Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tale of two businesses

Wow! Two downtown Monroe businesses bite the dust at the same time.
But not because business has been slow.
Zorba's Coney Island and Jefana's, both owned by Jeff Fraunhoffer, now are closed because he was behind in rent to the Beneteau family that owns the buildings.
Complicating the matter was that Fraunhoffer was convicted of serving kids alcohol and showing them porn.
Those were the only complaints that made it to court, I guess. All sorts of kids have cycled through those places and left with complaints about everything from nonpayment to death threats.
Does this mean he has to give up his membership in the downtown business network.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


16 April, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am assuming you can understand why the Benetaues can't afford to let people occupy their buildings rent free, and why the DMBN might not want to be associated with porn and serving kiddys alcohol.

It sure seems like you are blaming them for this idiot.


18 April, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


18 April, 2008  
Blogger The Observer said...

JAFO (if you really are JAFO):
How in the hell do you read into my post that I'm blaming the Beneteaus?
Brian: Did this sound like I was blaming your family?
If so, I apologize.

19 April, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I didn't take it as you were blaming us. Everyone just needs to understand that they were evicted simply for non payment of rent. It had no bearing on Jeff Fraunhoffer's court troubles, no matter whether or not you think he is a dirt bag. He expected people to pay for their food, and we expect tenants to pay their rent.
In court he was found guilty, so speculation as to whether or not kids cycled through having good work experiences or bad really has no bearing on anything. Plain and simple in fact, convicted and evicted. Read into that any way you wish. Until proof of anything to the contrary, it is what it is.
As for the DMBN membership, who cares. He is no longer in business, so why would he want to remain a member. I would be ashamed to show my face. I would probably move out of town as well.

19 April, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Observer,

Thanks for questioning the fake JAFO response. Brian Beneteau and his family have brought many benefits to downtown Monroe. Brian was willing to run for council at the last minute when the gang of jerks were well on the way to giving the city away to the labor unions. The Beneteau family and several other investors understand hard work and what is required to continue downtown revitalization.

Look at this distortion of history the CIO has invented at public expense. From the crap on their web site it is clear that they do not have a clue as to how steel is made or of the labor laws governing unionism. The wildcat strikers were lucky. The stupid kids at Kent state found out that a civil insurrection can get you shot.

Rankin, Willy Hall, Obama, and a few other blacks give the Negro race a bad name. Yes, I have Bibles, Guns and go to church. Black people attend our church on the same basis as all other races. I often carry a weapon to church in case some misguided Osama or Obama follower such as Ferris tries to kill people. I would be happy to put him in touch with god to discuss matters should he go postal.


20 April, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a JOKE and a pack of lies! There was ONE 17 year-old girl that accused him of allowing her to get a "GLANCE" of a nonexistent playboy channel. Her other accusation was that he served a customer wine. Not kids.
The whole phony case was a set up and a blatant railroading. It was over a dispute about wages. When the family could not shake down the owner for money, it turned into lies of serving a customer wine and this girl getting a "GLANCE" of the playboy channel.

Not a shred of tangible evidence! Just lies. That is all it takes to convict someone in Monroe.

30 November, 2009  

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