Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Back in the saddle

Good to see Mayor Mark back in the saddle after the heart thing. He was running the city council again the other night and you couldn't really tell if he was having any trouble. But it seems like he's returned way too early. I guess he really has his heart in the job.
Seems a shame though that the guy was on council for 20 years and he ends up being mayor when the city's in the sorriest state it's been in for a while. He probably should have been mayor for the last 20 years and the city might not be as bad off financially as it is now.
BTW, I did not put that Mark Ferris guy up to asking about the Monroe Ford tax break deal. I don't even know him. But he made some pretty good points. And at least he got some clarification on why the deal never was discussed by council. As the ever forthright Councilman Beneteau said, it was discussed in a closed meeting.
I guess someone thought they were giving council good legal advice on that one, but it seems to me that deciding whether to try to recoup tax breaks should have been a matter for public discussion outside of whether it should be a factor in settling a tax appeal case. Like, wouldn't you want to CYA with about 2000 contituents by talking about that issue publicly. Then if people said forgive and forget, you use it as a bargaining chip maybe in settling the tax appeal behind closed doors. Like, hey Ford, we got these citizens breathing down our necks. They're going to hang us if we let you off the hook on the tax breaks. You better sweeten up the pot. Doesn't seem like the city played that card too well what with Ford shutting down its plant and leaving town with a fistful of city cash too.
Maybe the houseful of lawyers on this blog could educate the rest of us on how this whole thing went down.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watched the council meeting Monday and AGAIN the Beneteau kid didn't disappoint.

Like anyone believes that he didn't know he was in John Patterson's video- yeah, right!!

And then he gives the citizen the wrong information. Of COURSE you and I the taxpayer is going to pay for the cleanup of ACH. I wonder where this kid has been for 3 years? Oh I know! If he took his head out of his own a$$ he might have learned something. If he did something other than swagger back in his chair and try to be the big all knowing man on the block it would shock us!

With all the talk of Brownfields( your $ and mine!) for the last 3 years I would've hoped that the kid might have come up with something somewhat intelligent to tell that citizen, but again, Monday night entertainment at it's finest!!

Don't ya just love the cluster that this council is?

04 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great insertion of those legal cases regarding Internet Law. I wonder what poster put that in? Nice try Observer!! The best part is that you think just cause you see some case law that your immune. Reality is that anyone can file suit for any reason, right or wrong. Then the fun begins when you have to hire your friendly neighborhood lawyer. Costs and more costs begin to arise. Remember the people that dont like you or this site? Well, sooner or later one with money will have some fun with you and Ill be laughing my fanny off. Best part will be when you spend of bunch of money you dont have or money you shouldnt of had to, youll look back and say i wish i woulnt have started a web blog that cost me so much money. But your too dam proud of yourself now cause your a celebrity in that mecca of civilization Broke Back Monroe!!! Keep up the good work as I continue to watch several things. One, the continual decline of Monroe from a economic standpoint, a moral standpoint, and a social standpoint. Two, the continual decline of the Observers grasp on reality, the lack of benefit for having such a site, and finally the lack of common sense of when to shut it down. Maybe Monroe would be a better place if you didnt offer up this site for all to blog on. Strip Clubs are legal but it doesnt make them good places to go. It seems a good idea at first but then you always leave feeling dirty. Kinda like your site. I guess you dont have to go to the strip club? But isnt that what you tell us? " Just go away" Your a dirty man, providing dirty content. Look in the mirror and clean up!! In closing i would like to offer the Observer a challange. You have the power to make us all go away by revealing your identity. Im sure all of your detracters that you constantly ask to not blog as well as the ones you block would never visit this site if you would just reveal yourself. You would be left with only those who support your views and would get much more supportive input. Think about it. But i think your one of those kids in school who would hide around the corner and yell something obscene and then run and hide. You so desperately want your voice to be heard but unfortunaly the only ones who are listening are the ones who dont care about a thing you have to say. Must be lonely?

04 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


How exactly do you propose this Mayor and City Council reverse the decline of the American Auto Industry and Globalization?

It turns out the Ford Motor and a WW2 era plant are not competitive in todays global market. You can't pay people with a high school education $30 plus bene's to do what others will do for a fraction elsewhere with higher quality.

I don't know how pulling the tax breaks and grand standing is going to change anything.

It would appear to me that no matter what was done you would "observe" that it should have been done differently.

Too bad the citizens didn't see fit to elect you. I'm sure you would have made everything just perfect.

My advice to you and all the citizens of Monroe is to look at the city website either Friday or Monday before a city council meeting. Look over the agenda. Especially concentrate on the consent agenda. If there is an item you have questions about either send a note to you favorite council members, show up to the meeting and pull the item, or both. You can then ask questions and debate the issue in a public forum BEFORE the decision is made.

Bitching about it after the fact, and after you didn't get off your lazy caracass to go down, pull, and discuss it is stupid. Mark Ferris showed his ignorance by showing up a meeting late to voice his views. It doesn't really matter if you or he made good points after the fact.

You discussing this item BEFORE the meeting would have made sense. Now it just proves you are just another delinquint who likes to complain.


05 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That last series of posts were fantastic.

Everyone in Monroe is going to sue everyone and we is goin to luv it.

It figures that IACO, Compora, etc would file a frivolous lawsuit. They is just learnin from their freind Guyor.

What a bunch of loosers!

Smith should have a hell of a countersuit! Too bad he is protected as a media outlet by the United States Constitution! I don't see anything on his website that isn't just editorial opinion.

Hey - observer, if you say "my opinion is" you can do just about anything you want to.

Larry Camper

05 March, 2008  
Blogger The Observer said...

Man, there are a lot of delusional people commenting here. Hey, I'm delusional sometimes, I admit it. But some of the rest of you should too.
JAFO #1 made some nice comments. It so happens that I check the Web site and if you checked it you'd know that the agenda hasn't been updated in a timely manner for the last two weeks. And I do complain in person. Hey, there's a big clue.
Also, I didn't post any of the legal case precedent. Someone with a greater intellect than most of us here did apparently.
And, okay, I AM NOT RICK! Are you happy? Now guess again and by the time you get through the phone book, you'll have it pretty well narrowed down.
(Who the heck is Rick anyway?)

05 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you again for your comments, anonymous. I appreciate being called a kid at 40. I hope to always remain a kid at heart, instead of some bitter old person with nothing better to do then sit alone at night anonymously ripping on other people.
Your comment about giving wrong information is incorrect. I would explain it to you, but I'm not in the mood to type enough to explain it in detail so you could comprehend properly. Give me a call and I will explain it to you in all the details that I am aware of. Not all knowing by the way, just informed as to some responsibilities of property owners who are responsible to clean up the land which they contaminated. Of course there are times when a buyer could take over the property without remediation in lieu of payment, while assuming the cleanup responsibilities. Wouldn't be my option, but others may wish to go that route. There have been several gas stations purchased where the new purchaser takes over that responsibility for cleanup, for the option of a better price.
Thanks again!

05 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder when this Smith Guy is going to post some of his many videos taken in public venues on his legal commercial site.


05 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're talkin' the ACH property here not some mealy gas station! Better go back to the books if you think they're gonna rehab that property. When it's all said and done it will be us the taxpayers who are gonna fork over for it and you're wrong! Way wrong!

Who did the rehab for Mason Run- Consolidated? But don't start thinking before you engage your mouth that would take some work! It would also take away the entertainment factor from the meetings!

Who gives a rat's a$$ about your stupid videos or your crap website!

06 March, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Senseless banter, but anyways, the regulations do not stipulate the size for cleanup. If Ford went bankrupt, then yes, it may be difficult to get them to clean up. Guess we will all see what happens. Keep on watching though, and again, if you have some terriffic insight that could possibly help out, feel free to call. You know the number.

09 March, 2008  

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