Thursday, May 01, 2008

Mixed messages

I guess this is what happens when you have different department heads with different priorities.
Someone help me figure this out.
We have citizens complaining at council meetings that they're replacing red lights at intersections with stop signs. This is meant to save money.
It looks like the lights on the Martin Luther King bridge are out again. Is this meant to save money?
If we're saving money, what's with the major landscaping job that's been done at St. Mary's Park? Then, since we're such tightwads, why are we running the lorange square fountain?
I guess running the fountain and bulldozing dirt are more important than keeping the lights on.
Maybe we should shut off every other streetlight. Then there won't be too many left to turn off when the last person leaves town.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lights are being replaced with four way stops for two reasons. First and foremost, they are being replaced because they do not meet the warrants for signalization. Due to this, they can be replaced with four way stops, and in turn will be a cost savings to the City. They are not down yet, and the traffic committee will meet again to discuss this, if anyone should care to attend.
The lights on the MLK bridge were repaired through donations from some local church leaders. I'll check to see why they are not on, and inquire as to when they will be.
As for being tightwads, I'm not sure as to what is meant. Although the City is not as flush with money as it once was, improvements will continue to be made, fountains will continue to be on, and with further budget cuts, capital improvements will again be raised to the level they once were, around $1 Million per year. That will go to streets, infrastructure, enhancements in parks, wayfinding signage, etc. You know, things taxpayers deserve for the level of taxes we pay in the City, other than basic services that is.
I'll be sure to leave a light on for ya if you should ever wish to return, as I'm not planning on going anywhere.

01 May, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not see an issue if the Bell Telephone cable crossing bridge has lights or not. Why it is called the MLK bridge escapes this writer. I did visit Martin King’s grave in Atlanta just a week before a big shootout in the Ebenezer Baptist Church next the Southern Christian nonviolent coordinating center.

Perhaps there is an issue with not paying a royalty to the corporate holder of the right to his name and photographs, so we can revert to the Bell Telephone cable crossing bridge. Perhaps the lights interfere with the telephone cable signals carried by the bridge. Our observer asks many funny questions and the involvement of the city in these issues is questionable.

The fountain is an outstanding work of art. It will require future maintenance to the erosive and corrosive effects of water alone. Our observer seems not to understand the volunteer work that citizens put into these art works or how we must deal with the ravages of time on stone and metal.

I do not understand what the issue is with scientific engineering management concerning traffic lights and stop signs deployment of removal. We have less traffic simply because the east end businesses such as Leak stamping, Monroe Auto Equipment, and others are gone. Driving is not affordable for many people unless you need to make the trip. There is no point wasting motor fuel waiting for a light to change.

The Michigan Humanities Council grant to help propagandize a phony strike that had no worker support is a waste of money. That mill produced a product that is only used when steel must sink in water and be attracted to a magnet to be useful. No molten metal was involved. The operation simply rerolled scrap plate into a form that could be used by blanking in recovery dies or sheared to a salable shape. If the air headed liberals with the caps and gowns have a question that perplexes them, they should go to one of the rerolling mills that roll railroad track into reinforcing rod. There are many voids and lamination in this product so it is not to be used in critical applications.

It is found that people who have worked at a job involving physical toil as well as skills can sort out mixed signals. In a real hot mill signals like a siren signals hot metal moving overhead. Not following signals in heavy stamping can get you made into puree. Watch all signals because they need sorted out in your thinking.


03 May, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Isn't it nice to know that Brian et al on the council have a handle on how to mend the insane spending of the gang that put the splash pond on land the city does not own and a delegated building for a perking let next to the library.

Don’t leave the city. Help solve problems rather than bitch about them.

Weary of Stupidity

04 May, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please publish the comment concerning Floraday’s comment in opposition to a citizen’s fence appeal at the last ZBA meeting. The appellant is the same gentleman who offered to consider buying Buckeye Furniture. Please publish everything or nothing. You cannot undo a statement made on the record no can I.

17 May, 2008  

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