Wednesday, May 07, 2008

This is definitely not meant to be a jinx

I got a really funny feeling that something weird is about to go down.
But most would say I'm usually wrong about everything.
I started getting this creepy feeling when I heard that the city was going to entertain some EPA people and others from communities around the country that are interested in brownfields.
Then there was that strange story in the Monroe Snooze about how a busload was coming in to tour the town from a brownfield convention. The thing also mentioned that Jim Tischler, once city planner and still city resident, was on one of the panels at the convention. It looks like Tischler's been the planner at Adrian.
Now it sounds like the city is going to hire a planner or development director or whatever they might want to call it.
They're going to interview applicants.
I wonder if Tischler is among them.
What with gas prices going up, you'd think he'd apply just to shorten the commute.
If he did apply, he'd have one heck of a reference. George Brown, the city manager, was city manager of Adrian before he came here.
Nah, that's not going to happen. It's way to much of a plan and the city doesn't have a planner.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many planners does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

None. Planners can't do, they can only plan.

08 May, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Observer!! i remember the good old days without your oversight where you would get 20 to 30 comment about your topics. Now i see you got 23 comments in your last 7 topics. Thats an average of 3.2 comments per topic. I guess Monroe isnt the hotbed of intillectual capital you may have thought it was. Or is it that no one gives a rats ass about what you have to say? Regardless, it saddens me to see this site only a shadow of what it once was. A thriving community of hate, racism, politial disent, mudslingin, insults, insane rants, stalkers, felons, want a be politicians, historicall nuts, habitat dwellers, fat council women, epa nuts, mad webbloggers, evil politicians,and finally the GOOD CITIZENS OF MONROE!!!! Man, those were the good old days. Anyway, just thought id stop in and say HI!! Detroit has provided my fix for turmoil while everyone in Monroe has stopped the drama. Is anyone still in Monroe? Are there any jobs left? Maybe everyone is gone? Paperfactory, Iko, Monroe Scrap, Ford, and on and on and on and on. Is edison still there??? Ohh yeah, i forgot they have a Nuke there, Yeah, there not going anywhere. Why would they? Good luck everyone!! let me know if and when you get your web site back up to its old standards. love to see some excitement in Monroe again!!!

24 May, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All planning is done in the first three rows of St. Mary's Church.

27 May, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What color is Linda's hair? It is blonde now but is varies form a black kinky Velcro to brown.

If she took off all of her clothes in the council meeting would she be a real palomino or a boil spotted nasty thing with hairy legs. Are the firemen hozing her,


08 June, 2008  

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