Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Riveting stuff

I get some perverse joy out of watching those ultimate fighting in a cage contests on TV.
But they have nothing on Council Follies, the new reality series that debuted on public access cable last night.
If this is a preview of the election season bodies, if not blood, will be dropping all over the place.
If you missed it, you have to watch the reruns.
Here are highlights:
1.) Ed Paisley gets pasted by a vigilante mob of city retirees for trying to ax one of their own from the pension board. Can you believe ex-police chief knavel came out for this one. I thought he was going to make a citizens arrest. If that didn't deep-six Ed's re-election chances, I shudder to think what it will take. The terrible thing is looks like he just stepped in this one. I don't really think he had evil motives.
2.) Sometime commenter here David Smith just about blows a gasket because he's still irked at Compora. Poor Mayor Al had to rein him in. Did anyone but me think just for a moment that Dave was getting ready to pull a gun? Dave, really, give it a rest!
3.) Compora expresses concern about people using the council meeting as a political forum as she invokes the benevolence of Iacoangeli in giving pensioners a seat on the pension board. Then she nails Mayor Al for taking a lame duck pension trip to New York. Hey, who's being political anyway?
4.) Bill Burkett, running for mayor, borrows an idea from Dave Smith and decides his platform will be to sell the ice arena. Geez, if he had pushed for that when he was re-elected, he would have saved the city close to a mil by my estimates. What, is Smith his campaign manager.
I could go on an on.
Who said democracy was the messiest form of government?


Blogger roundybout said...


The most amazing and baffling thing about the meeting was Linda Compora’s behavior.

First – I almost lost my right to take my cell phone into city council meetings on vibrate because she had a melt down over David Smith pointing a camera at her? I’m kind of glad Dave Smith pulled it from the consent agenda so at least the council realized they didn’t want that rule enacted as it was written. It would appear that both Linda and Dave Smith are having a difficult time letting their animosity for each other go. I can understand how Dave Smith is upset he had to spend a bunch of money defending him from a ludicrous PPO request from an elected official.

Next, Linda wants rules so other candidates can’t show up at council meetings to get free campaign exposure on public access TV, but then she spends half the meeting attacking a lame duck Mayor and her fellow council members? Baffling. She really believes in double standards.

Ed Paisley brought up the change to the board makeup as an honorable man trying to rectify an issue that was brought to his attention. He recognized the issues with his proposal, and took the steps to table it for further study. I don’t see how that can hurt his re-election chances. Ed and the council as a whole are taking steps to get the input before they decide to make a change, or just forget about the proposal. I’m glad to see that the retirees of Monroe have such a tremendous lack of trust for their former employer. I only wish we did away with all entitlement programs altogether, and we each took responsibility for our own well-being.

If I were a retiree I would be at each meeting pushing the city to cut their workforce. I’m guessing the pension payments will have a substantial drop if they city declares bankruptcy.

I was thrilled that Bill Burkett actually voiced selling the ice arena as an option, and that the City Manager is looking into the options. Unlike the splash park the city owns the ice arena, so there may be options to rectify the situation. That is more than can be said about IACO’s splash park that was built on Monroe Public School property.


18 September, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Compora is the queen of all people's causes isn't she? She blasts Ed Paisley for going to Hawaii, but why not blast Andy Pinchoff? He went and blew off most if not all of the conference. Do his retirees know that? Do they know that he is going to New York and then to New Orleans, on their dime? Compora wants to stick up for taxpayers dollars and not allow anyone to go to any conferences, but what about the money and time spent to investigate all of her false accusations against fellow council members? At least people going to conference can learn something. How much did people learn from her false accusations, except that she is insane?

This woman would claim to be anything to anyone if she thought it would get her elected. She even brought up the 3C coalition again, and her buddy Iacoangeli, yet said that people should not be using council for political gain. She is the biggest hypocrite in Monroe, and everyone should be able to see through it. If I have to go door to door, or call everyone in the city, I will spread this word so everyone knows what type of lunatic they have for a council candidate. Vote against the ICC!! The Iacoangeli/Compora/Coalition!!

18 September, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

60 years ago a job with the city was low on the food chain. You were typically a garbage man, ditch digger, or cop. A portion of your pay went to a flower fund to reelect the ruling party. Given that spoils system, in place, employee unions did help reform that mess.

Perhaps city employees or retirees should not be able to serve on any committee that decides their compensation. Is the point that Ed Paisley wished to make.

Dave Smith appeared to be in control of himself throughout his effort to point out a rule Linda Compora wanted for selfish reasons was stupid. Dave is good at mock rage—he could even give IACO lessons on how to do it. Dave is crippled and may appreciate people understanding that causing him physical harm could get those shot. His training as a killer at government expense was not wasted. George understands after Compora has insisted for months that he had better come up with some rule aimed at camera owners and cell phone owners. Otherwise he will not stand a chance of being City Manager with IACO as Mayor Compora as Mayor Pro Tem.

The camera rule will not fly as the state law clearly does not provide for a council vote on camera features. Compora has been on a power trip ever since she got IKO closed and the workers lay off before Christmas. Is the $30,000.00 figure correct for her IKO Christmas bonus?
The meeting was just more stupidity displayed by people that do not understand that they only have a problem when their crap will not flush. In a hooray for me and screw you world ruled by slum lords what more can you expect.

18 September, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give us all a break roundybout/Smith and quit bellyaching about your stupid PPO.

I saw you on tv and you deserve what ever you get. You're whacked,man!

If you hadn't harassed a woman you wouldn't have had to pay legal fees now would you? What I saw from you last night on tv left no doubt in my mind that Compora had every right to take you to court... if it had been me... I would've buried you in legal fees!

For Chrissakes give it up! Do you think you make Compora look bad? Think again! I heard all the groans from the audience, apparently they have the same opinion of you that everyone else
does. Man, everybody KNOWS you're fried!

Your buddy Paisley seems to be an awful liar. I'd be willing to bet that no "constituents" contacted him. Why would "constituent" give a shit about the pension board? Give me another break! Oh yeah, I forgot, this came from someone who has an apparent "disclosure" problem!

This was all cooked up behind the scenes to get rid of the Iaco appointed retiree! That's a no brainer. They just got your ethical buddy to be the fall guy, hello???

Tell you the truth, I'm damn sick of these Capp. cronies thinking the John Q public is so dumb. And if you think this wasn't hatched before hand then I guess the rest of your warped mind is gone.

The thing about the rules of candidates speaking was already in place as Al nodded his head in assent and stated as much, and if I'm right, this was put in place by your buddy Al in his last administration before Iaco beat him maybe even before that because I recall watching meetings and watching Al shut people up who were running against his yes men. Said no campaigning in council chambers.

And as a taxpayer, I don't want to see a bunch of asses who are running for office getting up at meetings on my $$$ just so they can get their face on tv! Let them buy election material with their own money.

For my taxpayer $$$ I don't want some washed up mayor and a loser councilman taking a last hurrah vacation on me! And didn't Ethical Ed just get back from Hawaii and now he's at it again?

Ah yes, one more dip in the public trough folks, have to try to suck it dry because Al won't be back and maybe Ethical Ed won't either!

Here's a plan, why don't YOU pay for their expenses since you seem to have the brown nose?

Good idea since you don't really mind if they screw the taxpayer because..well.. they're your buds!

So why don't you actually do something worthwhile for a change and YOU pay their way and give us taxpayers a relief from their constant sucking off the public tit!

BTW, can't use your poor PPO as an excuse you have no $$. If you hadn't acted like an ass the lawyer wouldn't be richer than you would he? So who's the smart one here?

If you ask me Paisley should be staying home and worrying about the CEU's he's lacking for his CPA license unless he intends to peddle oranges as a career.Or unless he intends to peddle himself as a CPA while is license is lapsed.... again.

Honorable man?? Mr. Ethics?? Yeah, right! He's about as honorable as you which isn't saying much!

And damn if Bill Burkett didn't come alive last night, right on cue at election time just like he always does.

Nice that you're thrilled with the charade these boys are trying to pull on us.

18 September, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Social observer and critic, AGAIN David Smith.

Tell the readers of this blog when you have ever been in control?

Mock rage? Give me a break! You're so consumed by hate that you couldn't control yourself if you tried... which you don't

So are you now threatening to kill someone? Who pray tell might that be? Why don't you be a man for once and use your real name when you make your threats and vomit up all the hatred that you harbor!

A trained killer... at government expense? I've heard it all now!

After watching your performance on
tv, you expect people to believe that you're a trained killer.. paid for by the government... hell, you couldn't hold a job at Ford!

And what's the matter with the Observer? Given the fact that you mention that David Smith is a some time poster on this blog, knowing this guy is a nutball, and if you don't , you should because the whole town knows it, why would you ever put something on here as inflammatory as, "Was I the only one who thought Dave Smith was going to pull out a gun".

If any one gets hurt here, the Observer should be made to shoulder some of the blame for deliberately trying to provoke Monroe's resident whacko! And it seems that he has succeeded..now, aint that something to be proud of!

Posting to deliberately fan the flames in order to get a rise out of a nutcase is sick!
Especially one who appears he will do anything in order to get some attention!

Would you have done it if one of YOUR family were being targeted by this lunatic?

Does it amuse you that this delusional asshole may cause an incident where many people could be injured or worse?

How about your wife and kids, father, mother, brothers,and sisters.. would you stand for someone deliberately trying to incite a lunatic against them?

Would it be OK with you that someone deliberately put THEIR lives in jeopardy?

I say to the Observer that if the above would not be acceptable to him, then don't force it on other innocent people.. you could be held liable.

19 September, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who is confused concerning 5th grade government class issues can go to Google and type in Linda Compora PPO. Next download and read her two conflicting transcripts.

Clearly Linda invented three non existent encounters with Dave within city hall outside of the council chambers in order to satisfy the issuance of a PPO. She had failed to get one issued on any issues involving cameras, internet sites etc.

I an assured that Dave does not consider this matter a feud. My understanding is that he has asked persons who know Linda to arrange a simple meeting to clarify the issues bothering her that he has the ability to rectify based on decency and equity. No one thus far who knows her feels that she has the mental capacity to reason through her disposition to hate and rant.

20 September, 2007  
Blogger The Observer said...

Monroe Truth is right. I sincerely regret observing that it appeared that Dave Smith was ready to pull a gun at the city council meeting. If he or anyone else in the city gets hurt, I will willingly accept all responsibility. In fact, I think I'm going to make a citizen's arrest of myself for inciting a riot from the privacy of my own home.
I'm sure it would be much safer in Monroe if Dave Smith didn't have this blog and others to vent on and just kept everything bottled up real tight inside. In fact, I'm going to start cracking down on people who vent on this blog. This will be a big job because in looking back over all the posts, it appears that a small amount -- like maybe 98 percent -- consists of people venting. But I do accept responsibility.
I also want to remind some johnny come latelys that although I may think it's fine to incite riots, encourage murder and other forms of mayhem, I really must draw the line at obscenities and profanities. Since moderation of this blog began -- something I didn't want to do -- I've only deleted one off-color entry. As I have said before, you can imply a profanity very effectively by using dots or dashes without offending young Internet surfers in the United Kingdom who might accidentally find this site. Those who insist on using profanity and vulgarities should be forewarned, I will hunt you down and put a bullet between your eyes.
It's just a little mental problem I have.
BTW, did anyone besides me think that ex-police chief Kanavel was getting ready to pull a gun on Paisley the other night?

20 September, 2007  
Blogger alacajun said...

Dave and Linda both need to stop. The councilwoman complained about the mayor costing the City a few bucks for a water and a candy bar but she is alright with wasting staff dollars doing research to change the rules of council chamber. The councilwoman is also alright knowing that those changes will cost the City "a few hundred dollars" for signs. But, she complained about an aquafina and snickers. Yeah, OK. This is her personal issues and she should not be allowed to use her power as a councilperson to change the rules. Somebody needs to squash this.

Councilwoman Compora and her concept of "no campaigning" at council meetings. So, what is it that she has been doing for the last couple of years? As the valley girls would say, "what'ever".

Ms. Compora and Mr. Smith monopolized the conversation, in many ways when the important issue was Councilman Paisley's attempt to eliminate a retiree representative from the retirement board. Roundybout, you can say whatever you like about being an honest christian or honorable man or saved by lord Jesus Christ all you like. The councilman, if his telling of the story was true (that he made this suggestion at the request of a constituent), just threw that constituent under the bus - now there is leadership. (Imagine - "yeah, I know I made the motion and I brought it up but, gee, Mr. Cleaver, oh, I mean, Mr. Mayor, I only did it because a constituent ask me to do so" - when all else fails, push someone else on the sword!).

Did the councilman bring up his idea to the Pension Board? Did he even contact Mr. Pinchoff? The councilman wants the HR director to be on the board when she has not even started yet.

Amazingly, nobody caught on to the fact that Jerry Powell was smart enough to notice that the Councilman's request two weeks ago was not even on the agenda. When asked how it even came up, the Mayor, stated, (according to the MEN which, could be in a conspiracy to lie and get Icoangeneli, Compora or Guyer elected, according to posters on this blog) "There had been general discussion, but nothing in a closed-door session," the mayor said. Course, then "half of the six council members present Monday immediately denied that they were part of any general discussion about the proposal before it was brought up at the council meeting."
Things that make you go, hmmm.

Guess what guys? Crazy, Cookey, Councilwoman Linda had a point with requesting the Mayor not go to the next pension board conference in New York. Maybe the new HR director should go as she will not be subjected to elections. Then again, when does she start? Considering that we have been without an HR director for how long now, do we need an HR director in the first place? Couldn't we not contract this out for a fraction of the cost? But, you can't blame Ms. Howard for retiring from the County and taking a job with the City, smart woman.

Observer, I would be careful, was I the only one that found it odd that Councilwoman Compora used the term "lame duck" as a descriptive term for Mayor? If she keeps quoting you folks will accuse you of writing her speeches (that isn't you sitting with Linda, John and Rick at Fino's is it?).

Finally, Monroe Truth - you were kidding right? If your family gets targeted. (Again, insert Valley Girl phrase - what'ever). Ol'Man Smith is more reasonable than you believe and besides even if he wasn't he does not have a questionable history - like; accusing the Mayor of "skunk'in" her ride or Councilman Beneteau of stealing flowers from a grave or (again, insert Valley Girl phrase).

21 September, 2007  

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