Saturday, January 19, 2008

Still another brilliant idea

I don't know how I come up with this stuff.
I see in the Monroe Snooze that the jail doesn't have any space left.
I understand the city still is short of money.
Maybe the city should turn the United Furniture building into a low-security detention facility to take the overflow from the jail. Homeland Security grants could pay for most of the remodeling. If not, city money spent on remodeling probably could be repaid over a few years based on prisoner lodging fees.
Not only would it make use of an empty building, it would bring people downtown to use the new parking spaces on E. First St. and take away the stigma people have when they visit their relatives at the jail. If they go to the United Furniture building, people would think they're just going to the Dorsch library.
It's another win-win situation.


Blogger roundybout said...

How about using the Monroe Multi Sports clinic space as a new for profit jail?

That would be much more lucrative than the United Furniture building that is about to fall down.


22 January, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, finally a good plan for that building. We've got enough library space and not enough jail space. This only makes sense.

25 January, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Going to jail to visit your significant other or loved ones should carry a stigma to it. Further, I don't know putting a jail next to a childrens library is a particularly good idea.

It does seem interesting to bring back the jail for profit scheme. We can use all of the excess fire, police, and DPS people as part time prison guards. When there is an emergency we can just let large german shepherds loose in the prison population that are specially trained to eat any prisoner who makes sudden or violent movements. Once the fireman / policemen return the dogs can be put back in their pens.

If it is true that Visteon / ACH / Ford is just going to give their abandoned plant to the city, we can use that space as a prison will little or no modification required. I'm assuming they have a locker room, shower, and lunch room / kitchen already. We just need to put up cots for them to sleep on. We just need to get the dogs and put some razor wire up on the fences.

I'm figuring that if the city runs this like a business we should easily be able to increase the revenue stream to the city, lower taxes, and fix all our roads.

Observer - you are a genius. I just don't agree with the location.


29 January, 2008  

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