Get well soon, mayor. Real soon.
Mark Worrell, the mayor of Monroe, had heart bypass surgery. If this guy didn't have bad luck when it comes to his health, he'd have no luck at all.
Hope he makes a speedy recovery, but sure hope he doesn't push himself to come back faster than he needs to.
Come to think of it, he might. I guess I would claw my way back if I had left things in the hands of the mayor pro tem.
Hope he makes a speedy recovery, but sure hope he doesn't push himself to come back faster than he needs to.
Come to think of it, he might. I guess I would claw my way back if I had left things in the hands of the mayor pro tem.
I feel sorry that the mayor has had such bad luck and I wish him well. However, he never should have ran for the office with all of his health issues, I hear his doctor told him prior to throwing his hat into the ring that the stress of the job would not be good for him.
Watching the council meeting Monday night, Paisley did a better job than Burkett ever did in running a meeting, however poor Mark Worrell didn't have much to choose from in a mayor pro tem.
Think about it. He had Paisley who has an obvious problem with ethics, both in local government and with the Board of Accountancy. Then you have the jerk Beneteau who is such an immature, arrogant dweeb that thinks his shit doesn't stink. However it speaks volumes that Worrell chose someone with an obvious problem telling the truth over the arrogance and immaturity of Beneteau who is obviously drunk with the power council provides, doesn't it?
In my opinion, neither one has much credibility in the community and are only sitting up there because all the professionals in the 6th are busy and don't have time nor the inclination to run for office and Paisley only won by the skin of his teeth.
Jeanne Micka didn't miss a beat at the first council meeting after the swearing in. She was speaking and obviously Beneteau was smirking at her in all his arrogance when she made mention that "I'm glad you find this so amusing" and looked directly at him. Let's face it- Beneteau is sitting up there only by a stroke of luck because if the Monroe Mushrat had ran against this piece of work- we'd be looking at a mushrat about now which of course would be better than what we have and would probably do a better job.
After 2 years on council neither Paisley or Beneteau has learned much- look for the stars of the show to be Clark and Molenda they have the intelligence to look at issues and see the future impact, something Paisley and Beneteau obviously never have learned and have remained the rubber stamps that they were, add to that 2 other paragons of intelligence and rubber stamps in McGhee and Connor and Worrelll doesn't have much to work with, I'd have to agree with Observer on this one, leaving Paisley in charge as pro tem must make Worrell mighty anxious, hell, it makes ME as a taxpayer anxious!
Hope Mark gets back real soon because the city is in the hands of people who are incapable of making a good decision.
Since the election you have become increasingly petty and bitter.
It is pretty clear that you didn't get elected, nor did your friend John. For this I am grateful. Now you continue to spend your time trying to create the appearance of impropriety where there is none. I guess you think if you can make a little smoke, someone will think there is a fire.
Get over it and try to be constructive. Awhile back you claimed that you were killing your readers slowly. If you don't calm down you are just killing yourself fast.
I am glad we have class acts like Mark running the city, and a capable, honest, knowledgeable gent like Ed to step in when he is unable to be there. You spent much of the last year accusing Ed of wrongdoing along with your friend Linda. None of it stuck. Why do you think you will be successful now?
We know you don't like Ed, but what did he do wrong as Mayor Pro Tem? Why not be supportive in this time without our elected Mayor instead of the continued bashing of a respected and two time elected council member? You keep sounding like a two time losing Rick again.
You are wrong.
Bad luck is not waking up from open heart surgery.
Good luck is waking up and being alive for one more day to see your daughters, siblings and mom and dad who care so much about you.
You need to stop being so cynical.
Couldn't be in better hands.
Interesting comments about me. Thank you for your opinion. Should you ever wish to enlighten me with your far superior viewpoints, please contact me in person. You obviously know how to contact me, but I'm sorry that due to your anonymous posting, I do not know how to contact you, or I would.
Again, thank you for your comments.
Wow! Nice to rip our two second term councilmen. Guess the one doing the ripping is one of the losers. Get a life! You accuse a respected councilman of being unethical and another one of being a jerk, but what are you doing? You are making anonymous comments which seems unethical, so that makes you a jerk.
Paisley and Beneteau do a terriffic job and should be commended. Ed is certainly better suited to the job than any of his opponents thus far, and you are obviously mistaking arrogance for confidence with Brian. I like the muskrat comment though. Seems last term they had a skunk as a mascot, so a muskrat would be more appropriate for Monroe. Luckily the skunk left along with its owner, Compora. You shouldn't be so jealous of these two. Move on with your life man.
Still looks like the last group of losers is watching!
I would say that this is the best out of the last 3 councils.
The one that had nothing to work with was Iaco.
With friends like Rick Floraday, Linda Compora, Jean Guyor, and bobble head Sabo that guy was screwed from the start. The only one with a Brain on that entire council was Sue Wetzell, and man did I feel sorry watching the stuff she had to put up with.
No wonder he failed!
Again I am happy that the citizens of Monroe are more intelligent than the Observer and didn't vote in the second round of that nightmare.
Just imagine what would have happened in the City if Linda Compora had been left in charge. That would have been a catastrophe. She would have fired the City Attorney, Fire Marshal, City Manager, assistant City Manager, added more Fire and Police, and hired back the splash park queen, Manns. Thank God she is gone. Iacoangeli got his brains beat in good this time, just like Compora, and their two ass kissers, Floraday and Guyor took the pipe as well. The City is in terriffic hands now, even with Worell out for a spell. All precincts are represented well, finally, and we have a Mayor not out to put the City on the back page of the paper.
Why bring up Burkett? He served his precinct well for several years. He always ran the meetings well and always had an open ear to the citizens. You should aspire to do as well.
It appears that the credibility of the council came through with the important people, the voters. They made the right choice in this election. There are finally professional people in office. No more single issue ex professional streetwalkers complaining about the high price of water. No more can't keep a job planners. No more stayed in the game too long councilwomen losing their faculties. No more councilmen who really didn't want to be there. Yes, I'll agree with the last poster currently on the screen, the City couldn't be in better hands.
Get better soon Mark. For yourself and your family, not for any of us.
The definition of true Insanity " is repaeating the same process over and over but expecting different results" As we begin 2008 with a new mayor, new council, and new challanges we continue to see the same old sad song being sung. I have observed from a far the continual political infighting that continues to CRIPPLE this city. The lack of true leadership in this community is unparrelled in modern day politics. The truth of the matter is leadership requires action from individuals who represent what they believe is right for the community. Special interst and the good old boy network cant be permitted to continue if we expect differnt results. The system in Monroe needs to change. Longer terms from our council and Mayor is a good start. As you can see the routine in Monroe is to bash for a year and a half and run again for the seats, meanwhile attempting to cripple the actions of the current admin. No matter what side of the fence your on both sides have employed this tactic to perfection. The same process with diffent expectation is INSANITY!!! We need to change the charter and let politicians have the comfort of knowing they can make policies and give them a real chance to work. Its an evolution not a revolution. Good policies take time to formulate and time to impliment. Monroe must change or we will continue to see further erosion of jobs,residents, and the overall quality of life. Mr. Worrel has his own challanges to deal with now and I for pray for him and his family. Life is a fragile thing and Monroe should be prepared to look in the mirror and help itself by changing the flawed system that exists.
Hey Brian let us know if you get a call. I doubt they will have the balls to call and give up their secret identity.
We all appreciate the job you do.
Rick, Let it go.
Hey! What happened to the story of corruption in the DPS department? Did they shovel walks again or what?
Nice comment about our Mayor's health. "If this guy didn't have bad luck when it comes to his health, he'd have no luck at all."
You are a jerk. Mark Worrell is certainly in much better shape than you are. Ever try to swim a mile? You'd probably have the big one after two laps, chubby.
Anonymous above wrote, "I have observed from a far the continual political infighting that continues to CRIPPLE this city. The lack of true leadership in this community is unparalled in modern day politics."
Did you really mean that? I don't think we have an issue with infighting or leadership. Our issues, I believe, are will we know what needs to be done to help this City (County, State, Country) but we can't seem to press the buttons and make the hard decisions.
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