Monday, May 14, 2007

Signs of the times

I would hate to walk in Joe's shoes.
If you don't know Joe, he's the city employee that has to make sure certain codes are adhered to.
He deals with all sorts of obstinate people. Some think they're above the law and don't have to abide by any rules (sort of like the people who thumb their noses at parking rules).
But I gotta believe he's going nuts with signs around town.
You might recall that the antique mall painted a big sign on their building in four foot block letters that said ANTIQUE MALL. The paint wasn't even dry when the code enforcers descended and made them paint it out. Now its a nice big red block. Other people have had to jump through bizarre hoops to put up a sign that other communities don't have a problem with. The restaurant on Front St. wants to put up a sidewalk awning overhang, but it's against city rules. An auto center wants to put up an electronic sign, but rules don't provide for it. Someone wants to put up a banner sign. It's not allowed. Someone wants to put up a sidewalk sign. No dice. Someone wants to put up a street cafe. Jump through hoops.
Some people want to do anything they want no matter what the rules are.
And people like Joe have to play tough guy. It's not an admirable position to be in and I imagine he keeps pretty busy.
I was driving down Telegraph the other day and noticed that across from the antique mall there are three banner signs plastered along the building. Not too attractive and probably in violation.
But can you imagine trying to tell people they don't have a right to do anything they want on their property? On some days Joe must get called everything but Joe.

Speaking of being called everything, an anonymous poster in the post below called for a little more decorum with respect to name-calling and such. It's a free country and people can call anyone anything they want, but I tend to agree. It doesn't matter if you are talking about the mayor, any councilpeople or any other community characters, I would hope we would try to keep it semi-clean. My problem is that although I welcome all sorts or outlandish commments and personal attacks, I also recognize that there's a chance some kids might stumble across this site -- I mean little kids. So if you could act as if your young grandson or granddaughter might read this accidentally, I think we can get our points across without profanities and vulgarities that I would like to think none of you regularly spout around kids.
Of course I can just block offending contributors, but I really don't want to do that. So let's try to self-police a little. Otherwise, you just portray yourself as little neanderthals with pea-sized brains whose views will generally be disregarded.
Here's what I mean: Suppose you like Citizen A and despise Citizen B. If you call Citizen B a nasty name, it tells me that good old Citizen A can't be of that good a character because some of his or her best friends and admirers are advocates of gutter-speak. It really is usually true that coarse language is the sign of a coarse and uneducated person.
And that's my sermon for today, brothers and sisters.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I have it now. If you don’t want your grandkids watching Bevis and butthead don’t let them watch Compora either.

14 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where have you been?
First of all, if you want a sign, follow the rules.
The auto center has its electronic changeable sign, which IS permitted.
Banners ARE allowed.
Sidewalk signs ARE permitted.
Sidewalk cafes don't have hoops to jump through, only guidelines which must be followed.
If it is Joe who has to play tough guy, IT'S HIS JOB.

As for decorum on this site with respect to anyone, especially Compora, why follow any such standards on this or any forum, when an idiot (Compora) has absolutely no decorum at a Council meeting? While I will refrain from calling her the word which describes her best, (four letters which starts with C and ends with T) I believe that everyone has his or her right to their opinion, and by censoring their comments, you only show that you are for one side, and that side can't be of good character because you are his or her best friend. And trust me, I am not a neanderthal with a pea sized brain. I am an educated person who likes to speak my mind about whatever I choose, no matter if it hurts Compora's feelings or her friend's feelings or anyone else's feelings.

15 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Smith has a method for making selected persons furious with just a little jerk on their chain. How does he do it in so simple a way without lying or using profanity?

15 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently all you need to pi*s, wait, upset some council members is a camera.

I was going to tell Compora that if she acted like a mature adult and ignored the frail old man he would leave her alone.

Instead she lied to a judge and got a PPO against him to protect her interests. This coming from a person who has falsely accused all of her colleagues at one point or another over the past two years.

I think her lawyer advised her that judges typically frown on plaintiffs that lie during sworn testimony. I know a few people who were itching to get on the stand to expose her officially for the delusional liar that she is.

People from Toll Street go into council meetings threatening recall petitions where there is no cause to do so.

There is plenty of documented cause to Recall Linda Lovelace Compora, and I know I could get the signatures to do so.

I for one refuse to waste the cities time and money to do so when I can wait for November to get rid of the tw*t, tw*t, oops I mean idiot.

Sorry Joe has to do his job. I think he appreciates having something to point to for what he does on the operational assessment.

15 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one could possibly think that Joe Lehman is other than a good faithful public servant. He has both tact and courtesy when dealing with a person in any capacity. I do not see what set the observer off on this course of “let’s screw Joe a while”.

When you see the Floraday’s and Barb Harrington in action you are looking at people who are very ingenuine. Perhaps there are four people on the editor board, the three named as well as the preacher who knows who is going to hell and—well five, the ecology person—a washout who did not make the tenure track.

I expect the old man is pretty good with a camera. He took all of the photos at the Lovelace place in under 3 minutes. The 20 minutes wait was for the police who the Lovelace actor called. Dave and Son Andy had no choice. It was like being in a fender bender and your car is not hurt but the police are called. It would be unwise to leave and appear guilty of something.

15 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I suppose you think the sign of an educated person is being a good liberal, hanging out with welfare ridden, tree hugging, ecology center buddies.

Meanwhile you shop at the Wal Mart, buying your made in China junk manufactured with slave labor with no OSHA or EPA regulations to make sure they aren’t killing workers and pouring crap down the river. Who cares what happens on the other side of the planet, as long as we keep that nasty industry out of Monroe?

Rick, John, whoever you are, I continue to find you a chicken. You've never had an honest job in your life. Let me educate you on why some people more intelligent and educated than you use coarse language.

Back when we had manufacturing jobs in Michigan coarse language was used in the plants by educated people to communicate with the union brethren. Sometimes this language carries over into other activities. Understand? It’s a necessary tool, but an admittedly bad habit.

I frankly don't care if you are offended by coarse language. I am offended that you choose to be friends with upstanding citizens like Linda Lovelace Compora. Also - your previous wonderful City Manager Debbie Manns could cuss like a sailor. Were you offended by her - or was that okay since she was the handpicked choice of IACO?

Please don't be a hypocrite. Apply your standards consistently.

Also - I don't appreciate you attacking our faithful public servants like Joe. He dispatches his job in a professional manner. Why do you disparage him?

City employees don’t make the laws. Many of them aren’t even citizens of the city. They just apply the laws we citizens make. If they don’t like it, they can find new employment. I for one have never heard Joe complain about the law’s he is hired to enforce. Why mention him?

16 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog is a joke. Anonymous comments ripping people for doing their job.
Get a job and a life observer!

17 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The internet is full of Porn and other unspeakable things. If you searched under Linda Compora maybe you could find movies or photos of unspeakable sex acts. I for one have no desire to see that, so I won't go looking.

I think anything said on this website is the least of your worries for the little kiddies.

17 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whats the problem?

I haven't heard from foul mouthed Larry Camper in some time.

Maybe he passed out in his backyard due to too much PBR.

17 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you blog about something interesting, like how many useless city employees are going to bite the dust in a few weeks?

I can't wait to see Jeff Green put to work.

Whats the over / under line on him quitting after he is asked to do something?

17 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - what is the Monroe Evening News up to?

One article was about inciting the youth to get involved in government so they can tear up our sidewalks, curbs, bandshell, etc with their skateboards and roller blades.

Another article was a swipe at the administration of why they haven't landscaped the front/third lot.

What is missing is any coverage of Linda Compora's attempt to get a PPO by lying and distorting information to a local judge.

Why does the Monroe Evening News only report one side? Hmmmmmm.

Observer - I hope it wasn't you that was picked up for threatening our fine president.

17 May, 2007  
Blogger The Observer said...

Man, I appreciate all your comments but did none of us take our medicine? Or are we so paranoid and tortured that we have delusions.
This post wasn't meant to run down Joe (I didn't even mention his last name but thanks you one of you he'll come up in an Internet search). I'll slow down and speak more slowly -- SOMETIME GOVERNMENTS HAVE WAY TOO MANY RULES THAT POLITICIANS FIND EASY TO ADOPT BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE TO ENFORCE THEM AND SOMETIMES EVEN "GOOD" RULES ARE TOUGH TO ENFORCE BECAUSE SOME MEMBERS OF THE "PUBLIC" THINK THEY ARE ABOVE THE LAW. Whether Joe or 80 percent of Monroe agrees with that doesn't matter, but this post wasn't about character assasination, Linda Compora, China, Floraday, Walmart, unions or anything else so remotely related. Man, and I thought I had ravings!

17 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last post smells of PBR.

The Monroe Evening News slipped to a new low citing a legal militia as “Goons” when they quelled a breach of the peace seventy years ago.

17 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the few ways in which a person displays intelligence is in the way he communicates his thoughts to others.

I believe that your choice of language tells alot about you.

I don't think that course or vulgar language is an indication of anyones basic level of intelligence. However; it does speak volumes about the choices that one makes in communicating his ideas to others; and I think that the choices that you make speak to a basic level of intelligence. The better the choices, the higher the level of intelligence.

As of the personal, non city council realted, attacks on Linda Compora - they are just plain tacky, common and low life. I'd have far more respect for all of you who want to disparage Linda Compora in such a manner if you would step up to the plate and state your names. I am certain that will not happen anytime soon, as it's easier to roll in the gutter, snipe from behind a rock, and then slink back into the darkness.

My own opinion: do I like her - no way; do I think that she is even marginally effective as a councilperson - not on your life; do I believe that she is lost on the issues before the city council without the direction of a previous city politican guiding her hand - YES I DO!

That being said: I do not believe that my position, or anyone elses position as to the above points, is made stronger or more valid by gutter like attacks on her.

BTW: on a previous post, the observer was referred to as a d**khead by another poster. I noted that this post was removed by the observer. Why? Is the observer practicing a brand of selective sensorship. It's OK to allow vulgar content skewering Ms. Compora, but not the observer?

Observer; enlighten us please.

18 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't see the post that was deleted, but I'm guessing that it had little to contribute to the discussion than calling the Observer a dirty name.

All you that are going on about your right to use whatever language you what and unfair censorship should get a clue. Asking you not to use foul language is not asking you to stop speaking your ideas. If you can't express your ideas without foul language, than buy a dictionary and expand your vocabulary. You all can trash Compora or whomever else all you want, but the Observer is asking that you do it civilly so that readers of his blog don't have to worry about encountering such foul language.

"Oh," you say. "Compora has no decorum, so I'm not going to have any!" Congratulations. Now you've put yourself on her level.

Speaking of which, maybe some of you should start your own blog: ComporaWatch or something, and there you can vent about Linda all you want, without turning every single article on this blog into a Compora issue.

Also, some of the earlier comments were missing the point of the original post-- the post was pretty clearly knocking the city's ordinances, not the man who has the burden of trying to enforce them.

19 May, 2007  

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