Sunday, April 13, 2008

Inconsistent truths

I caught the re-run of the last Monroe City Council meeting and was amused by some of the citizen comments at the bitter end of the meeting.
Mr. Rankin stood up and asked the city why they put city funds on deposit with banks like National City and Monroe Bank and Trust. I think he did truly call them Ku Klux Klan banks where blacks can't get loans and his granddaughter can't get a job.
My guess is that he's got some legitimate gripes, but it probably isn't the fault of Monroe Bank and Trust or other banks. Everybody who loans money is being real cautious now because of the economy. I'm told that the behind the scenes story is that Mr. Rankin has been trying to convince Monroe Bank not to close its Winchester St. branch. Historically, though, the bank probably doesn't have a lot of minority loans in it's portfolio. The inconsistency here is where has Mr. Rankin been. The bank's only about 150 years old. When the economy goes into can, he starts complaining? Was he complaining five years ago? Or is his dissatisfaction part of an effort to embarrass the bank because he's getting nowhere with them about the Winchester closing.

At the city meeting, Mark Ferris also tricked the attorney into admitting that it was impractical to have 100 different prayers by asking to say an atheist prayer. They let him say the prayer -- which was pretty pointed and pretty offensive if your pretty sure you're going to some great reward (none of THOSE PEOPLE read and post on this blog, of course). The inconsistancy pointed out to me by someone who was at the meeting is that Ferris says the pledge of allegiance -- you know -- that national loyalty oath that includes the phrase "under God." What's up with that, Mark?
Not to say I don't agree with him on the prayer. I'm all for prayer, but a moment of silence might be better. Then everybody can pray to his or her god, pray for rain, or pray the meeting is real short.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares about Monroe when you can watch the city of Detroit implode everyday. Monroe is aappitizer to the main course. I think your all infected with radiation sickness. At least Detroit politicians are flat out crooks and gangsters. Your politicians in Monroe are a bunch of amiture"s when it comes to stealing tax payers money. Thats cause you dummies ran out all the business and now dont have any money. Police and firefighters will be next to take the sausage in the rear. I laugh when i read this site. Thanks for all the great laughter. The guy who hosts this site says it all when i see him post to one of your angry rants. He doesnt care what you think and he wishes you wouldnt look at HIS site and you all should just leave. Thats exactly the way Monroe does business and why your town is destined to fail. Good luck with your dismal future. And please dont tell me that Monroe is going to make it and its guys like me who dont shop or sppend money in Monroe. That song is too old.

14 April, 2008  
Blogger The Observer said...

Good comment.
But please tell us what area in Michigan is "going to make it."

15 April, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark Farris is a joke as is Selma Rankins. They both need to tend to their own problems without blaming everyone else. Farris the atheist wants to pray his own prayer, all the while claiming he is being discriminated against. The racist Rankins is more racist than any person I have ever met, and wants to complain about a bank cause he can't get a loan. Figured the loonies would eventually show up for the entertainment value they provide the viewing audience.

15 April, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. What a moron.

I can't disagree that Monroe has not always been friendly to businesses.

I do need one point of clarification. What is an "amiture"?

Observer - I was about to accusse you of being Mark Ferris. This is not the case?


16 April, 2008  

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