Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm for taking all the lights down

I'm told the city is taking down some traffic lights to save money on electrical and repair costs. They're starting with three intersections on an experimental basis.
This is not a bad idea. Did you ever notice that when the power goes out, drivers tend to be very cautious and courteous at even the most busy intersections. I figure they can take out all the lights in the city except three or four main ones downtown -- Elm and Monroe, Front and Monroe, First and Monroe and just put stop signs on the rest. Then if there are accidents, the police department can bill the insurance companies for the cost of policing the accidents. Even if there are more accidents, the city would save money on the operation of the lights and make money off of charging for policing them. Pretty soon the city wouldn't be in the red anymore. Do you think they'll see the light?
Speaking of lights, I was in Milan the other day and drove by a house that still had a big Halloween pumpkin hanging off the peak of the roof. Man, you'd think someone would have a law against that. Then I'm strolling in front of the courthouse with my terrier, Wacky, and I notice that the big evergreen tree on the courthouse lawn still is dressed up in Christmas lights. Do they ever take them down or is that the county's version of a money-saving idea?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of a "Wacky" question, don't you think? The City puts up those lights, not the County.

12 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, I saw some guy walking a terrier in front of the courthouse the other day. The dog took a dump on the courthouse lawn. The guy didn't stop to pick up the feces per city ordinance.

I'm sure that wasn't you....


12 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are becoming more twisted everyday. You had better find Jesus as your personal savior before you have a coronary.

Its eating you alive! Give it up!

Larry Camper

12 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


This blog is less offensive to whom?

Compora? Iaco? Sabo? Guyor? Any of the other bobble heads?

Councilwatch Monroe had a reason for existing, and its creator correctly surmised that its useful time had come to an end and ceased to make posts.

This puss bag of a blog has no point. It is just a mechanism for a bitter, twisted individual to libel others without any real threat of consequence.

The only one with any courage is Brian Beneteau. The rest of us are just little terriers nipping at others ankles. Please notice that I include myself in the category of “us”.

It would be nice if the Observer could have the moral fortitude and courage to do what the owner of Councilwatch Monroe did.

I suppose it would be possible to have a blog that was informative and entertaining. You could have debate about upcoming issues of consequence to the community. To pull this off you would have to have a blog master that was willing to post relevant topics in a timely manner (not after the fact like the observer), no moderation so the debate could take place, but a mechanism by which irrelevant or offensive posts could be removed. This blog is not such a media outlet. The observer may be too lazy to run such a site. Rather I suspect that he is amused by all of the hatred and venom that is spewed on his site. His moderation certainly has done nothing to discourage or prevent it. You just are not allowed to post excerpts from historic documents or classic novels.

This blog is doomed to an existence of meaningless finger pointing and accusations posted under the random musings of a bitter, twisted, individual who will remain nameless.

How this blog is less offensive I can’t fathom. I guess we can all just remain anonymous so we can continue to rip on others. This way we can all still be friends when we see each other around town. See you at the ice cream shop!

Larry Camper

12 March, 2008  
Blogger The Observer said...

To first anonymous: You're kiddiing! Is that really true? The city puts lights on county property?

To JAFO #1: No, that wasn't Wacky. If you saw Wacky, you wouldn't recognize him as a terrier. Besides, I didn't think that ordinance ever passed, did it?

Larry: How abouts I start calling you Delores. If you missed the post, I am not someone named Rick. But if you prefer to call me that, I guess it's more preferable to a lot of other choices. And furthermore, my definition of twisted is someone who's so angry at an anonymous blogger who runs a blog with no point that that they continue to waste part of their lives making long ranting posts. But I truly do welcome your contributions -- except for the ones that deserve "moderation."

13 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I hope the city doesn't pay to decorate the county property.

The taxpayers of the city of monroe already subsidize the county enough already.

Jafo #1

13 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sorry about the misunderstanding. Sometimes it just seems like you are a Rick. I wouldn't want to be confused with him either, but then again we don't have anything else to call you.

Who ever said I was angry? Did you ever consider I find it entertaining to banter with you? Life is too short to be angry about trivial stuff like your puss bag of a blog.

So far I don't remember you moderating anything of consequence I sent in. Given the venomous stuff you do post up I'm not going to lose sleep that it may happen either.

If your dog doesn't run away you must not be half bad. I'll continue to give you the benefit of the doubt.

Larry Camper.

13 March, 2008  
Blogger alacajun said...


Less offensive was my opinion. Although we have seen Dave Smith, Linda, Brian, Ed, John I., and or course Rick F., called tons of names (yeah, I am sure I missed someone) unlike the Councilwatch Monroe deal I have not heard of people accusing folks of fathering a child out of wed lock or spousal abuse. But, again, it's JMHO.

21 March, 2008  

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