A question worth answering
Not being in Monroe because I'm working on my tan and trying to feel important among all the other important people here in Hawaii, I was wondering if someone back home could tell me if the hanging question from the previous city council meeting was answered at Monday's council meeting.
They don't televise Monroe council meetings in Hawaii. Jai alai and dog races are popular, but not blatherfests. The question I'm curious about is the one posed by (ugh!) Council member Compora. She said the mayor was quoted as saying pension board rules required attendance at a state and national pension conferences, but she couldn't find it in the pension handbook. Council member Paisley offered up a long-winded defense of attendance at the conference and seemed to say there's a law that requires it.
When the city's legal counsel was asked to cite the law, he said he'd have to look into it. I hope he's found the answer because it occurred to me that Council member Paisley is the only elected official from any Monroe zipcode who either hasn't backed out from the trip or decided to pay all or part of the expenses.
We know he has a love of learning. Maybe we'll all learn something from this.
BTW, the weather here is great but I keep running into familiar faces from Monroe and they're not all pension board members. What's up with that?
They don't televise Monroe council meetings in Hawaii. Jai alai and dog races are popular, but not blatherfests. The question I'm curious about is the one posed by (ugh!) Council member Compora. She said the mayor was quoted as saying pension board rules required attendance at a state and national pension conferences, but she couldn't find it in the pension handbook. Council member Paisley offered up a long-winded defense of attendance at the conference and seemed to say there's a law that requires it.
When the city's legal counsel was asked to cite the law, he said he'd have to look into it. I hope he's found the answer because it occurred to me that Council member Paisley is the only elected official from any Monroe zipcode who either hasn't backed out from the trip or decided to pay all or part of the expenses.
We know he has a love of learning. Maybe we'll all learn something from this.
BTW, the weather here is great but I keep running into familiar faces from Monroe and they're not all pension board members. What's up with that?
I thought you were smarter than to ask stupid questions.
Interested people like Compora were told to show up at the pension board meeting to ask those questions since it was a pension board issue, not authorized by the council.
So, I ask my question again, did anyone show up at the Pension Board meeting to demand answers? I heard the answer was only the pension board members showed up.
So - with no cameras to perform for the Lamptons, McElliots, Compora's don't care to show up and get answers.
Any more stupid questions, observer?
Let it go observer! No one cares when the cameras are off!
Good idea to stop televising the meetings!
It is a question worth asking - Even if Councilwoman Compora asked it (can't we just think maybe she gets somethings right - once in a while).
So, is it a rule? Ordinance? or Law? If so could we have it cited? It does not appear in the Cities ordinances (which are on line).
BTW - people must care as Channel 4 and 7 are both at the conference. People did not attend the meeting because they were at WORK as the pension board meetings are held at 3:00 PM.
Boy, ya'll love to call things stupid and make such assumptions -
Regardless of who asked the question, valid or not, it is still not a question to be answered by the City Council. I believe that Compora asked the question as a political move, but that is my opinion. She doesn't work, to my knowledge, so she could have attended and asked the question at the Pension meeting.
Because Channel 4 & 7 choose to run this, does not mean that it is what people care about. It means that they choose to run a story to bash the politicians of Detroit to get viewers. Similar to the Monroe Evening News. They choose to run every false allegation ever imagined, but are reluctant to run the truth when it comes to light. Why? Because it sells papers, they think. I choose not to purchase their paper because of this, but again, my choice.
The question is not stupid, just the reasons for asking it.
Agreed - Council Meeting was not the time to ask. Agreed - Maybe Councilwoman Compora does not work and could'a attended. Maybe she is a camera junkie (unless it is Mr. Smith's camera). Maybe the MEN is is a bad paper - I am not a writer and neither read or subscribe to the MEN.
Reasons for asking the question may seem sad but it would be nice to know; is it a law? ordinance? or pension board rule? (yeah - I know I can ask a pension board member and as they are not all (just most) in Hawaii don't assume I have not).
The news - there are there because this is a story worth reporting.
Good thing Charlie Evans didn't go to Hawaii. Would hate to have had Channel 7 catch our City Clerk on the golf course.
Of course, they may want to snarf out Jim Kansier. Rumor has it that best of friends Kansier and Evans were two of the worst offenders of meeting attendees. Seems that they get their "learnin'" on the golf course and their wisdom from vast alcohol consumption. Atta Boys!! suck the taxpayer dry. Seems they could've graduated from Mayor Al University!
Now comes "Honest Ed Paisley" to suck at the trough. What an alumni list of losers!
Yes - much better to have your friends suck us dry at home.
Monroe needs more roundabouts, intersection reconfigurations, and splash parks. Maybe we can hire some consultants to write a new mission statement and slogan, also.
That would be much better.
I assume the previous poster went to the pension board meeting to air his concerns?
Maybe some twisted, psychopath could get up at a council meeting and tell the viewers that he is the Director, City of Monroe Economic Development Corporation and give us all a good laugh!
Perhaps the twisted old man could get up and state the untruths for the viewers that he publishes on this blog.
Every one knows how credible the nutball is and every one knows he's Mayor Al's friend and friend of the Coalition.
Let the liability get up and leave no doubt to the viewer that the Coalition must go!
See ya on camera Smith, or Genie. BTW what ever happened to your "evidence"? Thought so.
Are you off your meds.....?
Why the anger.
Turns out Monroe used to have an Economic Development Corporation, and indeed David Smith was one of the directors.
From the tone of the posts I would say you are the angry, twisted individual.
Please take your pills - they are good for you. The sluggish feeling will go away after awhile.
Maybe Compora will give you a Hummer to calm you down. Whats the going rate for a second rate Vegas hooker? $10?
Regards - Not David Smith
Perhaps the best way to find out about Dave Smith is to ask him or go type his full name David Alkire Smith in Google and find about him.
He is in the phone book.
His language of preference is English, so that works for most of us.
I'm assuming he wouldn't hang up on anyone as long as it didn't cause him to violate a court order.
Regards - Not David Smith
They need to change the name of this to "The Monroe Observation of Bashing Compora" and advertise it for all to see.
It is possible that David Alkire Smith did serve as one of the director’s of the Monroe city EDC, although that commission may no longer exist. Did you find that on Google? Dave is considered to serve on the ZBA along with Brian Beneteau.
True True.
He did serve as a director on the Monroe City EDC.
The only thing he is guilty of is having an out of date web site - not of being delusional.
The lunatic that was ranting and raving is delusional. He must have taken my advice and taken his meds.
Much better now.
Regards - Not David Smith
Boy - this is like sitt'in at the grown up table. Except I doubt half of those using words like; psychopath, lunatic or delusional among others can actually define them.
Amazing how quick some folks are to defend a few and then trash a everyone else. What have I learned: Linda Compora was / is a call girl, Charles Evans and Jim Kaniser are drunks, Ed Pasiley is either the most honest person ever to live or kin to the great Satan, David Smith is either great or a butt head and Rick Floraday is either on or in need of medication.
WOW - and all of ya all (assuming you live in the city) are my neighbors! Great - now all I need is someone from the sex offenders list!
I don't use my real name cuz of the hatefulness. Seems disagreements in Monroe means your vanquished from "good, proper society".
What do you have against drunks? I hope nothing.
Some of my best friends are drunks.
I also have some friends and co-workers who get kind of bad to be around when they are off their meds. Occasionally they need to be reminded to take them. Nothing to be ashamed of, it is a medical condition for crying out loud. Federal laws probably protect the condition, so we best not harass the poor guy.
Hey - on a positive note, does anyone know why the Operational Assessment keeps getting delayed? Is the job just taking longer than it was thought, or is the consultant just not hitting the deadlines?
I sure hope when the recommendations finally come out the cut list is already ready to be implemented. Unfortunately the jobs program at City Hall can't continue in my opinion. Our roads need fixed, and honestly I could really use a tax cut.
I’m kind of afraid at the middle of June we will get a recommendation that X number of individuals need to be cut in these areas to get us in line with other municipalities, but then we will have to hire another consultant to tell us how to select the individuals, manage the process, prepare severance packages, etc.
I guess with a mostly unionized work force the process will have to be based on seniority? That will unfortunately mean some useful individuals go, and some dead wood will have to produce (that’s my opinion).
I honestly think that its time government gets to cut back. At the company I work for they have us working like scared dogs, continually piling on work to keep it as close to the breaking point as they can. The threat of outsourcing your job to Mexico, India, China, Philippines, etc etc is always there if you don’t improve your efficiency. Its time the people who work for me in City Hall who take my money perform the same way.
So – I try to once again steer the conversation in an adult, issue oriented direction. Lets see how it goes.
Regards - Not David Smith
This blog appears to be a marketing study by Rick Floraday to see if his pal Linda Compora in marketable after her shot to defame Dave Smith blew up in her face. Let’s get some common sense into this mess. Our money problem is due to an unfunded extra five years of early-early-early retirement for the firefighters. This crap broke the big three and will break our city. Sure it got Iaco’s brother out of the firehouse and he was a pain in the ass but look at the cost. Sure’ Compora can claim she helped settle a union contract—not difficult—just give them what they want.
Hell - I love drunks. Honest.
I heard last night the operational assessment is in the hands of the City Manager and that he has informed, at least some staff, that he will present it to Council first.
From what I was told it is possible that some of the "moves" have already taken place - bringing back one officer from OMNI and making him a road patrol supervisor. Not filling some positions that are "summer employment". Turning over many of the grass cutting functions to Jack's Lawn Service (BTW: When is Jack suppose to have all of that soil or whatever it is off the Port Authority Property south of Almyra? Is the City citing the Port Authority for this blight?)
Yes - those long term early retirement contracts with Union employees have been crushing to the big 3 (and others). The good news is the City of Monroe's retirement board is so well educated that they will make this work, right?
This blog can't be a marketing study - it was started before all of the real goofy stuff started.
I like your thoughts about combining efforts with other governments.
I think the main obstacle to it is why would those municipalities agree to pay their fair share of funding for things they get for free?
The entire region uses the City of Monroe recreational facilities. Sure - if you go to the ice rink or sign up for a ball league you may pay extra, but not nearly as much as we do in property taxes. So why would those townships agree to sign their citizens up for higher taxes so the city residents can get a break?
I think it has to be police, fire, building, etc etc. These are services that everyone has, and if everyone can get a cost savings then it might happen. Of course the county subsidizes the police for the townships, so it is doubtful the City could expand their responsibility there.
I hope the extent of the personnel cuts don't stop at not filling positions. We need to cut positions. The planning department, for example, I believe has 3 planners (plus the DDA planner) and a secretary. This seems like 1 planner for every ~6000 people.
Does Monroe really need a full time Historic Preservationist? Do any of the townships have one?
Is applying for grants really a full time job? Can you take it easy if you just cover your salary by applying for government grants (Also my tax dollars) for the city?
Come on - let’s go to 1 planner and use a consultant if we have a big job that can't get done.
With the reduction in head count we can then use the 2nd and 3rd floor of City Hall for a library. Another savings!
Regards - Not David Smith
These early retirements did not work out in automotive steel or anywhere else. The city needs to get rid of the police force and let the county take the problem. All the pension board can do is come back yelling yippee we sure are screwed.
This sound good but what will Compora do when she needs a cop to file a report that she imagined or hallucinated Dave Smith, Paisley or Brian have done something to her car or mother’s grave. Compora is thought to have complained that Dave Smith is not really crippled—it is just that S&W model 29 N fame Dirty Harry 44 magnum in his boot. Maybe she should get some heat herself.
So..... whacko!
Are you now threatening people via this blog?
Are you trying to intimidate certain people with your "fire power?"
Oh that's right, you were the one obsessed with the VTech shootings weren't ya?
A person with a mental problem like you should not have access to a gun!
So back to question of.... are you trying to threaten or intimidate someone here?
I thought Linda was on vacation, but this sounds alot like her. Could be that Rick and her sound alike since they were schmoozing together at a court appearance not so long ago. Put two people together and they start talking alike. Couldn't blame Rick for looking for some side action, since I saw what occupies his house with him.
Man – we just can’t keep this constructive.
How about downsizing the city?
How about getting new business?
How about what to do when Ford / ACH closes?
How about how stupid it is to tear out good sidewalks and put in ADA ramps?
What should we do with the ice rink?
Nope – you guys just want to bash Beneteau, Compora, Floraday, Paisley, Iaco, Mayor Al. I am sure at some point someone may start bashing on me. Heck – David Smith was getting bashed every time I put up a post. Stupid!
Let me advance a theory here. I think there are certain individuals with very short fuses about other certain individuals.
So – if I were to say I was going to dig someone’s mother / father / dog / sister / brother up out of the grave and drag them down Monroe Street behind a car or whatever, or so and so was a pimp / call girl / autoworker in a past occupation, we can then be entertained for hours bashing each other. In many cases, like Brian’s, it doesn’t even matter if someone said it, you just have to accuse them of saying it and then rant on about how the person is a liar if they refute the claim.
I know it is a radical concept that we should respect each others viewpoints, and occasionally I do try to throw in a fact or two about Compora that some may take as bashing but I am just stating facts. Don’t we all just want what is best for Monroe? How about talking about those things instead of how crazy Smith is and how he is going to use the dirty Harry gun on Linda?
When John Iaco was in office I respected him. I didn’t always agree with his positions, but you could talk things over with him, and he would respect your viewpoint. You could joke and banter back and forth, and things were generally jovial, (EXCEPTION: unless you were in the DMBN). I still appreciate when he shows up at the odd meeting to give some input, as it is usually very insightful. I personally don’t want him in office again due to his managerial style and propensity to spend money on things that Monroe can’t afford, but he is an asset to the community.
Contrast that to Compora, Lampton’s, etc etc etc hatred and contempt for Mayor Al. They don’t treat him in a professional manner, and act as if he is a criminal. He does not deserve this treatment no matter what he may or may not have done.
So, before your next insane post, please ask yourself, can’t we all just get along?
Regards – Not David “Dirty Harry” Smith
The question was who are you trying to threaten here and who are you trying to intimidate?
It was you who posted about your gun not me.
Man, you've got a problem if you cant answer a question or discuss something rational without throwing in your 2 obsessions.
It must suck to be you! Now... the answers please!
No sir, you are the irrational one.
You know, when your buddies were redesigning intersections and building splash parks there was a little website called council watch Monroe. Oddly enough that blog didn’t go off into some many rants about individuals, etc. It mainly focused on some issues and perceived injustices.
Why is it now everything is a rant, and everyone is a liar? Is it all of us, or could it be you sir who are unhinged? Didn’t you read my previous post, or are you just unable to comprehend and understand what I was trying to say?
This city will not move forward as a group until everyone can work together and stop the acrimony.
I only hope that in November more rational people go to the polls than individuals like you who are unable to see past their personal hate and prejudices.
I would recommend to you to seek Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. It seems as if you have much personal hatred and anger. I think by accepting Jesus into your life you can get past this anger and learn to accept others points of views and forgive others for perceived wrongs. Its not healthy to hate, and that leads to anger, and that is the path to eternal damnation. Please seek Jesus before its too late.
Regards – Still Not David “Dirty Harry” Smith
I am good with downsizing.
How about a part-time planner? This I believe would be effective and would allow resources to be used where they are needed.
I also see no burning need for a historic planner / historian / preservationist. I believe this is a task that could be handled by our existing resources (MCHM).
I believe that Frenchtown and Monroe Township does and will have a desire to form a "recreation authority". The desire will come from saving money.
The will, I believe, will be in connecting Frenchtown to the City of Monroe via the bike trail from Sterling State Park and from the connection of the City to the township via eco-tourist dollars that will be generated because of this trial.
Additionally, under the "authority" concept all agencies agree to fund the authority at the level they are currently funding there own programs - with no demand for increased funding in the future. Because the "authority" becomes a regional recreation venue more grant and foundation opportunities exist.
The Port Authority needs to partner with the Monroe County Industrial Development Corporation to more aggressively disperse of much of the property that they own. It seems odd to me that the City holds this much property.
The idea of putting in ADA ramps may seem stupid but it is necessary because of the law.
The City needs to work with DTE and the Township to make the Lotus Bed area and Eagle nesting area more accessible to the community and to use this property as a tourist draw.
Grant writing is a very tough job that is necessary - however, means testing could be put in place to ensure that we are getting a true benefit.
ACH? Believe it or not I have what I think would be a wonderful plan and it is not to allow FoMoCo to turn the area into "Ford Marsh" as some have expressed. It might be nice to have but it will not generate very many, if any, jobs nor would it help our current residents pay there bills. I am going to sound like a horrible weenie but I will not discuss the ideas I have for that area as doing so, I fear, would be a dead giveaway of who I am and well with the exception of a few, anger is a big theme on this board and I have enough problems as it is. I have no desire to get accused of being a call girl, crazy, camera junkie, wacko or whatever - hope everyone understands.
Random thoughts:
Why has the City not discussed SEMCOG's plan to create a passenger railway that would pass directly through the City of Monroe? There is already a line from Ann Arbor to Detroit that is working well - gas prices continue and this will become a real solution for transportation.
Is the City in discussions with Monroe Public Schools regarding the "splash park"? With Cantrick closing what will become of this asset (yes, it is an asset - maybe not the one we hoped for but an asset none the less).
Does the assessment address the high number of parks that can be used? Is is not possible to hire summer staff and sell day passes to non City residents for 1.00 (yes, residents would have to either have ID or a sticker - but, if communities like Sylvania (OH) can do it so can Monroe).
What about the Air Port? How about using Munson for festivals? Sad that the Chamber of Commerce is now doing there carnival out at the Mall. Wish we would have been creative and used Munson or Hellenberg (ample parking).
I know that some of these ideas will not generate a huge amount of revenue. However, they will generate people into the community. I believe that just like shoeless Joe said, "if you build it, they will come . . .". If these things people will come. If they come they may want to stay. If they stay - OK, you get it.
Thanks for bringing it back to a discussion about Monroe.
That would be fantastic if we could get a regional recreation authority. I would hope both governmental units would agree to equal funding. I think the populations are not very out of line, and logically it would seem each citizen should pay the same tax rate for them. I would not mind a bit then Frenchtown residents making full use of the Hockey Rink, Splash Park, and Munson that were built with Monroe dollars if they started to contribute to it.
The regional rail has been discussed a bit, I can’t say where or it would probably help give away myself. I also don’t want lunatics coming after me. I believe Cooper Street was mentioned as a possible Monroe stop on the Toledo – Detroit light transit. Honestly it’s hard for me to envision it working. I have visited countries where they do work, and work well. I’m just afraid our population centers are too spread out for it to be self supporting financially – and I don’t need more taxes.
I think one planner could run the CPC, write grants, study zoning updates, etc etc etc. They hire an outside consultant anytime they have a really big job to do anyway. It would be a busy guy or gal, but then so am I at work. Why shouldn’t my employee work as hard as my employer expects me to work? Some of the useless / non-value added tasks they do now would disappear out of necessity.
Wasn’t the festival bumped out of Downtown just for the one year due to some construction issues? I thought at that meeting they said they would consider the next year, but they couldn’t afford to close that parking lot with the other things that were getting done. Maybe I have a bad memory on that, but I think the more festivals downtown the better. The DDA has started to get off the ground the last few years, and they are starting to sponsor some nice events, also.
Restoring the Marsh would be good, but Monroe, Michigan, and the United States need jobs. The tendency to want to buy everything from China or a third world country is disturbing me. Now everything is disposable junk from other countries, and it’s getting hard to find a manufacturing job, or job at all for that matter. Very worrisome.
Have a nice weekend.
Regards – Still Not David “Frail Old Dirty Harry” Smith
Hi Brian Beneteau and all of the anonymous kiddies. It appears the election campaign has started.
Again, thank you, Ed Paisley, John Martin, Son Andy and my Wife Marlyn for support and testimony if need in Circuit Court to refute the obviously false claims of Compora in obtaining a PPO under apparently false pretences. My attitude is it was not worth pursuing recovery of my costs and damages. What good is my holding a judgment on a little house near an abounded paper mill and a Jap car alleged to have been anointed with skunk oil? If the electorate is dumb enough to elect her again, they will get more of her stupidity and venom—you don’t always get what you deserve but you sure get what is coming.
If anyone has any issues or questions involving me, they may contact me by any reasonable means and I will be happy to relieve their confusion.
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