Sunday, June 24, 2007

I'm all for July 4, but ...

Is anyone else just a little bothered that a FIREWORKS FACTORY OUTLET store has opened on Jones Ave. in the city on the fringe of a residential area?

It's probably all legal and such, but if our zoning code allows this, I think there's something wrong with it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't think that this is a legally zoned location for this. I believe that there are laws for the type of structure that may house this type of business, and I don't know if this structure is even legal. I will do some checking and try to find out.

24 June, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It probably has administrative planning staff approval the same as the scrap yard on Dixie—a PUD or something. This crap is decided in the first three pews of St. Mary’s Church.

24 June, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon poster you are right on about that one!

24 June, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw that today! I had to take a double take and wonder what brilliant mind came up with that one.

Are they in a building or other structure? Shouldn't they have received permission from the City?

24 June, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1270.18 in the zoning ordinance is probably the section which would deal with fireworks. I doubt that the building meets the criteria for storage, but they could mean high explosives, such as dynomite, and not fireworks.
What do you mean by the comment about St. Mary's church? Did I miss something?

24 June, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said... will show the state regulations on fireworks.

It further states that "The Act charges the council or commission of a city or village or the township board of a township with the
responsibility of issuing permits for use, possession or storage of fireworks within their jurisdictions."

Has the council issued them a permit?

24 June, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Fire Marshal Division recommends
that local officials refer to certain publications of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) for guidance.
NFPA Pamphlet #1123, Code for Fireworks Display and NFPA Pamphlet #1124, Code for the Manufacture,
Transportation, and Storage of Fireworks, both provide appropriate guidelines and procedures to be followed."

Just an additional follow up.

24 June, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fireworks for sale at the Jones Ave. location are all legal. This place was inspected by the Fire Marshall and complied with the law.

25 June, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As we all know there are no safe fireworks. The dry conditions and wind could lead to fire as well as the personal risk to hands,eyes, and body when not handled responsibly. In my opinion the city should hire a consultant and advise us if we should allow this. Then we can have public hearings on the issue and let some politicians save us from eminent dome. Then the owner of the business can sue the city. Meanwhile our city attorneys can make a living defending us. That's how commerce takes place in monroe. Meanwhile the drugs are being sold nonstop up and down 3rd street and nobody does a thing about it. But you hipocrats who claim to be worried a firework store is potentially illegal don't have the guts to run the drug dealers out of our town. To top it off we allow this activity right near the ALCC. The very spot dedicated to helping children avoid those drugs. Shame on the character of Monroe. We need to pray for a leader that will do what's right for the community. Keep texting. I will be out in the streets trying to help stop drugs while the rest of you text.

25 June, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is a "hipocrats"?

I'm assuming it is hippopotamus?

25 June, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man - I guess I just don't get it. Selling fireworks is a legal business. If the owner and seller agree to the terms of sale than whats the brouhaha over?

I am sure that the City fire chief has done his job and made sure this business (which operates next to DPS and the State Police) is in compliance.

Now one anonymous wants to think that we "allow" illegal drugs to be sold. "Allow" it? No, I doubt any of us "allow" it dirty harry - but as you seem to have some in dept information please forward them to our CALEA accredited Police Department so that they can do something about it. I also like the implication of where drugs are being sold. Funny, look at the blotter report in Saturday's MEN and you will notice that the "crime" pattern does not support this. Or, maybe the police are just letting it happen right?

25 June, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - 12 posts and no one has accussed anyone of being David Smith, Linda Compora, Iacoangeli, etc.

How refreshing.

25 June, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is refreshing to not have hateful comments.

The Fire Marshall would normally determine compliance with NFPA codes if we have adopted them by reference. The actual use would be a land use issue.

Considering what a wad the people in Whiteford have their undershorts in over fireworks sales, it may be wise to let it pass. Anyone who has handled commercial fireworks displays as well as commercial blasting agents might develop a strong preference for commercial explosives.

25 June, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the drug dealers, with their ability to mix up different chemicals to alter minds, are the ones making fireworks. After all they need to mix up chemicals to come up with the correct bang for their buck. I think that Dave Smith has the ability to mix chemicals to arrive at the correct bang, but I think that it must be Iacoangeli who masterminded putting the product in Monroe to sell, and Floriday is the dealer on the street, with Compora as the councilperson who looks the other way.
There, finally got them all involved in this discussion.

25 June, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


26 June, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave Smith doesn't have the ability to do anything but piss and moan about his 3 obsessions, Floriday,Compora and Iaco proving that this dude is whacked right out of his mind!

Nutcase 101 is at it again!

26 June, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great! Finally someone reduced the post to romper room!

It wouldn't be right if some ignorant snot rag didn't accuse person XXXX of being XXXX.

So - thanks for the input Floraday, Compora, Lampton, whoever you are.

26 June, 2007  

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