Tuesday, September 04, 2007

So what's with this King Floraday?

There were some comments to the post below blaming Rick Floraday for the success or failure of the Hoedown downtown.
Maybe I missed it. Does he run the downtown development authority with an iron hand? Is the thing a monarchy?
I dunno. I'm just asking.
BTW, I don't think I ever said Floraday would not run. If someone can show me where I said that, I'll be more than happy to stand corrected and apologize for my erroneous prediction.
As loyal readers of the blog might know, my predictions usually are only about 86 percent correct, at best.


Blogger roundybout said...


I think at some point one of your posters prognosticated that Rick was going to sit this one out. It was probably not you. I used OBSERVER in a generic sense of I thought I read it on the blog, but heck, I could have heard it through another unreliable grapevine source also.

Sorry if I insinuated that it came from you. On reflection that probably is not true.

If Rick rules with an iron fist it is probably a skill he learned from his friend IACO. He had all sorts of interesting methods so squelch the opposition. I hope we don't return to those days again.

If you can truly predict at 86% the outcome of future events I would request you help me with my pro football pool this upcoming year.


04 September, 2007  
Blogger Councilwatcher said...

The extent of Floradays power hungry mode of operation was brought home when he and Compora had the City Council’s patience tried to the limit several meetings ago over buying any more dilapidated buildings downtown or erecting any more tombstones in a cemetery outside the district. These DDA people are compulsive do-gooders—the sort of persons who put snowsuits on all the birds at taxpayer expense if oversight on their stupidity is not exercised. Sure, the bank president is the power behind the throne and needs a dunce for a puppet.
Rickey would yowl louder than whomever the unknown singer who was the star of the yowlfest could if his hand in throwing away taxes garnered form the entire city by the tax incremental financing scheme was restrained. Just what does he do for a living that he can challenge a respected CPA like paisley for office?

04 September, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, excuse me? A "respected" CPA like Paisley? What is your distorted definition of "respected"?

Surely you jest! Wasn't he fired by the Chamber? Again you choose to ignore his "disclosure problem", you know the one where he tried to secure DDA funds and tax abatement for his client?

You also conveniently forget to mention the little "problem" Mr. Paisley has with the Michigan State Dept. of Labor and Economic Growth Board of Accountancy. And BTW the DLEG website (as of today) states that the "respected" CPA, license # 1101016048 is way behind in his educational credits that he needs to keep his license current. Curiously, he's behind in his Ethics educational requirements...hmmm.. maybe he should've taken the classes!

Funny, how he'll stick it to the taxpayer to send him to the Pension Board conferences to "keep up on things" while his own CPA license is going to hell in a handbasket! Strange isn't it?

Wonder if he'll continue to represent himself as a CPA when his license lapses in December for lack of educational credits?

I think the "respected" CPA has found himself on probation for 3 years and I believe his fine for trying to pan himself off as a CPA while his license was lapsed was $2,500.

I'd say Ed has made some bad choices in his behavior, both on council and as a "respected" CPA

Why shouldn't Paisley be challenged for office? That council seat doesn't belong to him. Why shouldn't Floraday have the opportunity to run? This is the USA!

I'd be willing to bet that Floraday's ethics and character are a hell of a lot better than Ed's. And I'd also be willing to bet he's never had sanctions against him from the State.

Before you continue on your slander and libel ride against Floraday- maybe you should reflect on the meaning of "respected" and how it relates to your boy Paisley!

04 September, 2007  
Blogger roundybout said...


I would assume that certain constituents in the City of Monroe that are more concerned that Monroe be a vibrant, beautiful, walkable city would vote for King Floraday and Dictator John Iacoangeli.

People like Paisley are just concerned about mundane things like the city not going bankrupt. They don’t have the imagination and courage to think outside the box, and make Monroe a true workers paradise.

Floraday and Iacoangeli assume that if you invest the money in the parks, splash parks, roundabouts, etc’s it will attract more people who want to visit and spend money, live in Monroe, and have their businesses in Monroe.

So – you can think of the festivals and park improvements as a waste of taxpayer money or an investment in out future.

Some believe tightening the belts will cause our demise. Others believe that spending like a drunken sailor on shore leave will cause it.

The sad part is both parties may be right.


05 September, 2007  
Blogger Councilwatcher said...

It seems that Monroe Motor Mouth is still at it echoing the IACO thinking that both Floraday and Linda Babe adhere to. Within the threesome, it is hard to tell who is screwing who but it is the taxpayer that gets the shaft with a United Furniture building in need of demolition.

05 September, 2007  
Blogger alacajun said...

Councilwatcher ask: "Just what does he do for a living that he can challenge a respected CPA like paisley for office?"

What? What does it matter? What did the Mayor, Ms. Edwards, Mr. Burkett do? That is a silly question. If resident's wish to vote for someone they have that right. Would you suggest a cast system where you are not allowed to run for office unless you have a professional degree? Gee, if that is the case than over half of our current elected officials would be disqualified.

I can't see myself voting for either as I think Mr. Floraday is vision challenged and Mr. Paisley is disclosure challenged.

I will not debate the issue of his past behavior again (I have already been down this road enough). We can put as nice a face on it as we like however; (1) Yes, he is on probation via the State of Michigan. (2) He did disclose to DDA that he was a renter of 12 Washington Street and that the building owner was a client and he did advocate for that "client" to receive a facade grant. (3) He did vote for his "client" and "landlord" to receive a tax abatement. (4) He made a choice to keep his relationship with the "landlord" and "client" from City Council and citizens by saying it was a violation of his accounting ethics to reveal such a relationship - when, in fact, this is false - the ethics code demands that he "reveal" this relationship as he was in a position (voting Council member) that he could help supply a benefit (voting for a tax abatement) to his "client". These issues are not debatable and although the ethics committee and some on this board are unconcerned; they smell funny to me and will keep me from voting for him.

In terms of Mr. Floraday's ethics I have no idea. I do question his judgement and his ability to "play well with others". I have found him stand-offish and demeaning to those he seems to feel are lesser-than. His ability to "joke" about others when he believes he is in private (i.e. meetings where he feels he is in control) indicates a level of juvenile behavior that I find a bit stupid from a 50 year old man. I don't think he would or could do much to help unite this city as considering his history with the DMBN and DDA I don't think this will change soon.

Sorry - I think we need a new set of candidates. I think we all need to get rid of the personal BS and begin moving forward:

Mayor Burkett (good guy - can unite this community)
1st Precinct Jeff Hensley (former UW President. Honest, Sincere, good guy).
2nd Precinct Tonya Sweat (Intelligent, thoughtful, fresh ideas, fresh prospective).
3d Precinct Kelvin McGhee (Introspective, intelligent, level headed, new prospective).
4th Precinct John Martin (Honest, intelligent, has did a good job).
5th Precinct James Kansier (we need a fresh prospective).
6th Precinct Brian Beneteau (Honest, Intelligent - shocked the hell out of me! He has did a great job and deserves re-election).

but these are just the folks that I will vote for come November. I can say this; we can all talk about how Rick Floraday is this and Ed Paisley is that. The truth is some place in the middle. Is Rick a wanker? Maybe. Is Ed an unethical creation? Could be.

But, here is some truth. Ed is not the great "savior" of the Cities finances - if he were then explain why, as a voting member of the retirement board, he voted to attend a conference and then demanded everyone know the importance of it. When, the actuarial was that the City would be on the hook for more money than projected in terms of retirement payments? This was a known quantity that he seemingly overlooked both as a City Council member and retirement board member - That's unacceptable and if Mr. Sell did this we would demand he be terminated.

Some more truth; Mr. Floraday as the board president of the DDA is responsible for setting the direction and agenda for the agency. Thus far they have done some decent things; downtown movies, flowers downtown. But, the key event that they acted as majority stakeholder; Downtown Hoedown was a dismal failure. We can argue that the bars ran out of food or that they made cash but - when you spend 25,000.00 and a few "hundred" people show up it's a failure - period!

06 September, 2007  

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