Name that council
Okay, we know who the candidates are.
I you were king or queen for a day, what would your dream council be (chosen from among those running).
We already had someone responding to the post break the ice and make their selections.
Who do you choose and why?
I you were king or queen for a day, what would your dream council be (chosen from among those running).
We already had someone responding to the post break the ice and make their selections.
Who do you choose and why?
First Pct. Jeff Hensley (he lost so many times already, might as well toss him a stick)
Second Pct. Ed Paisley (CPA, money guy, attended events well and represented the city well, even when falsely accused)
Third Pct. Calvin McGhee
Fourth Pct. John Martin or Jeremy Molenda (not Guyor)
Fifth Pct. Anyone other than the disruptive "B---H" Compora)
Sixth Pct. Brian Beneteau
This Council can deal with any Mayor chosen.
My pick for Mayor in descending order: Worrell, Burkett, McIntyre, McElligott. Iacoangelini is not an option.
Mayor – Worrell, See previous post.
1st Precinct – Paisley. Ed Paisley has done a good job to date, and has always been forthcoming and honest in my dealings with him. It would seem that someone who posts on this blog enjoys spreading accusations about Ed’s character and professional conduct, but he denies them and I have no reason to doubt him. Floraday’s record as DDA chairman to me is more dismal than what Ed Paisley has been accussed of. I have no idea what Tonya would bring to the table. I value Ed’s financial / accounting background, and he has demonstrated the last 1.5 years how it gives him insights into the cities challenges.
2nd Precinct – Clarke. Bob Clarke is a long serving State Policeman. He understands how government works, and seeing him in action I am always amazed at his understanding of how community groups can use government agencies and grants to the benefit of Monroe. I personally think Bobs experience in law enforcement and public safety and the professional perspective would be valuable in the future as tough decisions have to be made about cutting the police and fire departments. He may also bring an interesting perspective on intergovernmental cooperation and working with the state.
3rd Precinct – Jim Tischler (just kidding). I don’t know Calvin McGhee, and we really don’t have a choice. I’m sure he will be a strong member of the council.
4th Precinct – John Martin. Besides wanting to give free parking to Patterson I can’t think of a situation in which John didn’t handle himself well. I never want to go back to Guyor, just like I don’t want to see Iaco back in office. Her long speeches about how difficult serving on council is and how she skipped her anniversary seemed self serving. If she didn’t want to make the sacrifice she shouldn’t have run. Apparently she liked being on council since she feels the need to get beat in yet another election. While she was on council she didn’t seem to have a voice of her own. I would be interested in hearing about the third candidate in the precinct as I know nothing about him.
5th Precinct – Anyone but Linda Compora. Honestly I can’t get excited about Mary Connor, and I don’t know anything about the other candidate. I will vote for whichever candidate appears to have the best chance to beat Linda. I hopped someone would drop out of this race, but no luck. Maybe the 3rd candidate is Linda’s friend and just jumped in so she can have another chance to win with less than the majority of voters.
6th Precinct – Apparently everyone in the 6th precinct agree with me that Brian Beneteau deserves another term.
Cute name but I doubt that a City Employee would like for Mr. Molenda to be elected or that they would advocate for Mr. Worrell considering he has indicated his willingness to follow the proposed study.
1 pct. Jeff Hensley - Good guy, sincere, committed to Monroe, works for DTE.
2 pct. Tonya Sweat - new face, new ideas, good person, life long resident, good family.
3 pct. Calvin McGhee - new to Monroe (has lived here less than ten years), works out of town, has no connection to any agency or group (non profit, development) other than to Rosie Barns at Monroe High. Wife is on the CPC.
4 pct. John Martin - has served us well.
5 pct. Sadly as the Fire Marshall backed out I am without a candidate. OK, I will go back to my kindergarten class and remember my "ABC's", "Anyone, But Compora".
6 pct. Brian Beneteau - Like Mr. Martin, has served us well.
Good luck to all.
Roundybout wrote: "It would seem that someone who posts on this blog enjoys spreading accusations about Ed’s character and professional conduct, but he denies them and I have no reason to doubt him." OK - But, are you not being a bit closed to the truth?
While I am in no way attempting to spread accusations, I do think it is fine to question someone who wishes to run for public office's professional conduct. Having said that it is truth that Mr. Paisley
- (1) is currently on probation by the State of Michigan for a violation involving his license to operate as a CPA and he was fined (go check the State of Michigan, department of consumer and industrial affairs website). (2) He didn't disclose his relationship to the resident's nor to other council members prior to voting before allowing a tax abatement on 11 Washington, although he later admitted his "client" owned the property - all he had to do was not vote, eh? Irrespective of what the ethics committee said, I will express it like this. If tomorrow at work, I give my landlord a discount and then do not inform my boss of our relationship they (my boss) would be angry. Well, in this case, I (tax paying citizen and voter) am angry and want to know why one of our council persons voted to extend special favor to someone he had a relationship with? Recall, had he just not voted the measure would have passed. But, arrogance over what he could do led him to not do this - ironically, he had already "outed" his relationship during an earlier DDA meeting. (3) He is on the retirement board and did have the retirement board actuarial prior to attending the conference in Hawaii and prior to Ed Sell informing us that we (tax payers, as, Mr. Paisley does not own property does he? - I maybe mistaken on this and if so I apologize) we would be on the hook for over 1 Million more than we thought - so, why was his "financial / accounting" background not telling us this?
Trust me, I am sure he is a nice guy. I am sure that he wants good things for the City. But, those things do not change any of the items I mentioned above. Also, before you ask, I do think as he touts his financial background, that he should have taken a leadership roll in these times and he has not done so. Maybe the guy is simply over committed with the number of boards, committees and what not that he serves. Maybe trying to run two business in addition to everything else is too much.
Either way, I can't see voting for him. Even if his license was not on probation the deal breaker for me was saying that the "accounting ethics" prevented him from telling other council members or the public that he was the renter of 11 Washington or was the client for property owner. This was not true when he said it (go check the American Accounting Associations website) and it isn't true today.
You can debate this and tell me that I am committing slander however, this is not only my opinion but if you will take the time to do the research instead of (as you said) "he denies it" you will understand the truth.
Sadly, your defense of Mr. Paisley is much like the defense that those who praise the former mayor have - based only on your opinion and not on facts. Why, you have always seemed reasonable? You know, it is possible he made mistakes in his life isn't it? I mean, the State of Michigan seems to think so (I am sure they took the time to do some research).
I agree with the first two comments especially on never again wanting Compora or another bitch from the devil like her. Many people do not unde4rstand that public elected persons enjoy almost complete immunity form civil actions about claims made against one another and even citizens.
For example she could say that Paisley is unethical because he sole $5, 000, 000.00 from the general fund and it was not IACO and his reckless ways. She could say that the four who had the door ajar slammed in her face and said their meeting was private and about city business. She could claim that David Alkire Smith was a child molester and he ought to be jailed.
I agree on not affording IACO who was a failure in business and blew his second chance to redeem himself as mayor. Likewise John Martin has served with honor and never proposed anything he considered for his benefit. I never want to see Guyor on any board or commission because anything she ever did was self serving.
Who even cares about David Alkire Smith and his constant whining about Compora?
The guy is a harasser. He CHOSE to harass a woman. He deserved what he got. END OF STORY!
IACO is this you weighing in against Dave Smith or a cat’s pawl? Let’s see, he is a severely mobility handicapped man who is an honest citizen and earns a decent living as an engineering consultant.
He is a noted photographer as a hobby and has a web site that probably gets more hits than those claimed by the Monroe Evening News. Buried deep in the site was a photo of Linda’s signs and Linda confronting him and his son. As usual she called the cops so Dave and Andy waited. Unknown to Dave Linda sought a PPO a number of times starting with that incident. The judge made it plain that she needed a reason—something that made her afraid.
She invented three incidents of verbal assault involving Dave yelling at her in city hall which were outright lies. The Judge accepter lies as the truth because she swore before God and Man falsely and a PPO was issued. I understand she wished Floraday to act as her attorney at the hearing but he has no law degree. This was not permitted nor was she permitted to read form a script IACO or some one like him prepared. Floraday was permitted to remain as a spectator since he did not wish to testify. This clear from the court transcript posted on for all to read. The thing ended with the PPO being immediately dismissed without any testimony from Dave’s many witnesses.
Having watched Dave over the years on issues such as a crooked school administration and his ‘Committee to Restore Integrity” succeeding in getting Ray Marrow fired. His exposing shady radio deals with the county and an occasional screw up at city hall all I can do is respect the man.
Respect for David Smith? Highly coincidental that councilwatcher is probably none other than twisted David Smith.
Sure he respects himself... no one else does!
I expect that Dave Smith has more respect for you than you have for him. Planning is a course colleges saw money to be made in teaching when communities became zoned. With the exception of Jim Tischler, we have had no good planners for a long time. If you are too dumb to become an engineer or accountant there is always urban planning as a career of last resort. Just how smart did Laura Kreps need to be to pronounce the scrap yard on the East end a mistake and then leave town to work for the same inept planner you hired that helped her screw the zoning up.
Dave pronounced in a council meeting before you that one or two people on the planning staff could be replaced with fax machines. Does that truth haunt you John Boy.
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