissed you off. Now, please complain that this policy will cost several hundred dollars to institute (signs, changing of agenda and so on). Yeah, but you were willing to complain about a snickers and water!

Ah - ha - DDA Chairman Rick Floraday. Funny, wasn't he an appointee of Mayor Iacoangeli? So in his stint (or is it stank) as the DDA chair they have? Hired and fired one employee, rented an office that was never really used, sponsored a hoe down that had "several hundred" attend and oh yeah, spearheaded the purchasing of the United Furniture building! Thanks, but No. Just what do you suppose we should do with that building now that it has set for nearly four years off the tax rolls? I digress, Irony abounds in this situation. Notice the address at the bottom of his "Floraday" signs (you know the yellow and black ones)? Hmm, 311 Washington (the committee to elect Rick Floraday). Meaning? Well, meaning that the "committee to elect" is one door south of Mayor Iacoangeli's house and occupied by a CPC member that was, you guessed it, appointed by Mayor Iacoangeli! Amazing! Does anybody really want to talk about "closed door dealings?" Please!

So, when does Monroe Transfer LLC v. City of Monroe touchdown in court?

17 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While we're at it, let's conveniently not mention the MOTHER of all projects that has virtually sucked the life out of this town, and that would be the ICE RINK which is STILL costing the people here a king's ransom and is threatening to bankrupt the town with no relief in sight! Uh and how long has it been that the people have been made to ante up for Cappuccilli's intelligent pet project??

But I surmise that probably isn't worth mentioning since it was jammed down our throats by Cappuccilli and Worrell and the two dim wits who post on here really don't want you to know that Cappuccilli and Worrell were responsible for the biggest blunder this town has EVER seen!

18 October, 2007  
Blogger alacajun said...

Candidate Neutral -

Sorry, I was not advocating for Bill Burkett in my first post. I was responding to the post card that Mayor Iacoangeli sent out to residents of the third precient.

While you may not find the facts of how things occurred interesting others may. What you failed to answer is why the deal for Bourget Park was not completed? Any idea's?

I have no problem that the current administration did not follow through with the "promises" made by Mayor Iacoangeli and Randy Richardville. Truth is could the City really afford to pay for the infrastructure and site improvements? (Which is what they "allegedly" were going to do).

By the way how is it "half baked"? Oh, because I quoted the former Mayor regarding his statements to the Fire? Because I can provide the document numbers? Think what you like but, I notice you did not address the overspending on the splash park.

I will give you this, I am not unbiased. I hope that the former Mayor get no where's near the Mayor's office again. Once was enough, thank you.

My problem is honesty. Give you an example. In the Mayor's "Post Card" to the third precinct he discusses how it was "him" that stopped the Port Authority for allowing Jack's Lawn Service from running the grass and brush recycling off of wood street. Trouble is, that was suppose to have been done a year prior. But, although it has stopped and he deserves credit for that, the debris is still there!

I will admit that I didn't ask Willie Hall if he had seen the documents. I rather try and avoid conversations with the man if you want the truth. That said, I find it ironic that he is supporting Mayor Iacoangeli given his profession against Monroe Transfer considering it was (no matter how you slice it) the Iacoangeli administration that caused this mess. Hey, if they would have just finished the job (again, keep in mind the site plan was approved in December 2005 - what happened? Is it just possible that the City promised some things that they couldn't deliver?).

Finally, notice again, nothing in my post was advocating anyone - but, thanks for letting me know you have the time to look through my past posting? What, are you a shut in, too?

19 October, 2007  
Blogger The Observer said...

Could someone educate me on how the Iacoangeli administration caused the Monroe Transfer "mess?"
I thought I knew the series of events that lead up to the current state of the situation, but pinning it all on Iacoangeli is a bit of a stretch, isn't it. Unless stretching it is the whole point.

21 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll try to enlighten you on the Monroe Transfer issue, as best I can from knowledge, what has been written, and possibly some speculation, but very little.

Monroe Transfer bought the property on 3rd St. in 2004. The property was zoned heavy industrial.

The Mayor at the time, Iacoangeli, didn't want them to open in that location, so he met with them and suggested the Port of Monroe property. He and the Port, including then Port employee Richardville, offered to improve the Borchert property, to include infrastructure improvements, rail access, etc. Monroe Transfer spent a great deal of money on engineering plans, only to later be told that the City did not have the money to make the necessary improvements to the property, all the while attempting to rezone the 3rd St. property to light industrial. It seems that the buildings were rezoned to light industrial, but not the entire property. Monroe Transfer could have the Port property, but they would have to invest the 3-4million dollars to get the property to their standards. So they walked away and returned to the 3rd St. property. Basically, the City, under then Mayor Iacoangeli, reneged on the trade, and still wished to rezone the 3rd St. property, illegally, since Monroe Transfer had bought the property all along with the intent to reopen the site as had been historically used for. Well, it turns out that there was a "mistake" and the property was not actually rezoned. Monroe Transfer went before the CPC once again, and the CPC voted unanimously to leave the entire parcel as heavy industrial. The City Council then voted to leave the parcel heavy industrial by a 3-4 vote, after much contention. 5 votes were needed to change the property to light industrial, so the property remained unchanged as heavy industrial.

Then the planning department along with the building department said that the use of the property was a special land use instead of the permitted use of Recycling Center as requested. Monroe Transfer then went before the Zoning Board of Appeals, and even though the city attorney stated that the use was a scrap yard, the zoning board voted that the use was a Resource Recovery Center, by a 7-2 vote, and thus required special land use. Since then, Monroe Transfer has filed a lawsuit against the City of Monroe. I have not heard any more than that, and don't know where in the legal system they are at, but they should just be allowed to open up as a recycling center, providing much needed jobs, and save the taxpayers the cost of a lawsuit.

After that lengthy explanation of what I understand the facts to be, it appears that the entire "mess" was indeed started by the attempted "illegal" rezoning of the land by Iacoangeli's administration, and the failure to live up to a land trade by the Iacoangeli administration. What followed by the planning department's foul up was not directly under his control, but I would think that a "professional" planner would know the proper times to rezone property, and the times when it could get you into litigation which the City will probably lose. If these facts are incorrect, please attemp to enlighten me with your facts.

21 October, 2007  
Blogger alacajun said...

Observer -

Although mildly complex once you consider everything it would appear rather simple. Look at the documents filed by Mr. Dauer on behalf of Monroe Transfer LLC you will see that they (CPC, City of Monroe) approved the site plan for the Bourchet Park area next to Mac Steel.

Monroe Transfer paid for a site assessment for this development and also paid all of the filing fees to have the City approve the site. Why would they have done this when they did not own the property?

From a legal standpoint it would appear that the City of Monroe and Monroe Transfer were placed on actual and constructive notice of the intent to operate a scrap facility at the Bourchet address. Additionally, as the Port Authority was in possession of the property there must have been communications with Monroe Transfer LLC that they could or would obtain this property again, why else pay for a site assessment?

Once the "site assessment" was completed and discussed (presumably with Mayor Iacoangeli, Monroe Transfer and Randy Richardville) the decision was made by the City that they would not pay for site improvements. This left Monroe Transfer with a parcel that they owned (Third Street) and an assessment for a parcel that they did not own and now they were being told that the City would not assist with any of the improvements? What to do?

After the election and Council voted for the new "zoning map" things got interesting.

The City contacted Monroe Transfer by mail to let them know that the site they owned, which was zoned heavy industrial when they purchased it. During Mayor Iacoangeli's time in office the "Zoning Map" was being done and all parcels in the Orchard were (on paper) changed to "light industrial" but the map itself kept it as "heavy industrial".

The CPC then voted to keep the property as is "heavy industrial" and Council was asked to accept the CPC's recommendations. Then there became a huge public outcry (as you will remember).

So, how is this something that should be in Mayor Iacoangeli's lap? 1). He (in his post card) admits that he put Monroe Transfer in contact with the Port (Randy Richardville) to get a site. 2). He knew that they had purchased the Third Street site yet even as a planner allowed the planning department to go ahead with a proposed zoning ordinance that would down-zone the property they owned.

Until these questions are answered I think this is his baby:

1). How did his administration (along with the Port) work with "Monroe Recycling" to locate next to the Port at the very same time they were dealing with Monroe Transfer?

2). What was / is Homrich's connection to Monroe Recycling? Was this property (site) given as part of the battlefield clean-up?

3). What promises were made to Monroe Transfer?

You may wish to google in Doug Dauer. The folks from Monroe Transfer are not stupid people and Mr. Dauer in particular has a very good reputation.

Use the "reasonable man" though here. Is it reasonable to believe that Monroe Transfer was promised the Bourchet site in exchange for Third street site? YES. Is it reasonable to believe that Monroe Transfer was told the City would pay for (at least some) of the site improvements for the Bourchet site? Yes (otherwise, had they expected to pay for them don't you think they would already be open as this would have been done?). Is it reasonable to believe that they (Monroe Transfer) can show that the City (by not following through with a land exchange, by attempting to change the property zoning and then by demanding a "site plan review" (must go to the CPC)) treated them differently then they treated Monroe Recycling? YES. So, I ask you who would you lay blame with - the man who was in office for two years working with Monroe Transfer or the administration that had been in office less than seven months when the "public" caught on?

There is no "stretching" going on but there is, what I hope, an honest question of following the documents and then asking reasonable questions based off of them.

To me this is a bit like Mayor Iacoaneli's construction of the splash pad. Nice idea, over budget but (too me) the worst part is that part of it was built on property the City does not hold a lease for! In other words it seems like his administration made a lot of promises that we can fulfil or were not in a position to make (think, long term, the increase in the Retirement multiplier).

Hope this helps.

21 October, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alacajun, the funny part is that in spite of all of the legal costs (thousands of dollars) and bitch and bother since last June trying to please Compora her crap is apt to backfire on her. Dave Smith may be a crippled old goat, but he is apt to see a hole in her photo rule. He can still use a bipod or four legged support because the rule covers monopods and tripods only.
Further Smith is protected by the ADA act in his photography since the city must provide any aids he requires to meet their requirement to locate his camera away from the Lampoon family and Willie Hall.
Speaking of Willie, was he fired by MacSteel and why? Is this why we have a sudden need for a revived chapter of the NAACP? Why didn’t Compora complain when Monroe Transfer had a video professional recording her many rants along with Willie, the lampoons etc at the ALCC. That IKO crap she and the Lampoons were spouting is something their sorry asses will need to explain in Federal Court.

21 October, 2007  
Blogger roundybout said...

I don’t know if you can hang the whole thing (Monroe Transfer) on the Iaco administration, but he was knee deep in it.

There was a proposed deal to locate Monroe Transfer to the port. It was explored under the Tallerico / Iaco terror regime. It broke down because the site didn’t have comparable rail access to support the operation. It would have taken several million dollars investment to put in the rail spurs to the proposed site. Monroe Transfer already owned a site with plentiful rail access, so they weren’t willing to make the investment. The city / port also couldn’t make that large an investment, so the deal fell through.

Further – in the middle of the fiasco the John Iaco / rubber stamp city council requested the CPC examine down zoning the property from I1 to I2, which they did with the information that Monroe Transfer didn’t mind, they were going to the port.

So – it is not a stretch that the current Monroe Transfer mess started under Iaco. It is a fact it started under his expert vision and guidance.

Hey – I agree I am not a business owner. It never occurred to me to become an entrepreneur. However, I am not in a cushy government job either.

Just the facts!


22 October, 2007  

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