Monday, May 21, 2007

Odd stuff I've heard here in Hawaii...

These pension conferences really are informative.
I've picked up a few rumors and half-truths that I'm more than happy to spread around for you folks back home to stew about.

First, I'm told that they really haven't figured out a way to make those dirty streetsweepers in Monroe not kick up so much dust, so those residents who compare them to dirty brown tornadoes will just have to continue watching their tax dollars go down the drain.

I also heard that someone is circulating a petition or something calling for a no confidence vote on Dr. Nixon, president of the community college. I don't think anyone can do that but the board of trustees and this supposedly is being driven by the faculty.

I also heard that a deal is being made to have Worrell run for mayor and Iacoangeli for council.

I also heard that some wiseacre put a link to this blog on a forum at the Evening Snooze webpage. (That was a dumb play. There goes the neighborhood.)

I also saw with my own eyes pictures of a public official doing a dance in a hula dress.

Aloha for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Did the public official have nice legs?

I don't want IACO anyplace near city hall. We don't need a dictator. He is very knowledgeable, and he does bring many good points, but his managerial style leaves something to be desired. Personally I like him. Professionally...

Worrell would be a good Mayor. Again, I don't agree with all of his positions, but they are well considered and thought out. He is also very fiscally conservative, but still understands the value of capital improvements (Roads, Curbs, not PARKS).

DR Nixon should be fired due to his part in making sure a certain ex councilperson not run again. I can't forgive anyone who squelches free speech as an employment condition, especially when they are on the public dollar. It was even more glaring when you looked at who was on the board at the Comedy College.

Funny, IACO once tried to take away an entire groups free speech rights as a condition of them running a parking validation program for free. Coincidence? I think not.

Where was Linda Jo Compora hooting and hollering about citizens being disenfranchised when those things were going down? IACO probably told her it was OKAY, so she kept her mouth shut.

Don’t you just love the irony?

21 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let it go - If the former Mayor wants to run for council, dog warden, mayor, drain supervisor - so what. If he wins it is because people voted for him.

Nice to know that the Observer is having fun in Hawaii - too bad Don Ho is gone - nothing better than "tiny bubbles".

Then again, don't we have that here in Monroe? Tiny Bubble(heads) obsessed with Linda, John, Rick - OH My. Tiny Bubble(heads) obsessed with Al, Ed, the CCC - OH my gosh - let it go.

Do hope the public official with there legs exposed at least tanned before they went - nothing worse than that mid-western pale.

22 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Compora was on vacation last evening—is she in the escort service?

John is a nice person and was a good planner. Personally he is good but not in a management position.

Worrell would be a good Mayor. While I don't agree with all of his positions, he is also fiscally conservative, but understands the value of capital improvements to critical infrastructure.

DR Nixon should be fired due to his part treatment of Sue Wetzel. He is another Compora in trying to stop free speech. I bet Compora went ballistic when that old man shot her with a ball of her own crap in court. Nixon is also wanting when you look at the MCCC board. His throwing in with the top secret historical Society is dumb.

IACO once tried to take away entire groups free speech rights as a condition of them running a parking validation program for free. Go to and you will see. Where was Linda Jo Compora hooting and hollering about citizens being disenfranchised when those things were occurring. IACO probably told her it was OK, so she kept her mouth shut.

I all for Orchard east need for businesses and jobs. Let’s see…

22 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really doubt that the observer is in Hawaii. He or she just wants to seem important. If the pension board paid for their trip, then they would have gone, but the observer actually pay for his trip? No, I think that he is just trying to get us off of his scent.

Nixon deserves to be fired for letting his political pal talk him into making Wetzel choose between what was best for the City of Monroe, or her job. With children at home, I think she made a wise decision for her family.

Get Iacoangeli and Cappuccilli as far away from City of Monroe politics as posible. It's time for a NEW Mayor.

I know who put the link up on the MEN forum, and the MEN censored it out, probably because of all the bad comments about their political allies, Iaco and Compora. It was Genie who posted it.

You were probably having a fantasy about a public official in a hula dress, so get help.

22 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah. I'm sure the Observer really is trying to get you all to think he's in Hawaii, and I'm sure he expects you all to believe it. It can't possibly be an attempt at simple humor and sarcasm to be posting "from Hawaii." He must be trying to act important.

The MEN more likely censored the link to the blog because of the rampant profanity in some of the comments, rather than because some comments were putting down Compora and friends.

22 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Rick, I believe that it was because of their mouthpieces being attacked. Didn't your wife work at the MEN also? HMMMMMMMM!

22 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on, I put up a positive post and everyone sh, I mean dumped all over it.

I am past Iaco, Guyor, Compora, Sabo, Etc. I just want them to stay in the past. By reminding people of the things they pulled I hope they are unable to get enough signatures to run, let alone get elected.

How can I think they have gone away when Compora denies the budget condition that was left by the last administration? How can we leave the past when the current Mayor is accused of lying and eating the hot dog in a hostile manner? Do we want to forget about the tactics that were used in the past to attempt to squelch opposing viewpoints? If we do then they will be back.

I think the MEN don’t want the truth to be public. They depict a rosy picture of the past, and embrace the idiot that remains (COMPORA). They didn't want this blog to be known because then people could read what they sensor off their message board. The observer, though sometimes slanted, at least allows others to voice their opinion.

Again - why no article in the MEN about Compora wanting a PPO against a frail old man? Is it because it’s not newsworthy, or because it would make their friends look like the idiots they are.

I just want Monroe to move forward. Tough times are here, and tougher coming. What is Monroe going to do to replace the jobs and tax base of ACH? This is coming. Do you want IACO in charge when that hits?

Between Ed Paisley and IACO, I’ll take Paisley any day. He is an honest, upstanding citizen who wants the best for Monroe.

Here is a proposal for the city administration. Lets quit televising the city council meetings. I’d like to see how many of the blowhards show up each week to campaign if this were to stop. Strange, they never show up in any of the meetings that aren’t on TV.

How many showed up at the Pension Board to question the Hawaii trip, observer?

22 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey psychopath! Did you attend the Pension Board meeting? Or were you too busy getting your loser buddies of the 3C Coalition together to get their stories straight in order to lie to the judge? You know,your 4 "reputable" witnesses of the 3C Coalition, you know who they are, they're the ones who encourage you to harass because they don't have the balls to do it themselves. You've been used and abused, buddy!! Used and abused!! Your pals, you know, the one that was supposedly investigated last year for buying stolen diamonds and allegedly got caught getting some head in a parking lot downtown, you know golfsotherleftie, the one who got you your attorney and has bragged about it! Um, I think that would be Brian(still at mommie's breast) Beneteau. How about the one who lied and took the pipe for the others during the Open Meetings Act investigation and wound up losing his business because he got caught "fooling around" with a waitress, by the way also managed to lose a good wife in the deal, I think he would be known as John(Woodenhead Pinocchio) the Coalition's fall guy and puppet. Then there's Burkett,the one who screwed the Unions (and himself) all for the love of Al, and lastly the one who just can't seem to spit the word disclosure out of his mouth, I believe that would be Honest Ed Paisley.

As long as you're fixated and obsessed with certain people, it's only right to let others know about you and your pals too! You know that old what's good for the Goose thing?

Smith - You're way out there pal, you need some mental help. Hope the rumblings are true, I hope that those you slander and libel on this blog sue the ever lovin' heck right out of you. Poor crippled, frail, old psychopath! Poor beat up worn out victim who has no life other than this pitiful blog. Poor victimized psychopath Dave Smith, I feel for ya Bud!

23 May, 2007  
Blogger Brian Beneteau said...

As my character has been questioned, I feel the need to respond.

First, I was asked to come into court to tell the truth to Judge Costello in Compora v. Smith in their PPO hearing. Having read the transcript from the original PPO issuance, there were many discrepancies, so I felt very good about setting the record straight. It also would have probably warranted either a false police report charge, or a perjury charge being issued against Compora. I also was asked by Mr. Smith’s attorney, not Mr. Smith.

If I ever want to harass anyone, trust me, I have the balls to do it myself, and I don’t have to do it by hiding behind an anonymous name, like you have chosen to do.

As for my business concerns, they are none of yours or anyone else’s business, but I will respond. Unfortunately when you buy from the public there is always the chance that you may buy stolen merchandise. There are many crooks out there, whether it be burglars or just people who slander others. That is precisely why we hold a Precious Metals License and why we act according to the law. There have been times in the past when something has turned up stolen, and we have always complied with the law and have even helped in solving some break ins, as well as testifying at trial to put the offender away. As with other false allegations made, this was investigated by the Michigan State Police, and there was no basis for any action.

Caught in a parking lot? This is the first that I have ever heard of this. Got anything to back that up? I would think not. Guess you had to throw that in for some ridiculous reason. Trust me, if I want to get any, I choose to go to my home. I do not know if going at it in a parking lot is what YOU prefer, but I gave that up in High School.

Golfersotherleftie is a good name to pick, considering most know that Phil Mickelson is golf’s main lefty, but should you ever wish to see me play the game, you will see that I play right handed, and I’m sure that I would beat you pretty easily, although you probably don’t play, since golf is an honorable game which requires honesty and integrity, and by your comments, you have none.

Yes, I did recommend an attorney for Mr. Smith, as I would do for you when you would require one for your libel suit for this post of yours. The attorney I recommended is a good, competent attorney, and was being paid for by Mr. Smith. I might as well throw in the fact that even though Ms. Compora brought about this issue, she wished to have the City’s attorney represent her, but was turned down. She was also turned down with her request to have the City pay for her attorney. Imagine how that would’ve looked since she fought over a bottle of water and some breath mints.

Finally, I’m not sure what you mean by bringing my mother into this. Is it that she is concerned with how the DDA is being run, and that irks you? My relationship with both of my parents is terrific, even though it is trying at times working together everyday. Sorry that you feel jealous or saddened by your relationship with your own parents, if you have any. It is sad that your relationship with your parents is not as well as mine.

Again, as I have posted before, my telephone number is 734-457-4348 at home and 734-242-5840 at work. If YOU have the balls to confront me personally, step up at any time. I undoubtedly will not hear from you, as I believe you to be a coward of the highest degree.

23 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like Beneteau to state what discrepancies were in the transcript of Compora v. Smith PPO.

I would also like to hear what legal training this paragon of truth has that would lead him to state that an allegation of false police reporting or purjury would have resulted for Compora. I think you had better be prepared to state this in a court of law. Libel works both ways. As I understand she had witnesses of her own and BTW wasn't that meeting televised? Wasn't Compora working for the City and on City time when the Psychopath harassed her? The City seemed to condone the harassment, so why shouldn't they pay? If the psychopath had harassed you most likely the City would've put a stop to it. People viewed this on tv it is there for all to see.

Why is the posting regarding you libelous when you've just libeled Ms. Compora? Come on! The people know what's going on and they don't like what the 3C Coalition, you included are doing.

This is a guy who sits on the ZBA and when a controversial issue concerning Monroe Transfer came before the ZBA, here's Mr. Arrogance himself partying with Frank Denardo the owner of Monroe Transfer at Beeks Bar. Food, drinks the whole shot with Denardo and his buddies.

Wait! Aren't you supposed to be impartial in your voting? What were you doing with Frank Denardo when no decision had been made and had been postponed until the next meeting? You are supposed to avoid the appearance of impropriety and this smacks of impropriety,boy. Did you throw your vote in favor of a meal and drinks paid for by Denardo? Or were you the one who paid for the food and the drinks to show Denardo that he didn't have to worry about your vote?

Just curious. BTW let's hear your proof that Compora lied. Remember folks, it's one of the honest 3C's that will respond!

Don't threaten me with libel you arrogant jerk. If you can't take criticism, then don't give any or stay off this blog. Stop with the "I'm a big councilman in town and I'll flex my arrogant muscles (if I had any) and sue you for making statements about my integrity. You have libeled plenty both on blogs and on the dias. It's time for you too to put your "evidence" on this blog or shut up.

You are just another bully but dressed in a suit. You want to sue, then be prepared for it yourself boy!

23 May, 2007  
Blogger Brian Beneteau said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

23 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cable Internet access - 85.00
Microsoft Vista upgrade - 249.50
Witnessing an anonymous poster accuse a sitting councilman of sex in a park then having that councilman accuse the "anonymous" poster of being another councilperson -


Election 2007 Slogan -

City Council - Hey, for 7,500.00 what do you expect - good people?

23 May, 2007  
Blogger Brian Beneteau said...

Did I say the person accusing me was a Councilperson? Must have missed that. Do you know something that I don't know? I am simply responding to "anonymous" since the person in question cannot reveal their true identity. Seems that everyone may be speculating who this "anonymous" person is, even you.

23 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This reader thought the poster was Rick, but since that obnoxious dialogue, I believe that I may think again.

23 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez, I am just so entertained!
I really should call Comcast and shut of the cable! This is far more informative and funny!

23 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nice that Beneteau responds with his own name when he wants to put on his pious, I've done nothing wrong gig, but at other times chooses to slander and libel people under the anonymous moniker.

Go into the archives of the MEN, read the article about this skunking bit, I didn't see the Mayors name published as having done the dirty deed. Does the police report accuse the Mayor? I'd be willing to bet that none of you have bothered to haul your libelous, pathetic selves down to see the actual police report before you made your accusing, false statements, did you? Are you saying you were going to testify to this in court? If so, you're dumber than I thought you were.

Read first before letting the psycho lead you around by the nose. It might save you from a lawsuit.

My daughter's boyfriend was in Beeks and saw you partying with Denardo,along with many other people who saw you that night,in fact it was you, Paisley and your father. This is a small town, word travels fast and furious, especially when a councilman is seen partying with someone who has an issue coming before the very board that the councilman is sitting on and who will be voting on the issue of the person he's seen partying with. Especially when voices carry. Not good, not good at all. Perception, perception, perception.
Tsk,tsk,tsk. I'd be willing to bet that before you left the bar that night that it was already around town. Just another "I can get away with it because I'm in the Coalition." We're all powerful because we're council persons! We're untouchable! Wow! I'm intimidated by your clout and power.

You need to get out in the community and away from downtown and into the real world. The support you think you have is not there, bub. The people know the Coalition is still in place and no matter how hard you try to make them believe otherwise, they will believe what they see, and what I see on tv is a joke. Hello! You are the laughing stock of Monroe, and not only Monroe but Bedford and Temperance too. Some guy told me that he lives in Newport and came to a council meeting because he wanted to see the clowns in action.

There will be a clean sweep in November, sure thing. You included, Paisley, the whole schmeer, gone, Compora included. That's the word outside of your sheltered downtown. So bubela,who ever is sitting on the thrones come January 2008, will be better than you jokers.

The community wants to see bang for their buck. Not happening here. Want to threaten me some more all powerful councilman? Remember, November is just around the corner.

Save your pious, righteous drivel for someone who will believe it.

BTW, most of the community also believes that the downtown has never kicked off because of the people who think they have all the power down there. Wonder who they could be talking about?

23 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No you did not "say" it was another councilperson. You implied it by capitalizing the words FEMALE followed by COWARD and then ending with "sorry about mom".

Course - I could have been reading into this and assumed that you meant Ms. Compora and if the mistake is mine - I accept. Sorry.

I made this assessment based on post on this board referring to her as a coward along with her continued references to her mother during her proceedings with Mr. Smith (yes, I read them on his website - is it wrong that I admit that?).

What can I say, I am a shut-in. If my perception of your inference was wrong - sorry.

23 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very astute observation by Alacajun. I too thought Beneteau was referring to Compora. If he was and I'm sure he'll never admit to it, but if he was referring to her, he has just exhibited his total lack of class in referring to her mother. Like Alacajun, I have also read the transcrips and there is reference in there to her mother who I believe is deceased.

Whether he likes Compora or not, the remark was uncalled for. Mr. Beneteau has now left no doubt in my mind that he is totally lacking in both class and good judgment.

I hope that he never has to experience a death of a loved one and then have it brought up to him in order to injure him. However, by his callous remark,he would be very deserving.

His arrogance will do him in eventually and if that doesn't surely his lack of intelligence will.

So at the end of the day, Brian Beneteau has just shown that in spite of all his pontificating, he is a person who chooses to publish a distasteful comment about a deceased woman in order to hurt her survivors. He will never get my vote. I don't give my God-given right to a guttersnipe.

23 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go Brian. Have to agree with previous Alacajun and Anom.

Hope your mom lives forever because this is surely going to bite you down the road apiece.

Talk about Smith being a liability to the Coalition, you've just proved your true worth, which is nothing. How stupid can you be?

Bringing up a dead woman in order to get at her daughter is a pretty low move. Just shows to go ya that the Coalition will stop at nothing in order to harass Compora.

Congratulations brother, you are a low class piece of work. Thanks for showing your true colors before November. I'll make sure that I, my friends and family vote for who ever runs against you.

Bashing Compora is one thing, but bringing up a dead person? Man, you deserve what ever comes of this one.

23 May, 2007  
Blogger Brian Beneteau said...

First of all, you once again assumed who I was responding to. Perhaps you should get your facts straight. When I said sorry about mom, I was referring to my mom at the DDA, and it was directed at someone other than the person you all choose to think it was directed at. Guess I could have been more clear, but I'm sure that the person who it really was directed at got it.
As far as voting for me if I choose to run again, it is again a choice for each and every voter. If you want to vote for someone else, be my guest. I really couldn't care less who is on Council as long as their decisions are in the best interest of all taxpayers, as mine have been. I have no hidden agenda. I have only voted to save taxpayers money and have voted to right size our City for employees, and I will continue to do so. Sure, we could ask the taxpayers of Monroe to "bite the bullet" as one former politician in Monroe has said, and raise taxes, but in the economy we are in, that is not the right call, and I for one will not make it.
As of this writing, no one seems brave enough to step out and put their real name, or step forward and make a phone call, so the comments being put out are simply drivel, probably by the same person repeatedly commenting, so please, by all means, continue.
Again, these comments are mine alone, so again you can jump off of the coalition bandwagon. If you want answers to any questions, give me a call, instead of jumping to conclusions about your own inferences.

23 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cup of Coffee and a pack of Gum- $2.29
Gas to get to the Council Meeting-
Reading a bulletin board and finding a councilman talking about someone bringing his mom into a conversation only to bring someone else's AND wishing for an EDIT button....


Somethings we cannot afford to slip out, our true colors are one of them! For everything thing else, there's the demise of your business and social town standing because of a dumb ass comment!

23 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Step out into the light, light.

Your opinion $1,000,000

Since you post anonymously $.02

23 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I know who Mr. Beneteau was referring to, and I don't believe that it was Compora. Mary Gale Beneteau sits on the Mainstreet board, and has questioned the actions of the board and its chairman, Mr. Floraday. I believe that this is the person in question. He has aligned himself with Compora and Iacoangeli, and he is one of a small group of individuals trying to incite a disruption of council. I also choose to remain anonymos, but I really am not a confrontational type of person. I do expect the truth from our elected officials, no matter who they ran with or against. I cannot say whether or not I would vote for any of our current council, but I do support all of them in their roles as sitting council, and I think that they are working on a solution to our money woes and employee problems. I think that this has gotten too personal for our own good, and I wish that the people who have problems with each other would work them out.

24 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anony # 547, 689, whatever,

That's the beauty part of it, I don't care what you think my opinion is worth.

Total money earned- $.04

24 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't we all just get along?

I find Brian to be nothing but honest and honorable. He has been transparent in his dealings, and I have always found him to be open for discussions on any topic. He will always explain his position, and he appears open to any information you care to give him. Call his phone numbers, stop into the store, and feel free to talk to him about any topic. Why these qualities are not desirable in a councilman by some of you, I don’t understand. He not only has my vote if he chooses to run, I will help his campaign anyway I can.

The court documents are on They are riddled with cases where Councilwoman Compora tells lies, and in my opinion shows a disturbing tendency at paranoia, or some form of mental illness. The skunk incident was just one of many lies that Linda chose to document. I was at the City Council meeting were Linda publicly accused the mayor of spraying her car with skunk oil. Now in sworn testimony recorded by the court documents she has accused David Smith for the same “crime”. What is true? I think it is most likely true that Linda ran over the skunk on the way to or from the meeting.

The skunk incident is just one of many discrepancies in her statement. Fortunately for Linda Compora she got legal representation that convinced her to drop the case before her lies were exposed. I do believe Linda would have been sanctioned when witnesses were called to the stand to document her misunderstandings of reality. Generally courts don’t appreciate liars wasting their time.

As for witnesses you can also read all about them in the court documents. The Lampton’s in fact had nothing to contribute to Linda’s case. If anything they hurt her case.

I don’t understand it why some people choose to believe a warped sense of reality, and align themselves with lunatics who rant and rave. I for one will support the members that ran under the CCC coalition since they have conducted themselves in a professional manner and have acted in the best interest of Monroe.

For the record I choose to be anonymous, but I am not David Smith.

24 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beneteau the backpedler. What a disgusting comment-sorry about mom.

Disgusting comment, disgusting Beneteau!

You never mentioned your mom in your post,in fact you never mentioned anything about the DDA.

You did make the "sorry about mom" comment in conjunction with some other snide remarks. So now to try and say that the comment is about your mom is insulting to the readers of this blog!!

It's very clear who the comments were intended for! And they weren't about your mom!

You are one disgusting no class dude. Watching you on tv with your arrogant smirk is sickening enough but to see your ignorance in print, well that's a whole new different kind of sick.

Reading your weak, pathetic little explanation for your no class remark reminds me of the asthma commercial with the fish out of the bowl frantically flipping around trying to get air!

You are the fish and this fish is smelly!

You made the remark about a dead woman, now have enough sense to crawl back under your rock ,stop lying about it and shut your filthy mouth.

Fact is, you made one huge mistake shooting your ignorant mouth off, now we can watch as you try to get out of it with your lame lies and excuses. Come on smelly fish, start flippin'!

Beneteau the backpedler, let's see how fast you can go. What a sight, an out of shape ignoramus frantically trying to save face for his ignorant remark about a dead woman. Keep that arrogant smirk on your face as you bust your fat behind on the backpedling bike!

Little clue, it's too late! You have done it to yourself!

24 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess that would be $.06

24 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Previous Anom poster. Of course you're David Smith. Only the delusional David Smith would continue on about Compora and her court case.

I've read the transcripts and once again it's you trying to distort the facts. Seems to me Compora had evey right to do what she did because you are one twisted individual. Getting your partner councilman to go to court for you only lays claim to the fact that you are harassing her with their blessing. What a great bunch of guys!

Good luck in November 3C Coalition, with David Smith as your spokesperson you all should get what you deserve.

24 May, 2007  
Blogger Brian Beneteau said...

You all know where to find me, as I have chosen to be in the open. You can keep ranting about what you think I meant, as this is your option to do.
I am not backpedaling, just give me a call and find out. I wanted to push buttons to see who would respond, in an effort to see who was posting this ridiculous crap, and I found out. I did not make a comment about a dead woman, that was you. The FEMALE was simply to call into question the masculinity of the poster who continues to try and fuel this. And yes, my mother is a pain in his side. If he happens to be Downtown right now, stop in, if YOU have the guts to be in the open. Otherwise, continue on little man.
An earlier post said that someone's daughter's boyfriend saw me "partying" with people from Monroe Transfer. The only person snooping around that night, as well as checking up at a later night, was Keegan. And yes, I had the balls to call him out on his adventure, and he folded.
As stated before, I have no problem talking with anyone, before or after any issue. My support of Monroe Transfer is because I believe them to be a good group who will bring benefits to our community. If you don't agree with that, then state your opinion. I was one of seven votes on council, and one of nine votes on the ZBA, and one vote doesn't carry too much weight without other support. It would be easy to take the political way out on every issue, and to be the defender of the people on every issue, but taking a stand on an overall benefit for the City is my play. If you don't like that then run against me. Then you can raise taxes, plant trees, blow money on unnecessary eye candy, etc.
Your choice to keep calling me ignorant must make you feel good. I guess as an anonymous poster you probably are a Rhodes Scholar?
You have no credibility whatsoever, especially when compared to myself. Think that's arrogant, maybe so, but compared to hiding out under an assumed name I'll take arrogant over cowardly anyday.

24 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 Anonymous posters ago.

Let me tell you some indisputable facts.

1. I am not David Smith
2. Linda Compora perjured herself before Judge Costello. She withdrew the case at the advice of her attorney.
3. People wanted to testify in that case, not because they were aligned or defending David Smith, but because they are tired of Councilwoman Compora making false accusations around town. They wanted to set the record straight.

Please explain to me why Linda withdrew the case herself, if she was right and had the evil, frail, old man on the ropes?

If you are correct, and we elect the same idiots we had in office under IACO I will sell my house at a huge loss and move to Raisinville or Monroe Township where the taxes are low and the services are adequate. This will accomplish two things. First, I will reduce my yearly tax burden that funds that jobs program known as the City of Monroe. Two, I will effectively lower the future taxes collections in the City of Monroe by establishing an arms length sale that all of my current neighbors can use to reduce their valuations. I believe the house will be worth more now than after the City of Monroe declares bankruptcy.

Councilmen like Brian understand the issues in the city. They are not so filled with hatred that they don’t recognize the issues facing the city. They are not 1-issue candidates. They have not accused half the city of wrongdoing.

Why can’t you recognize that there are more important issues facing the city than your Hatred of Mayor Al and the “CCC”? Why don’t you recognize the needs for jobs for our citizens and tax base?

Maybe if Linda Compora supported industry coming to Monroe she wouldn’t have to accuse David Smith of being the reason she can’t get a job. FYI – I know you know that is in the court documents since you read them. I also suggest you read the City Ordinances and the First Amendment to see if you still think she was justified in her case.

Lets just move this debate forward in a meaningful way. This has degraded from a discussion of issues to romper-room of name-calling and false accusations. You can tell by the spelling and grammar on who is who.

24 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't blame Brian for getting mad at the writer of the original comment about him. If somebody accused me of getting a hummer in a parking lot I would want to know who it was too, and would go about finding them no matter how. Some of you people need to grow up and quit making this about personal attacks. For goodness sake, get together and work it out, or at least keep your comments to yourself. This is getting ridiculous.

24 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where else would you park your Hummer downtown except in a parking lot?

Does Brian have an H1, H2, or H3?

God Bless him for buying an American made product. This is not always the case. IACO has a Lexus, Compora drives a Toyota.

24 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said - "Jobs program that is the City of Monroe". Yeah and it was like that four, six, ten years ago and who was our Mayor? OH, that's right NOT Iacoangelli. The problems that exist are not the fault of one person or one administration - they have been going for years.

You folks blame people like little kids. You support those who agree with you, even when they have made a mistake.

Anonymity is needed on this board and in Monroe if you chose to offer a varied opinion.

Councilman Benateau can use his name if he chooses. I believe he, and most on council, want what is best for Monroe however they differ in how to get there.

24 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I totally agree the jobs program is no one administrations fault, but someone needs to step up to the plate and fix it.

I think the jobs program came about through self-protection / self-preservation. It used to take more people to do the work. Now with better equipment / tools / computers / software / etc less people are needed.

You have seen it in companies everywhere. Government, for whatever reason, has sat on the sidelines. For them it was easy to raise more revenue from us the taxpayer to protect the government workers way of life.

Now - I'm not saying that government workers are not necessary, they clearly are. I'm just saying we need to right size government. I think / hope the operational assessment is designed to address this, but I'm afraid it won't go far enough.

How about doing some cooperative things with Frenchtown or Monroetown? Do Frenchtown and the City of Monroe both need fire departments? Couldn't we combine some of those resources and equipment per Granholms recommendations?

Again - this is no ones fault. I'm just hopeful this council addresses it. If they do they will have a legacy that does not include a splash park with cost overruns.

Regards - Not David Smith

25 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It appears as though there are some major "bads" between Beneteau's post and his paltry explanation about the mom comment.

The explanation offered up appears to be weak and full of statements trying to alleviate himself of blame for the tasteless mom comment.

He says he was not referring to a councilperson but was trying to ferret out the real rat. However, his original post is pretty clear as to he was referring to.

On his post he claims the Mayor was falsely accused of skunking a car in a police report. My question is, has he seen the police report that accuses the Mayor? If he hasn't and has made these statements, hasn't he actually falsely accused Ms. Compora?

In his post he makes reference to a work session that had been skipped. Wasn't he referring to a councilperson? A citizen skipping a work session? Didn't know it was mandatory for citizens!

He says he only spoke to Mr. Denardo in Beeks bar when he actually was seen sitting with him. Oh and let's not forget to mention at the very next ZBA meeting the one after Mr. Beneteau was seen "speaking" to Denardo, Mr. Beneteau and David Smith voted in favor of Mr. Denardo's request while the majority of the ZBA did what was actually right for the city!

Beneteau states in his post "One may sell themselves for the going rate for services rendered, but I am not one of them." Since his prior statements appear to be addressing a certain councilwoman, a FEMALE, calling her a COWARD, then this statement surely falls in with the other statements referring to her as a call girl.

However, given the fact that Beneteau voted in favor of Denardo's issue after having been seen eating and drinking with him, it seems that the going rate for Beneteau is some food and drinks!

Be very careful when you accuse someone else of selling themselves!

Beneteau states that he doesn't need to avoid the appearances of impropriety! A statement of monumental ignorance in and of itself!

For an elected official and everyone else who serves at the public behest, avoiding the appearances and perception of impropriety is a given, look what happened to his best bud Paisley!

I suggest Beneteau should climb down from his inflated opinion of himself and take some classes and educate himself. Appearances are everything when you are a public official. Unless, I guess you're BRIAN BENETEAU, who seems to know it all.

Then there is the "sorry about mom" comment. Much as he tries to wiggle out of the ownership of it, all of the statements leading up to this ugly, low class comment seem to indicate that he is referring to Ms. Compora and her deceased mother.

To say that he was really trying to ferret out the actual anonymous posting rat and wasn't referring to the councilwoman at all, just makes him look worse.

In fact, if he's looking for the rat, a mirror would reveal just the one!

Beneteau need to know when to shut up.

25 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not David Smith;

Good post. Yes, we as a City need to start combining services and we should be able to do this not only with cooperatives but with timely initiatives. Think about this:

How about a . . .

Recreation Authority - Monroe Township, City of Monroe and Frenchtown all combining resources and funds?

Travel / Tourism Initiative - Combine DDA, DMBN, Monroe County Tourism, Recreation all to create initiatives that "generate" funds. Consider? How much does the City of Monroe make off of the Jazz Fest? Why not promote our river front with festivals, concerts, outdoor art venues. Yes, some of this is being done but there is still too many folks worried about who and how much credit they get.

Consolidation of many police / fire / building positions -
do we need a fire inspector, police safety officer and a rental / blight inspector? How damn big is this city? Give me a golf cart, ticket book and 50,000.00 a year and I promise I will inspect every apartment once a year and no blight will go greater than five days without being ticketed. Think I am playing? The most effective City employee we have is the downtown meter maid (yeah, I know that isn't her title but you know who she is). How effective is she? Go five minutes over and she will seek your pentance (or 5.00).

I got a ton of'em! As a shut in I got nothing but time! Too bad I can't put my name on this - I would love the credit!!

25 May, 2007  
Blogger Brian Beneteau said...

Any explanation for any comments I make are obviously up to anyone's personal interpretations. So be it.

Since no one has contacted me personally, or had the stones to put their real names, I couldn't care less what you have to say. I can talk about my mom, your mom, and anyone else's mom if I so choose to do so. First amendment, remember? For anyone who believes that I was speaking of a dead mother, I apologize.

I never said a councilperson skipped a work session, did I? It isn't mandatory for citizens or councilmen. Again, you have chosen your interpretation.

I stated male or FEMALE, not a certain person. The coward I refer to is the anonymous COWARD making these statements. I have not called anyone a call girl. Attorneys get paid for services rendered. Are they call girls?

As for the appearance of impropriety you speak of, it is imagined in your own head. I am free to speak with anyone I wish at any time I wish. Someone has to speak to people who wish to bring business or reinvestment to our City, and as a Councilman in this city, if a property owner wishes to speak to me, I certainly will speak to them. Mr. Denardo is no different than the gentleman I spoke with regarding the renovation of the former Monroe Trophies building. Or for that matter, the conversations I have had with Mr. Wickenheiser, or even the gentleman from Prebesto homes. I have even spoken with a businessman from Toledo regarding Port Property. I have spoken to numerous people about investing in Downtown. Most recently I have even spoken to people about investing on the East side. Is that OK to do? Is it OK to try and get investment into Monroe? Seems that some of you think that all a councilman should do is show up at a council meeting and vote, whether or not they know anything or not.

Finally, the RAT is the anonymous COWARD who cannot get up the intestinal fortitude to make a phone call or face a discussion in person. You simply are a joke to not only yourself, but to the group of COWARDS that you represent! You are like a child who taunts from the other side of the fence, but is afraid to come on the right side of the fence, so please, by all means, continue to attack from the dark, where a person of your character belongs.

25 May, 2007  
Blogger Brian Beneteau said...

Here is my post from above, with your misconception removed, since you wish to carry on like a baby regarding what you thought I meant.

Well, I see you read my post. The proof is when the Mayor was accused of skunking a car in a police report, and then in a sworn statement in court, it was said that Mr. Smith did it all along. I intended to tell that in a court of law, and I still would.
Also in the court document it was said that the council lounge is off limits to the public, when it is not. In fact, just recently, a work session may have been held in this area, but I guess you skipped that one.
Guess you didn't read about the 3C coalition, cause you are still stuck on that. If you didn't notice, I responded to this personally, not on anyone else's behalf. Too bad you are the coward, anonymous.
As a matter of fact, Mr. Denardo was at Beek's after a meeting. Actuall he and his group have been there several times. They have also frequented Clam Diggers, 129 Lounge, and Mugsy's. Nice to see them supporting the community.
As with most meetings, I happened to also be in Beek's afterward, and yes, I spoke to Mr. Denardo among other patrons of the bar not with his group. Got a problem with socializing? Because one may sell themselves for the going rate for services rendered, I am not one of them. And to set the record straight, I do pretty well, so I don't believe that I need anyone to buy my drinks for me. I also don't need to avoid the appearance of impropriety, because I have done nothing wrong. Want to make another false accusation, go ahead.
As for staying off of this blog, I will respond to any person, male or FEMALE who attempts to falsely accuse me of anything. Especially a COWARD who cannot give their name, although we know who you are by your vocabulary and sensitivity.

Now try a different attack if you wish to try and decipher what I say.

25 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Councilman Beneteau -

You apologized if your remark offended anyone. You have stated that several people, myself included, misunderstood you initial remark (I am willing to accept that I made a mistake and I appreciate you letting me know what your inference was).

Arguing with an unknown poster is much like cursing the darkness and based on some of your other comments I would believe that you attempt to be above that.

BTW - how about forming a Recreation Authority? Or eliminating the rental inspection / fire inspector / safety officer into one position? Or more DDA/DMBN/Tourism/City of Monroe "money generating events"?

Finally; yeah, I know I am asking questions while I am anonymous but, I hope you understand that with the hateful attitude of many posters no way in hell am I putting myself out there. (Like G.W. Bush said, "nope, wouldn't be prudent").

25 May, 2007  
Blogger Brian Beneteau said...

I am more than happy to discuss any and all of your mentioned ideas. Please give me a call, 242-5840 or email me at

As I'm sure to get attacked or my words changed, or whetever else, I prefer to discuss city related business in person, or at least with a name to respond to.
You bring up some valid areas of concern, and I have some workable ideas concerning recreation and the Multi Sports Complex in general. Also some events which should be continued as well as others which should be rethought.

Thank you.

25 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You were asked to answer a simple question.

Have you seen the actual police report that states Mayor Al skunked the car?

Does it specifically name Mayor Al?

Just answer the question!

25 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's asking?

25 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I forgot to add, if you answer yes you have seen a police report that actually names our Mayor Al as skunking the car, bring it to the next council meeting.

That will be sure to nail either you or Compora right then and there for lying.

A police report is a matter of public record and is readily available for a nominal fee to anyone who requests one. Since you're doing so well it won't be any skin off your behind now would it?

Hightail it down to the police, get yourself a report about the skunk and be ready for the next council meeting! Please post the police report here for the benefit of those who may not get the council meeting on their tv.

We the people of Monroe and readers of this blog, need absolute confirmation as to who the liar is here!

25 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice "we the people" speech, but you don't seem to matter.

25 May, 2007  
Blogger Brian Beneteau said...

If you wish to see a police report, go and get it yourself. I did not say that I "saw" or "have" a "copy" of a police report. I know what police department personnel told me, and no, sorry, until put on a stand under oath, I will not say who that person was. You hide out and post anonymously so not to give your true identity away, and I will not give this person's identity away, unless ordered to by a judge, and then I will be happy to do so. You have to realize that there may be repercussions if this person were revealed, after all, speaking of a councilperson would not bode well for a city employee.
Also, even if I had a police report, I would not bring it to a council meeting. Unfortunately, some do not know that a council meeting is a meeting for City of Monroe business, and not a place to deal with personal attacks or illegal aliens. Some cannot deal with non related issues on their own, and must use anonymous postings and false accusations as their way to accomplish their only goals in life.
And to clarify for you, the "doing well" comment was made in response to the other false allegation that "ANYONE" would have to pay for my drinks, food, etc.
As such an upstanding citizen, you should feel that it is your duty to get the police report, if you should feel fit to do so.
Don't feel that I will do anything for an anonymous attacker who hides out and makes ridiculous claims, so quit asking.

25 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice try Beneteau

You're saying then that you haven't seen a police report, but some cop told you that Compora accused the Mayor, and then you publish this without seeing an actual report?

You're saying that you took somebody's word that Compora accused the Mayor?

Man if that's the way you run your business that must be why there's outdated junk in your store!

Let me get this straight, a cop told you that Compora accused the Mayor of skunking her car. You never saw the actual police report, yet you publish this information for all to read? You, a councilman, would risk libel on the basis of someone else's word without checking the facts on your own?

Previous poster was correct in their assumption that you were stupid, you're more than stupid. What's more you don't know enough to close your mouth. Keep diggin' the hole!

Only a fool would publish without proof, by your own admission guess you would be that fool!

Yikes! Did not say you "saw" or "have a copy of a police report" but took some cops word and blurted it all over this blog?

Get some oars for that runaway dinghy you're on!!

25 May, 2007  
Blogger Brian Beneteau said...

Have a nice Memorial Day weekend if you are able. Your rants are alot less believable than a well respected law enforcement official, so I believe who I choose to believe.
I rarely would believe simpletons who have nothing to add to any conversation, so if you believe that to be stupid, then so be it.
I will again state that since you choose to hide out anonymously, and not entertain the option to intelligently discuss anything, you simply don't matter, but I do respect your first amendment right to your own freedom of speech, no matter how ridiculous you are.
Due to your comments, I have to believe that you never were and never will be a customer, so let me worry about my inventory, and you worry about your occupation, no matter what that may or may not be. I'll try and survive without your support, both politically and financially.
Again, have a nice weekend.

25 May, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man - she accussed him in a public meeting! It was in your sacred MEN!

Brian has nothing to worry about!

Whats she going to do, file for a PPO?

I think the local courts have had enough of Linda for awhile.

Let it go!

25 May, 2007  

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