Does this really matter?
I was watching a debate the other night and began thinking whether it's worth applying one of the yardsticks used in national elections to the Monroe mayor's race.
That yardstick is called "family values."
If you run down the list of candidates, it's a series of broken marriages and excess baggage.
In fact, if you run through the whole list of council candidates, there are a bunch of dysfunctional issues.
Does it matter? Does it speak to moral character or personality issues that might make someone better or worse in local government?
On the national level, Rudy is running for president and he has a horrendous history of failed relationships. But he's a viable candidate apparently.
Does this kind of stuff matter locally or does it matter only when you're personnally opposed to a candidate?
That yardstick is called "family values."
If you run down the list of candidates, it's a series of broken marriages and excess baggage.
In fact, if you run through the whole list of council candidates, there are a bunch of dysfunctional issues.
Does it matter? Does it speak to moral character or personality issues that might make someone better or worse in local government?
On the national level, Rudy is running for president and he has a horrendous history of failed relationships. But he's a viable candidate apparently.
Does this kind of stuff matter locally or does it matter only when you're personnally opposed to a candidate?
I think it does matter; to a point. Monroe is a very religious town, at least by the number of Church's we have.
I don't know all of the in's and outs of each person running but I don't see how divorce should be "baggage" although to some it is. I have thought about the list of candidates and some are obvious;
Icoangenili - restaurant / past budget.
Burkett - union ties (if that is a negative).
McElliot - Friend of the Court woes.
Paisley - See last blog entry.
Compora - History with David Smith and history of accusing others.
McGhee - Allegations that his wife stole money from MB&T when she worked there.
Martin - Allegations regarding his divorce, i.e. reasons for it.
That's what, seven candidates from a field of fifteen people running? I don't know that is all that bad is it? In Mr. Martin's case I chalk all that up to gossip and BS. Getting a divorce sucks and I feel for him, no matter what the reason. In Mr. McGhee's case, hey, it wasn't him so again it is just gossip. Regarding Bill Burkett, I only included that because somehow being a Union Man has become a pejorative - take them away and it leaves you with four.
So - are there other issues regarding the candidates that I have not mentioned? You know the slate that I am going to vote for - should I be concerned? Are there issues I don't know about but should?
IACO is totally disqualified on the issue of ethics. He ranted like a small child to get a weak council to go his way on a very unpopular leaf pickup program. He did the same in attempting to disfranchise downtown merchants who would not agree to sign a loyalty to John oath. While many did overlook a bankruptcy under questionable circumstances his ethics in dealing with people speaks volumes about his character.
While a marriage can be broken for cause, I really don’t want a representative who lives shacked up without the benefit of holy matrimony. We need men and women who are able to manage their own affairs and finances including being the head of a decent household if they have a mate and or children. All of these must be balanced with the question of what they have done to set their personal affairs in order.
If Rudy got along with everyone, then he wouldn't have been a good Mayor or presidential candidate. He probably had so many failed relationships because his committment to his job. Who care's if he can keep a marriage together as long as it doesn't interfere with his position.
I didn't have a problem with Clinton's relationships until they became a source for a wasted investigation at taxpayer expense. He could have had relations with every intern, privately, an I couldn't care less. Besides, the job should have some perks :)
I don't know the detailed personal lives of all of the candidates.
According to a previous poster Iaco likes getting lap dances, and I once heard a rumor that Linda was a hostess in Vegas in her youth (whatever that means), but other than that I am not sure about the details of any of their personal lives. I can only judge them by what I know from their actions in the community and on council. I don’t think it is any of my business to explore their personal affairs.
Further, I would hate to judge an individual based on how successful they are in their personal relationships with a spouse or significant other. I personally don’t believe that extramarital affairs are appropriate, but I also believe don’t judge lest ye be judged. Some relationship issues are due to incompatibilities in personalities. I wouldn’t want to say anyone is less honorable because they couldn’t make a relationship work.
I am sure the Monroe Evening News will delve into these issues in whatever way they can to further their political agenda of getting Iaco, Floraday, and Guyor elected.
It is rumored that there has been a video tape circulating around Monroe for quite some time now apparently starring Tonya Sweat and her husband on an african-american hosted national tv talk show.
Rumor has it that our council candidate seemingly blindsided her husband on national tv by telling the audience that she had an extramarital affair (or affairs) while married to him and apparently he had no idea that this was coming. Nothing like being set-up by your loving wife is there? Everyone in the orchard east area seems to know about this video and apparently they are talking and talking loud.
If this is true it shows a lack of respect for herself, her husband and her family.
I also have heard that the Sweats have an ax to grind with several city department heads and the police dept. so I question Ms. Sweat's motive for running for council, according to the MEN blog it seems Ms. Sweat thinks she will be the council "savior"
Maybe she should be tossed into the bin along with McElligott for having an ax grinding reason to run for council and while we're at it we could throw Mary Conner in there too since it's no secret that she's running again and has run in the past only to get back at Compora for defeating her idiot husband Lloyd.
I would have to agree with cityresident on this issue. It shouldn't matter as to anyone's relationship/marriage status as long as they do the job that they are elected to do. What they do at night is their own business.
Thankfully, Monroe is a small town and word travels fast. Sadly, I had to be called over a blog.
My wife is Tonya Sweat. Tonya and I have been married for over ten years now and have three wonderful children. We live in the town that we were both born and raised. Neither of us are perfect nor have we claimed to be.
Thank You for taking the time to read my comments and I hope that they are published.
iwonder has written some things about my marriage under an assumed identity however I will take the time to address them.
Yes, Tonya and I appeared on a talk show (Larry Elder) in March 2005. The subject was, "dealing with difficult and defiant children".
Tonya and I have had difficulty in our marriage, like many couples. Tonya did have an affair some eight plus years ago. I was informed of this shortly after the affair and Tonya and I went to counseling because of it. Thankfully, we were able to work through this and were able to continue on. Does this mean that things are perfect? No, but they are very good.
I was not "blindsided" by Tonya. Tonya and I had spoken with the producers of this show for nearly two months prior to tapping. They were aware of the affair because we were told them. The show producer had told me prior to filming that the affair, at my request, would not be part of the show as the focus was not affairs. Mr. Elder alluded to it as the show went to break. The issue was not discussed in any detail as I informed him this was not why we were there and he respected that. Yes, this issue was difficult to get through however we did accomplish that task.
There were people in the Orchard who saw the show and were upset. It was something that both Tonya and I were "chastised" about by someone at a public meeting. However, at the same meeting they accused someone of stealing money from Monroe NAACP and also threatened that they would be "watching me". So, I never really took it too serious. Particullarly because I knew this persons history and what was happening at the time.
If there is a tape of the show, I don't know of it. I have seen the show once and can tell you that it is about, if memory serves me, ten - fifteen minutes long. Although, filming was nearly an hour, so, you can imagine how much was "cut" and "pasted".
My family has no "ax" to grind with any department within the City of Monroe. I of course, know, John Michrina (Monroe City Police) as he was a former Board Member with my place of employment. Currently, Ed Paisley and Dorothy Edwards are on my Board of Directors. As is former City Council / County Commissioner Dave Roberts. Former Council candidate Willie Hall. CPC Member Jackie McGhee and City Attorney Tom Ready. Of course, this is all public record and is shown on the City of Monroe's cable scroll. I have worked with many of the department heads in the City and have found all of them to be enjoyable people. Do I agree with all of them, of course not. Of course, I am sure they would not always agree with me either.
Tonya and I knew someone would bring this out and would try and make something of it. We also knew that someone would come up with the whole "ax" to grind line. We did have a serious parking issue at one point and there have been other issues that have occurred during meetings that were open to the public however I fail to see how this means Tonya or I have an "ax" to grind.
Well, it happened sooner than we expected. I just hope that "iwonder" understands that, "I wonder" what they think they are proving or accomplishing? That Tonya and I are human and have made mistakes? Or that rumors and innuendo run rampant in Monroe? Hum. I think I knew that and I am sure so did most other adults.
The pathetic part is Tonya and I are both accessible people and were "iwonder" really interested in helping to learn and inform people they would only need to contact us. But, then again such lack of respect from an anonymous person does not make me "wonder".
Tonya is running for council because she believes in this City, where we live and raise our children. Her interest and understanding in grassroots community development are wonderful and her desire to for this City to succeed is amazing. She will support whomever assumes Precinct two's council seat. I do wonder why, "iwonder" would rather not tell people of those things.
I do wonder one thing, "iwonder" do you have the guts to come and address me in person with your ignorance? Please do, the Monroe Evening News has published my address in the paper - I am not hard to find.
I am amazed at the vileness of people. In regards to the poster iwonder, I wonder what they feel they served by making their comment. That I would back down or run away?
Let me tell you a few things about myself as iwonder seems to only know 1% of what makes me who I am.
Would you like to know I was also molested for 6+ years as a child? Would you like proof? The Sheriff's Department has proof of that if anyone wants to see a copy of the police report. It would be 80-something, so look hard.
Would you like to know that my parents divorced when I was in 9th grade? My mother raised us children, moving from place to place.
Would you like to know I met my husband at the age of 18 and we have together ever since.
Would you like to know that just recently, we had our gas service shut off because we could not afford to pay off the winter bill.
Would you like to know that we had to approach the church to ask for money to help buy our kid's Christmas gifts last year.
Would you like to know that I take our youngest son to Ann Arbor 2 times a week for medical appointments.
My life doesn't seem so interesting now, does it.
Yes, I did have a affair. It was early in our marriage. It was wrong and I was open with my husband from the get-go. Obviously, we managed to work through our martial issues and just recently celebrated our 10 year anniversary.
That is more than what I can say about half the marriages in Monroe.
I have always said, my past is open. Obviously, iwonder thought they were breaking news. Not so breaking if "a tape has been circulating around Monroe for quite some time" is it.
I will agree with one point iwonder made, I was being disrespectful to myself, my husband and my family! WOW! The lessons I have learned! Chalk it up to maturity.
Thank you for allowing an anonymous poster to post something that is old news. Nothing like rehashing the past. Luckily, I am older, wiser and a bigger person to deal with it.
As far as having an ax to grind. I think not. Personal vendettas are not my thing. We (obviously) have been a subject of them for far too long and have found they are a waste of time. My view point is if you feel okay going to bed knowing you have intentional tried to hurt people then that is on you. It is better to find value in all things bad and learn what you can.
Not only that, but publicly posting details of our personal lives on the Internet. Do you or the poster not think (probably doesn't care) that while the hope is to cost me the council seat, it could and will affect other areas of our lives? How about my children? My family, friends? People who don't know, or I have met in the last 5 years. Only a person who is evil and heartless does these things.
Savior? Again? The only Savior I am aware of is our Lord, Jesus Christ. Again, not my words. See for yourself.
What a shame!! This is the city we claim to love! For all I know, this iwonder is the same person who smiles at us day in and day out and trys to hold a conversation with us.
To think I am the one who is being accused of as dishonest. I use my real name...
Many blessings to you!
Someone is trying way too hard to sway voters.
IACO or a cat’s pawl for him seems to weigh in as a non Google Blogger frequently under different names. I think that any government that is ran by dishonest people subject to make sharp deals under the umbrella of a historical society that might be a means to transfer wealth to politicians and demolition contractors is in trouble.
If John likes lap dances in naked bars that speaks volumes about his morals. My preference would be to hit Jason’s or Studio Four with rubber gloves and a swab saturated the pure ingredient in pepper spray and put it on the flush handles knobs and all things John and other touch within the place. Next discard the gloves and take up a defensive position in the corner and wait for business to pick up. I would love to see John’s reaction during a lap dance when his male member became severely inflamed and painful.
The only thing that will sway me to vote for you is a platform that makes sense. Loving a city is not a reason for running for city council. What are your qualifications? What is your position on issues?
You better get used to getting shots taken at you. Since Iaco's term politics haven't been real friendly in Monroe. Get used to it, or withdraw.
You admit to learning and maturing in your life over the last 10 years. What makes you think you have the insight and intelligence to serve on council? Maybe in 10 years you will realize that the decision to run for council was as impulsive as having an affair, and you were in no way prepared for such a move.
I don't say this to attack you. I just don't see that you have anything to bring to the table. Hence, your running seems like an ill advised act. Remember, you brought this upon yourself and your family!
Tonya and Will.
IACO and his fellow travelers is every bit as ethical as Adolph Hitler. Lies to IACO are just a campaign strategy. Defending an unwise action in public has been done but this will not end the matter with IACO. People accept honesty if they are honest.
I advise dropping out and continuing to be a good wife to Will and mother to your children without the aggravation of a council seat. Circumstances of work probably have caused persons like this writer and Round About to advise not bothering to explain anything that is really not germane to your candidacy.
Loving the City and wanting progress is what many of us wish for. Candidates of a base vile nature such as IACO, Compora, Floraday, and Guyor are your detractors. They appear to be the same person and could well be a mayor you could be forced to serve under if IACO should win; I advise quietly dropping out and endorsing Ed Paisley.
Councilwatcher and roundybout all appear to be the same vile rhetoric and the same vile person, none other than David Smith.
I would not take heed to anything this guy says. He writes on his website that he has a friendship with Iaco and then turns around and vilifies him here.
He is one sick man. If Tonya Sweat wants to run for council who is this nutball to tell her to quietly withdraw and endorse Paisley?
Hello? Isn't it obvious that she's running because she wants different council member in her precinct? So why would she turn around and endorse "Ethical Ed"?
This guy appears to live in a dream world, thinks his word is the only word. Only trouble is he's a liar,a harasser and a detriment to this community. His thinking is delusional. Check out his website. Anyone who reads through that thing knows that this guy is a whack job.
Tonya... don't let this idiot deter you... that's what he wants to do.. get you out of the race so his friend Paisley has a better shot!
Oh My!! I Just Typed David Alkire Smith in Google and he is not dysfunctional. He seems to garner respect around the world.
Try Ben Tallerico
Linda Compora
John Iacoangeli
Do I detect a jealous politician making remarks in an attempt to defame an honest citizen?
It is my considered opinion that IACO does a decent job of conducting meetings. One little tick or quirk he ought to work on is picking his noise on television. If he wiped them on a hankie or his pants it would not be so bad but eating them should be curtailed. Flinging them at Linda would be a good thing.
So - is that the "baggage?" Well, now I really know that I will vote for Tonya Sweat! Why you ask? Because unlike either the current councilman or the other candidate she did not cower from responding or give some BS concocted answer.
Roundyabout you really need help and I pray that you have never made any mistakes in your life. You can type whatever you like but your insistence that anything IACO, Compora, Floraday is evil is ignorant! Your holy than thou "what are your qualifications / what do you bring to the table?" Hmmm. If you ask a few people that know her you will find that she has more college education than current council members (Edwards, Compora, Beneteau). That she is a business owner. That she has more than seven years working with community development organizations. Hmmm. That's a hell of a lot more experience than Ms. Compora, Mr. Beneteau or Ms. Edwards had when they took office!
You, roundybout, are a true, "jackass". Your first response was, "I don't believe in extramarital affairs but "Judge lest ye be judged". You then turned around and Judged this woman!
Are you a new resident of Monroe? You must be because your pontification that "since IACO" politics in Monroe have been like this is wrong. You may want to do some research about "back door politics" in Monroe because it is obvious that you have been spoon fed. Here's a thought about "dirty politics" if it only started with the IACO regime then tell me, "who torched the courthouse back in the late 80's early 90's and why?" Guess IACO isn't the cause of everything is he? Does he have that much power? Why run for mayor if you do, why not just continue to be the "Monroe Godfather".
Councilwatcher - you want to protect people from hate by advising they drop out? I don't understand, you seem to imply that Mrs. Sweat honestly addressed this but that she should "step down" because ICAO may win and she would have to serve with him.
Boy - there is no middle ground with some of you folks. Just so I have it right: IACO and his group bad, anyone else good. Hope your hero's mistakes don't come out - course, just like "honest ed" when they do you will obfuscate to ensure that everyone knows how unethical those things are!
Observer, how about moderation? Look up the allegations that have been posted here - not just the BS stories but the allegations. You know if you do it people may believe it. If the MEN does it they are just trying to get IACO, Compora, Guyer elected (or whatever it was that one of the drones said).
Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?
I said that the only thing that would sway me to vote for Tonya was qualifications and a platform that I agreed with.
Honestly, right now I am inclined to vote for Ed Paisley. I don’t see where he has not fulfilled his oath of office to date. I am not enamored with Mr Floraday and some of the DDA’s moves since he has been the chair.
There are three candidates I would like to know more about, including Tonya. I haven’t made up my mind on anyone except Mark Worrell, Brian Benetau, and Robert Clarke.
To date the only information I heard about Tonya was that she went on some Springer type show, and she was apparently righteously upset that her family was about to get a whole bunch of mud slung at them.
Given my limited knowledge of this individual my advice would be for her to search her soul and decide if this was really a burden she wanted to place on herself and her family.
As for my comment don’t judge lest ye be judged I was only replying to the observers post. I meant what I said. Don’t read more into it than I said. I was only responding to the Observers question on whether personal conduct should matter.
So, as a devout Christian I will forgive you for accusing me of malice and slandering others. I am not perfect, only Jesus Christ was. I am however forgiven through the grace of my personal savior.
So – I sit here with an open mind, waiting for candidates to present me their qualifications, platform, and visions for the future of Monroe.
I never accused you of slander or malice. But, if you like I can accuse you of being uninformed and a bit scary with your religious pontifications. Recognize this - I too have my own relationship with God. I use it to act pious. (We did have a series of popes who did that - didnt work out too well).
Notice you didn't respond to the idea that this woman has more experience and education than; Ms. Compora, Ms. Edwards, Mr. Burkett, and Mr. Beneteau. I know that you voted for at least two of them - so using your own logic "what do you bring to the table" your not consistent. So, is it just this woman that you don't like or do you not like her because she is black? Of course, you will say you were not attacking - duhh. Internet rule; whenever someone says, this isn't meant to be an attack or I am not judging - they ARE judging and attacking because in anonymity you can do this.
But, you, drone as you are, will vote for Councilman Paisley. Don't you just wonder, some place in the back of your mind, that place that you never talk about to others, don't you just wonder how is it that Councilman Paisley was accused and adjudicated by the Michigan State Board of Labor and Economic Growth (licensing division) for inappropriate behavior? Don't you ponder how it is that the Councilman was implicated in a silly screw up regarding the property of his client and landlord at 11 Washington. Don't you just consider how it is possible that the Councilman has now seemingly thrown a member of the community (a voting member none the less) under the bus in respect of the Retirement Board fiasco. Don't you consider how it is that three of the six councilpersons currently sitting state they have never had a conversation with Councilman Paisley regarding the Retirement Board prior to his motion on 3 Sept? Course, you won't question those things because like your first post, before you played "giddy up" and back tracked, your logic is flawed by your admiration of anything that is Paisley. You admitted not being perfect but, somehow, you think he is?
This isn't mean to be an attack or anything and I'm not really judging anyone, but what alacajun had to say here about Ed Paisley is RIGHT ON THE MONEY!
You have now accused me of being a racist in addition to the previous charges.
Let me repeat once again slowly so you can understand: I don’t know much if anything about Tonya. Given my current knowledge of the 3 candidates I would say Ed is the front-runner for me now. If Tonya makes a good case with qualifications I could easily be swayed to vote for her. I don’t have an agenda, I just want what is best for Monroe, and I think that means realistic candidates that understand the dire situation the city is facing. I didn’t even know Tonya’s race until you brought it up. Frankly, her race does not matter to me. It is my observation in life that both intelligent and stupid people are pretty well equally distributed throughout the different skin tones, sexes, and religions. I don’t like stupid people who make idiotic generalizations, but you can’t just look at someone and identify by some physical characteristic if they are an idiot.
No one, including your much-hated Ed Paisley and myself is perfect. Only Jesus Christ walked the planet without committing a sin. I am not close to the perfection of Jesus Christ. I am however saved through the grace of god, and if I come off sounding pious, I apologize. There is plenty of room to be saved – you just need to repent of your sins and accept Jesus as your personal savior. For you this may mean forgiving Ed for not being perfect and accepting him as he is, and getting the hatred out of your heart.
Earlier in a post I said Judge not lest ye be judged. I am sure there are things in your background that you didn’t do absolutely the way you should have. I know there are in mine. Like Tonya you should learn from your mistakes and come away a better person. Pointing fingers and pontificating about others mistakes isn’t Christian, so excuse me if I choose to not do it.
You really must learn to read - honest. Just as I never accused you of slander I never accused you of being a racist, I asked a question which was; So, is it just this woman that you don't like or do you not like her because she is black? Now - what part of that is accusatory? That's right, none.
Funny, your inability to comprehend the English language has lead to your stating that I must "hate" Ed Paisley as you wrote, "including your much-hated Ed Paisley". Too bad you didn't read my earlier post which, unlike yours, truly are unbiased. I have no ill feelings toward the Councilman. I simply made an observation of his professional conduct. I have nothing to forgive him for - his mistakes are between his own consciences, the State of Michigan, the Voters and God. By the way, according to the professional incidents I have cited are not mistakes and as such the Councilman has not asked for forgiveness - so, even if I were wrong, how is it that I can forgive someone who has not sought forgiveness?
Your assertion that there is plenty of room for me to be saved seems to imply that I am not. Sorry to inform you that this is not the case, hope your alright with me being on the bus. The Christian thing to do is to be honest and discuss these issues and not to act as thought they did not or do not exist.
Roundybout, I find if funny that you are trying to lecture others on being ethical and christian when you have taken pains to degenerate John Icoangeneli (BTW, yes, he was a bad Mayor - so see we agree) and Linda Compora. Your user name appears to me to be nothing more than a take off of the much maligned project that Mayor Iccoangenili wanted, you know, the Roundabout?
BTW, I know I am not perfect and have never pretended to be. I also know that I hold a very good ability to read and comprehend what is being written. It is funny to me that you wanted to lecture Ms. Sweat by writing, " I just don't see that you have anything to bring to the table. Hence, your running seems like an ill advised act. Remember, you brought this upon yourself and your family!" So, were you not "pointing fingers and pontificating on others mistakes" when you said that? Oh, that's right, we have a comprehension issue. Now, you hide behind your Christianity when questioned. So, Roundybout, keep in mind, your inability to comprehend others written words along with an inability to examine the professional conduct of a sitting councilman in an unbiased manner means that you, "have brought this on yourself"! How funny -
Roundybout - your user name says it all, "round". Please take the time to Google something called circular logic - I think it fits you, really, really, well.
You and those who think like you are the problem with Monroe. You have a blind adherence to the status quo and then when questioned you get defensive and point fingers (like I accused of being a racist - whatever) all the while claiming you are too christian to point fingers. Your as fake as the need for the Mayor the attend the next retirement board conference - (although I am sure you can defend that by telling me how much these conferences save us money because of the great knowledge learned - yeah, worked wonders this year didn't it?).
Just for the record; I voted for Councilman Pasiley in the last election.
I know you didn't ask for my forgiveness, but I can't forgive you for your vote.
Maybe you can redeem yourself this election, though I know you might be seeking redemption.
The funny thing here is our positions seem to be in alignment most of the time, yet you apparently have decided that I need berated on a regular basis.
I apologize to you that I inferred from your post that your were accusing me of being racist, sexist, having malice against my fellow citizens, or practicing slander. I realize now you never meant to imply these things. Obviously I can’t comprehend the written English language; hence my misunderstanding.
I think I have already explained my statement to Tonya already. Politics in Monroe are now a very dirty, nasty game. I am not sure when it started, or how long it has been that way. I personally don’t understand why this needs to be the case on a national level, let alone in our small town. If someone doesn’t have the stomach for the game, then I do suggest staying out of it. If you do choose to get into it, then your personal life and behavior, your professional license status, business conduct, and marital harmony, etc. are fair game to some. I don’t agree with this behavior. I certainly don’t advocate this type of behavior. It does, however, seem to be a fact in Monroe.
I give you a gold star for correctly identifying the origin of my posting name Roundybout. I did adopt that moniker shortly after the CIP budget hearings where the infamous roundabout was proposed. It also does have a secondary meaning that I am amused that the same people / ideas / issues seem to go around and around with little progress. I hope that my arguments are not circular.
I am proud to say that I include John Iacoangeli on my list of friends, and I certainly hope he includes me on his list of friends. I value and solicit John’s opinions and ideas, and can honestly say that if he had chosen to run for council against Floraday, Sweat, and Paisley I would vote for him. I didn’t vote for John for Mayor in the last election, and will not vote for him in this election. I didn’t agree with all of his projects while he was mayor, and didn’t understand the contentious manner in which some business was conducted. With that said he was always willing to discuss things, share his ideas, and agree to disagree where applicable. I did admire his vision for improving the quality of life in Monroe.
We should agree to disagree about our positions on Ed Paisley. Obviously you put much weight on your information about Ed’s professional status and how he conducted himself over the ethics accusations. I put more weight in how he has voted on issues, the points he brings up in the meetings, and conversations I have had with him on issues. To me he seems to grasp the issues at hand. His background seems suited to bringing a pertinent perspective to the council. I tend to agree with his motions and votes on the issues. To me he has not lost my trust, but I respect your position if he lost yours.
With that said Tonya could still win my vote by demonstrating her qualifications, her position on issues, and her vision for the community. The only thing I know about her is from information on this post, and honestly I regard most information on this post as unreliable and irrelevant. I am an open minded individual. I won’t eliminate any candidate from my consideration without learning about what they would bring to council.
So, Alacajun, can’t we just get along? I’d be happy to buy you an ice cream one of these days.
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