A rising clamor
Some of the commenters on this blog have been calling for me to screen or censor the comments.
I can do this, but I don't want to.
But I will if I have to.
What is strange about this is that if I start to do that, the people who are forcing me to do it will no longer be able to comment.
What I can't figure out is what purpose they think they might be serving.
If they think posting long excerpts from the Old Testament or dissertations on communism (I actually found that quite interesting) somehow will corrupt the blog or discourage posters, they've already been proven wrong.
In the past, I've pleaded for commenters to keep their comments clean. Let's face it, a comment can be vile and evil, but still avoid language that might give some kid who stumbled upon it an education he doesn't really want or need. Not everyone has responded to that plea. So I'm considering making the move to bring the blog to a bit higher level.
Everybody in favor, say aye.
This might even take this blog back to how it all began -- with me making passing comments to the entertainment or irritation of a few who visited regularly.
A while back someone put a link to this site on another forum widely accessed by the general public. I thought that would be a bad move. It's been bad and good.
But I think the blog can better be a force for good if content now is screened by my good filter.
That means it will be bad for a lot of people.
But what it comes down to is that this blog really is mostly about me anyway. And if I start to censor, it really will be all about me.
So should I pull the trigger because of a few morons?
I can do this, but I don't want to.
But I will if I have to.
What is strange about this is that if I start to do that, the people who are forcing me to do it will no longer be able to comment.
What I can't figure out is what purpose they think they might be serving.
If they think posting long excerpts from the Old Testament or dissertations on communism (I actually found that quite interesting) somehow will corrupt the blog or discourage posters, they've already been proven wrong.
In the past, I've pleaded for commenters to keep their comments clean. Let's face it, a comment can be vile and evil, but still avoid language that might give some kid who stumbled upon it an education he doesn't really want or need. Not everyone has responded to that plea. So I'm considering making the move to bring the blog to a bit higher level.
Everybody in favor, say aye.
This might even take this blog back to how it all began -- with me making passing comments to the entertainment or irritation of a few who visited regularly.
A while back someone put a link to this site on another forum widely accessed by the general public. I thought that would be a bad move. It's been bad and good.
But I think the blog can better be a force for good if content now is screened by my good filter.
That means it will be bad for a lot of people.
But what it comes down to is that this blog really is mostly about me anyway. And if I start to censor, it really will be all about me.
So should I pull the trigger because of a few morons?
By all means, Observer, please put a stop to any type of long excerpt posted here. It makes finding the individual posts difficult. Also, if there are libelous posts, please delete those as well.
For those of us who are interested in reading others' comments regarding issues which we face as a community, these rants are tiresome not to mention childish. The bickering between a Councilwoman and a constituent should go back to court to be settled, not settled here since we all have to endure something which most of us couldn't care less about.
My vote is an absolute yes to censoring out the garbage in this blog. My only concern is that it may lead you to censor out something that is just not in agreement with you, but it is your blog and your option, and from reading most postings, I don't believe that this will happen. Take out the trash, please!!!!!!
Stop the crap and slander. Remove the spam and let's discuss important things.
The first response ended up a long dialogue of garbage again. My vote is yes, delete these posts so we can see clearly to the constructive posts.
I too agree with censoring out the b.s.
That being said, the MEN has had much on their your talk section about the parking permit brought up by Councilman Martin. I think it's a bad idea to give out parking permits to any downtown employee for any reason. The parking is a valuable commodity for the businesses, and not meant to be given away because someone does what they are being paid to do. Should everyone who does something for the city and also happens to work downtown deserve carte blanche when it comes to parking? Would Mr. Martin want Mr. Patterson to park in front of the shoe store all day? I think not.
The suggestion to give Mr. Patterson a parking permit apparently comes from someone who appears to have been hit in the head one too many times in his boxing days.
Election time is fast approaching. Looks like they're trying what ever they can to finally come up with something that looks like they're actually doing something.
Only trouble is the idea is so hare-brained it doesn't merit a discussion not to mention a vote.
What a waste of taxpayer time and money to pay council people to deliberate this issue.
I always thought of Martin as not the sharpest knife in the carving block but this confirms it.
Dunce 101. Martin to the head of the class!
I understand the reasoning behind Councilman Martin's suggestion. Mr. Patterson does bring many events to the City of Monroe, and yes, that is his job to do. I believe that Mr. Martin feels that since he truly is bringing in the biggest venues to the city, like the Jazz Festival and the Jazz nights downtown, Mr. Patterson should somehow be rewarded. Since he saw that Patterson had many tickets in the past, he must have felt that this should be his reward, to not receive any more tickets.
Now I don't agree with him getting a parking pass, but I also don't believe, like the last poster, that Mr. Martin is a dunce. I believe that he has run a very successful shoe business in the past, and most recently sold his very successful bar business for an incredible price, from what I have heard. In fact, I wish he owned it to this day, since the food, service, and attitude was much better back then. He also seems to be doing a very good amount of business for the food service business he now works for.
With elections coming up, I don't think they need to come up with anything to show what they have done. They have worked through a tough time with budget constraints. They have acted on ways to further save the city money, like the operational assessment and selling off or giving away city properties which soak up DPS time in maintenance. They have followed through on the battlefield site which could really turn into something big. They are more concerned with infrastructure improvements than they are with leaving a legacy for themselves by lighting up gravesites and making roundabouts, not to mention the ridiculous islands on N. Custer which were a waste of money. They got rid of an inexperienced City Manager who only was hired to implement the whims of the former Mayor and who robbed every account to finance the splash park which, under her control, went $100,000 over budget, and was built on a piece of property which the city didn't own, and which they didn't even have a user agreement drawn up. Now they have a professional city manager who has many many years of experience, and who watches the financial needs of the city. What haven't they done? They haven't blown my tax money like it was their personal plaything.
I agree with censoring the garbage. If I wanted to read the Bible or The Communist Manifesto or Uncle Tom's Cabin I would be reading them and not this blog.
I do think giving Mr. Patterson a free parking permit is a horrible idea. I don't believe that Mr. Martin is a "dunce" as someone earlier said. I think he is genuinely a good guy who wants to help. We can argue someones intelligence but I don't see the value considering his resume includes operating several very successful business ventures. (Side note: I agree with the the fact that it is too bad he no longer owns McGeady's - food, atmosphere and service all went down hill).
I would be more than willing to entertain a debate about Mr. Patterson's effectiveness. Jazz Festival; isn't the venue provided free (big logistical issue)?, doesn't Alexander Zonjac's production company line up all the act's along with the sound company, V98.7 and others? Why are no other vendors (other than St. Marys / Monroe Catholic Central) allowed? The "Jazz Night's" - OK, but, does he own the venues? Does he book the event's? The Ice Fest? Not even his idea. The Trail to Sterling "Fourth of July Walk". Again, not his idea or doing, DNR's doing. My point isn't that Mr. Patterson isn't "out in the public". But that many of these events have and will continue to take place, in spite of not because of.
Another point to consider is that as the Director of Tourism he has not created these events. He has simply been able to use the power of a very good (and valuable) tax revenue to attach his name and pay for events via his office. I will admit that I take issue with event's and promotions being more about "Johnnie Tourism" or "Up Front with John Patterson". Promoting the County isn't about Mr. Patterson - it is about Monroe. I have been in enough meetings were Mr. Patterson will come in late with his hands full of papers or posters. He will unroll some wonderful graphic and then will be off as he has another "meeting" to go to. This is allowed because he has the cash revenue to pay for advertisement, promotion and so on.
Understand I have no animosity with Mr. Patterson but, after reading the MEN "Monroe Talks Forum" and there appears to be very little middle ground; you either hate "Johnnie Tourism" or he is venerated as a saint. The truth is in the middle. Should he receive free meals / drinks / etc? I wouldn't. Remember, if he does his job well (promote Monroe Tourism) then his funds will increase via the tax revenue.
I have already went over the fact that I believe the current City Council has done a good job. I agree with the last anonymous poster and I will vote for all in the direction I have indicated earlier. Mr. Martin, if I can help and he decides to run again, will receive my vote.
Nice try, but this Mayor and council are ineffective as all get out.
Selling property as an accomplishment? Come on, that's what every city does, it's what they're supposed to do as a matter of course, acquire and sell property. This is no "accomplishment" for this council.
Where is the roundabout? Unless I'm wrong there isn't one here.
Seems to me while looking at council agenda online last time there was a cost over run of nearly $80,000 for some project and more often than not there are always over runs on the agenda so to consistently whine about the Splash Park is redundant. Has the Splash park brought additional monies into the City? The park is crowded everyday and with the amount of people using that park it was a good investment for Monroe.
Let's ignore the Cappuccilli responsibility for the Ice Rink that's bleeding us dry but let's nail Iacoangeli for the Splash Park instead. Sorry, but the blinders you're trying to fit us with don't work!
So we will ignore the fact that Al and Worrell thrust the Ice Rink upon us. And how much is the "over run" on that? Every year? And we're still carrying the burden? Give me the Splash Park any day!
Seems that our City Manager has had many many years of experience, so much so in fact, after reading newspaper articles from Adrian,it appears our "experienced" City Manager seemingly learned how to lie real good. He apparently learned how to resign before he was fired and according to people who have had dealings with him he appears to have learned how to talk a good mile without actually doing anything here. Experience counts!
Improving the infrastructure has apparently become necessary to the point of emergency measures. It wasn't some brilliant idea of this council on how to serve the people.
It is an emergency measure brought about by the past transgressions of Mayor Al, so strike that off your list of "accomplishments" it is a do or die situation that has come back to bite Mayor Al where it should!
Our fire hydrants and water mains don't work. I guess that was brought about by Mayor Al's reluctance to spend money on infrastructure improvements so he could continue to be elected. Great Mayor, leaving the city at risk and with a deteriorating infrastructure all for political gain.
Mayor Al and his idiots are grinding this City into the ground.
It's very plain for all to see that this council has lacked any form of leadership abilities,has lacked common sense, made fool-hardy decisions, and only served to reward those that worked to put them there. Think the rest of us are blind and dumb.
They have made a mockery of their offices and have done an abominable job of serving the taxpayers and the city has not improved under this council.
The meetings are a joke and what do you bet that the Assessment that we paid for will not be implemented while these people are in office.
Wait and see what kind of "cost cutting" measures will be taken by this council. My guess is it won't involve the hacking of jobs held by cronies.
So stop trying to serve up a plate of non existent "accomplishments" of this council but do continue to reach into your pockets in search of those ever elusive "accomplishments", you'll be digging deep.
I will accept everything you wrote (last anonymous) if you will agree to one thing. Without finger-pointing, the former administration did not make any progress at dealing with the infrastructure issues either.
Further, please look at the City budget and you will find that the amount of money brought in by the "splash park" does not cover the expense. (although I do think that it was a good idea and will defend it).
The City, "downtown" is looking and feeling better than it has in nearly 20 years. If you chose not to come because of who the Mayor or Council are that is your choice.
I have to agree with Alacajun about his point regarding the Iacoangeli administration. What greatness did they perform? The infrastructure was still crumbling, and they did nothing. The CIP budget in place was bumped for more visual projects, like them or not, just to say look what we did. Why did Kentucky park need those used car lot lights? They are almost too bright for the skateboarders who frequent the tomb of cholera victims. (yes, the soldiers are gone) Ice Rink cost? How will we recover the $250,000 from the grave site? At least the ice rink is an asset and a public amenity, that if managed and promoted properly, could turn a profit. How will we recover the cost of the other parks, to the tune of another 250K? The simple answer is we never will. They are just like the ice rink. All assets provided for our residents. They all have costs associated with their use. Get over the ice rink.
The employees were way out of whack. What did Iaco's admin do to remedy that? Oh, I forgot who agreed to the Fire unions contract so his brother could retire with a high pension, instead of getting the union in check.
If selling off property is what should be done, then why didn't Iaco do it? He could have saved us taxpayers alot if these properties were sold off or given away three years ago. Yeah, I'd say this council accomplished this wisely.
Say what you may, everything you say this council hasn't done wasn't done by Iaco, and everything this council has done wasn't done by Iaco. Talk about blinders.
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