City study a little twisted?
I caught bits and pieces of that presentation on the city operational study.
Is it just me or did anyone think that the study had a little too much anti-union, pro-privatization spin?
It seemed like every 10th sentence out of the consultant's mouth mentioned stuff about conciliatory attitudes and outsourcing. While those tactics could help, why couldn't he just have highlighted areas of high cost and inefficiency and let the the city figure out what alternatives it could explore? Maybe it's just me.
Anybody else get these strange vibes?
Is it just me or did anyone think that the study had a little too much anti-union, pro-privatization spin?
It seemed like every 10th sentence out of the consultant's mouth mentioned stuff about conciliatory attitudes and outsourcing. While those tactics could help, why couldn't he just have highlighted areas of high cost and inefficiency and let the the city figure out what alternatives it could explore? Maybe it's just me.
Anybody else get these strange vibes?
Outsourcing and privitization is the trend.
The city already knew it was inefficient. The consultant was paid to identify where what technique could be used to improve the operation.
If I would accuse the consultant of anything, I would accuse him of being too nice and not criticizing more and demanding more cuts.
The city is an entity that exists for the benefit of the citizens. While the employees are stakeholders, their well being and feelings should not be the overwhelming concern.
Every industry that is seeking to improve its bottom line is prone to layoff employees and outsource functions. Employees have to learn how to adapt. Why should the city be any different?
I am having a hard time grasping the observer’s drift on how you can cur cost in a pro union environment unless you either cut heads or outsource. The study should not have included Wyandotte because they deliver services that Monroe does not. The study should have included Monroe, Frenchtown Dundee, and Raisinville Townships.
Unions, in the main have become just dues collecting agencies that hold a twisted belief that keeping the worst drunk, thief, or saboteur’s safe makes the good workers look even better. This a false and sinister form of reductionism because it lumps the good workers who should not be forced to join the dues collecting agency with the drunks and other common trash that unions protect.
Any benchmarking study that compares the study group to the mean will recommend retaining a fill staff of slovenly goof offs. You need to benchmark against your competition which is the townships.
David Alkire Smith
Did anyone catch that Linda Jo Compora has now added Bill Burkett to the list of people accused of doing wrong!
Linda hit it right on the head when she said that the ethics policy could be used as a political weapon! Looks like the campaigning is kicking off a bit early this year!
So – for the record lets go through all of the wrong doing that Linda has accused various people and entities of:
Al Cappucilli and IKO – Crimes against humanity
Al Cappucilli – spraying her car with skunk oil
Brian Beneteau – Stealing the purple flowers from her mothers grave
Ed Paisley – Ethics violations – Helping Client / landlord
David Smith – Stalking, Harassment, Spraying Skunk oil on her car (yes, I know that is listed twice), being mastermind to get council to exclude her from council activities, masterminding a plot to keep her from finding employment.
Bill Burkett – Getting wife a job at the housing commission
DMBN – Crimes against humanity as a special interest group out to use public money for private interests.
I apologize for anyone who has been falsely accused that I missed. You must understand that the list is long, and it is easy to forget some of the BS.
So – she has now officially accused over half of the City Council, a Downtown Business organization, and a private citizen of wrongdoing.
How long do we have to put up with this? Isn’t accusing every one of ethics violations for political / personal vendettas an ethics violation?
Which one canidate is willing to step up in precinct number 5 to get rid of her once and for all?
She is making a mockery of the Monroe City Council. They need to move ahead with the operational assessment – but instead we have the Linda side show to watch.
Smith why dont you stop hiding and sign your real name we all know its you!
I assume you were at the meeting last night and if you were your info as usual is incorrect. I was watching the meeting and all I saw was compora asking questions, not accusing. Christ,sicko cant the woman do anything without you trying to twist the issue into your own sick version?
We all know it's you and your just a whacko nut. How much is the "boys" paying you for your "efforts" talk about twisted!
Geez - can't even go to the laser show without missing the indoor firworks. So, did the good councilwoman accuse or question or ask the good councilman (Burkett) about his wife getting a job with the housing commission?
Please update.
Anonymous poster number 4, continue to guess but I am not this Smith guy you are talking about. Again it seems ironic to me that David Smith is one of the few people that will sign his name on this blog, but you accuse him of being almost every Anonymous poster. I for one choose not to sign my name because I realize how many sick and unstable people live in my community. Some have even been known to get elected to public office. Look at poor David Smith – he got to go to court over the lies of a raving lunatic. Do I want to get accused of something in court by a raving lunatic? No Thanks!
As you also pointed out you can watch the meetings on cable – you don’t have to be there.
To be completely accurate Councilwoman Compora questioned if there was a conflict of interest because the housing commission hired Councilman Burkett’s wife. The Mayor or City Manager didn’t have any information about the hiring, and couldn’t indicate if there was any issue or not. The City Attorney was asked to investigate to see if there was any conflict of interest.
Now – in my book questioning if there is a conflict of interest is a polite way of accusing someone of having a conflict of interest. If Linda Jo Compora had simply wanted to find out if there was something questionable that happened, then there are discreet ways to proceed.
What Compora was doing was slandering Bill Burkett by politely asking if he had used his influence to get his wife a job in an improper way. This is the same thing she has done to others. Ed Paisley was accused of ethics violations. How many believe he did something wrong even though he was cleared? Many believe that where there is smoke, there is fire. Just asking the question in this manner places doubt into peoples mind that a person is of questionable character.
Now – let me apologize to Councilman Martin for forgetting to include him on my list of Compora victims. I forgot that Linda Jo Compora accused Councilman Burkett, Martin, and Beneteau of an open meetings act violation in their first month of being in office. This means that Compora has accused 83% of the council of wrongdoing. This is fact – I couldn’t make it up if I wanted to.
Anonymous#4, please explain to me how you believe “Christ,sicko cant the woman do anything without you trying to twist the issue into your own sick version?”
All I have done is presented the facts. Linda Jo Compora has a history of accusing citizens and fellow council members of improprieties. This is a fact.
Please explain to me how this is trying to twist it into my own sick version?
What I believe is happening is Linda Jo Compora is twisting and distorting another event to attack an honorable long serving council members character. This is a political hatchet job at its finest.
Linda Jo Compora has no scruples, as can be seen by her actions.
So – please feel free to attack me! All I ask is don’t give David Smith credit for my position!
How was the laser show?
Curious as to how good of a job Patterson is doing with the taxpayers dollars.
The housing commission should be abolished. Likewise non accountable bus service that cannot state profit or loss in paying passenger miles should be abolished. Picking up the next shift driver at home is a flat loss and should not enter into accountancy. There is no need for the citizens of Monroe to subsidize the transportation and housing for the wrecks & wreeks.
Anon echoes the same stupid crap as Linda Jo concerning hiding behind the first amendment. I bet people questioned wasting money on schools when some of the same kaka birds who roost on this blog were struggling with attempting to become useful educated little brats. The schools failed again.
It is neither Smith the Younger nor Smith the Elders fault that Linda Jo came out to accost them on a public right of way sans hair color or nail polish to accuse Smith the Elder of calling the Police of Helicopters. All I ever did was question MM Hospital of overbuilding the site in a public meeting. I can see that I was wrong now. All the residents need to do is pay $10.00 for a parking spot. Not a Problem. Not a problem. Not a…
David Alkire Smith
Smith, you should realize the hospital issue was settled in the first three pews in Saint Mary’s Church and anything you said can never add any insight into problems down the road.
I read the report. In all they had some decent suggestions. I would question this, the one person who came out smelling like roses is the BIGGEST ass kisser in Monroe.
It is a fact that the changes that will be made in City Hall are because of a report that was made by an unqualified temporary city manager, oh and who don't like who. The one's who are hated, are the first to go.
Who is the Biggest Ass Kisser in your opinion?
The report was very positive about the Police Department, but the Chief does run a tight ship and was an excellent Temp City Manager. I would have liked him to get the job full time, but it would be alot to ask for him to give up his Pension at this point.
The other department that got Kudos was Engineering, but then again Pat Lewis does an excellent job.
I hope you are not confusing competency with ass kissing?
Roundybout -
While you maybe right after reviewing the report I walked away with another feeling. Why does the report make clear the spending disparages between the City Fire Department and those it is "bench marked" against while it does not do this for the police? The police departments has more officers than all but four of the departments it was bench marked against? Comparably are crime statistics (uniform crime report) are not statistically significant (lower) than any of these cities once population controls (i.e. rate) are included. So, why do we have so many more officers yet there is no desire to cut but simply to "not fill"?
Additionally, I noticed that in terms of raw dollars our police receive more than all but, again, five of those forces used to bench mark us against. Sadly, I find this to be an oddly placed statistical equation as because the "five top dogs" are larger (population) with a more diverse and robust tax base (business) the "average" funding level for all benchmarks is thrown off.
Additionally, the same can be said for the engineering department. I would like to see a true analysis of comparable communities to get a better understanding - although, I know this isn't possible given time constraints and money issues.
I do find it interesting that the amount of funds stated to be saved from following the advice is nearly the exact same amount that is needed to fund the MultiSports Complex or the retirement fund.
I have no idea if the Chief runs a "tight ship". I do know that his staff is gleefully awaiting his departure to Virgina for eleven weeks as he goes to attend a training at Quantico. I also know that fear is not really a good long term motivator for keeping an agency working well. It is perplexing to me that the Police Chief is now the supervisor for Parks and Rec? If nothing else should that not go to DPS? Wouldnt Mr. Davison do a better job of knowing the physical needs of the parks and rec department? Even if that were not the case - please explain how we continually expect a Chief of Police to not only supervise the police officers but now Recreation? I am all for being a good manager but the two departments are night and day not to mention separated by a building.
I am sure that Mr. Lewis is a good manager - he always looks good on TV. But, still, I find it odd that the only time the report mentions any negative employee comments (that I found and I could be wrong) was in reference to the fire department. Further, I could find no instances of positive comments. So, are the City Employees ambivalent about the supervision they receive? Or is it just possible, nay, plausible that the outline for much of this report was, as anon 101 suggested, while the Chief of Police was the interim Manager? There are more than a few City Employees that work in City Hall who believe that. As such, is it not possible that this report is, (after viewing all 166 pages) nothing more than what we asked for; keeping in mind that "figures don't lie, but, Liars no how to figure. . . "? Possible? If not consider this -
Why is it that the recommendation is to create a "public safety" officer position only now that the Fire Chief is retiring? Why is it that the Building Code Enforcement officer is being recommended to be moved under the Police Chief? Why is it that the Recreation Department has been recommended to be moved to the police department and has already occurred?
I do think that there is more than meets they eye going on here. I also think that it isn't about "busting the union" or just about outsourcing. I think, clearly, there was a defined amount that needed to be saved and some of the sacred cows were spared - as normal. Answer this, if I am not right why then, during a time of budget constraints, are some departments getting everything they request - even if it is a "special deal" that they have to "take right now" or it "won't be there tomorrow"? What?
I have spend the last three days looking at this report on the web. I just feel like we knew what direction we needed to go before pen was put to paper. If that was the case then what a waste of taxpayers dollars by hiring a "consultant" to act as a hatchet man because you don't want too? Is that what will happen with the Parks and Rec Director? It that what will happen with the "contract" we have with Canlan now that it has been recommended parks and rec move to the ice rink? What does this mean for the second in command at the fire house? What does this mean for those in line for Lt. Stewarts, vacant - not to be filled, position? (Food for thought - If Lt. Stewarts position is "not important" enough to fill, why are we bringing him back to act as a liaison for the CALEA re-evaluation in August? You know, CALEA, the evaluating agency you PAY to give you a report? If we are in a budget crisis can we afford this expenditure?)
My bad for being so long - but, it seems to me that there is more going on then "competency". After really looking at department funding, number of employees and the manner in which the report was written I just have a bad taste. Maybe it's just me. If so - my bad. If not - wow, what ball-less weasel wanted this direction but didn't have the nads to say it?
BTW - Laser show was "nice". Not great but, "nice". Didn't like the music choices. Thought the lasers on the screen had a "cartoonish" feel. I hope it didn't cost too much - but, with the company being from PA! Whew - next year maybe Johnny Tourism can hire me - I make an awesome "The Works" toilet bowl cleaner roman candle.
That's what I'm talking about, Alacajun!
And a funny bit at the end too!
Tax payers beware. Why is everyone so interested in what this consultant said. Do you really think that the city will follow these recomendations? Wake up. Were in an election year and the last thing anyone wants is to piss off a ton of would be voters and their friends and families. Especially since our elections are so close. What's going to happen is now the consultant was paid to give our current politicians and us something to talk about. All involved willsound off just as all of us have, and in the end not much will get cut. More taxes will be assesed to cover the budget and the wheel will keep on turning. That's the program baby! Like it or not. Can't wait for the next study we can all pay for. Hope you enjoyed the light show!
It is my belief that Floraday is the power behind Compora simply because he needs a cat’s paw on council since Paisley cleaned his clock in the election. In the hearings to dispute the issuance of a PPO considered to have been based on purgered testimony under oath by Compora claiming I dumped skunk oil in her car vents etc. etc .etc… Yes Floraday was there as JAFO.
After watching in detail the DVD of the June 18, 2007 council meeting it was sickening to watch Compora and Floraday beg for more time for the Floradays to figure out an excuse to possibly rape the money available in the DDA for buying more buildings to sit vacant and decaying like United Furniture’s old building.
Floraday was present as JAFO in the hearing and may have been there to advise Compora on how to delay the proceedings and run um the expenses incurred by my witnesses and myself. The judge noticed this and sternly explained that she had better become organized rather than rambling about how cruel life was living in a world where so many people hate her. This is the same delaying tactic tried in the meeting of June 18. Now the DDA has money, it is essential to insist on posting of all minutes in full and substantial citizen oversight.
I for one think Compora’s background should be checked carefully because it is my gut feeling that someone may have nailed her with some sort of felony in the past. I don’t base this on how she looks, is made up, or dresses. It is based don how she acts that maker suspicious in my opinion.
Hey Jackass!
Where have you been? Last election all candidates had a background check and the election before that or aren't you up on current events?
What is your yank about Floraday? What has he done to you? Last election Paisley did not "clean his clock" better check out the totals, asshole!
As far as your Compora rantings, can't you just let go or are you so obsessed that it overtake your life. She must get a laugh knowing she can yank your chain like that, you are a joke,man!
Quit harping on the PPO shit, if you had acted like a normal man,I doubt if you had went to court. Think you have only you to blame, now go cry some more! Poor David Alkire Smith, waaa, waaa, harassed a woman and wound up in court, waa,,waa, waa, poor me!
So now the idiot Smith is signing his name to the libel? Good going Dave!
We'll all be watching for the blockbuster libel suit that's sure to come. Then you'll have something to piss and moan about!
Good luck dude, you're gonna need it, better stock up on your head meds.
Hey guys
Let's not come down too hard on poor old crippled old man. He is to be pitied. Think about how he has no life than this blog and how desprate he is for attention.
I would suggest that he do something constructive like mentor kids but on second thought I would not like him around my daughter or any other kid. The thought gives me the jitters!
The man is a kook. He wants to be somebody but is a zero. He appears to be recognized around Monroe as a nutjob and is laughed at behind his back. Maybe someone should check his mental health background I bet he would lose his CCW if they did!
All he has is to cry in his soup because he acted crazy and landed in court. Good riddance! He deserved to be there from what I seen and read. Hell, he can't even get what in the transcripts right, twisting and turning the facts to suit him in order to gain more pity and attention.
A man to be pitied. He has no morals and is consumed and eaten alive by hate. Sorry excuse for a man I would be ashamed to act that way. Afraid my daughter would be ashamed of me later on.
Come on dude, change your shirt and get a life!
If your a fan of Bruce Springsteen you will get this. If not, sorry. Think of the song, "My Hometown" by Bruce - kinda fitting for Independence Day:
I was sit-in around on Independence Day
The brats were gone – go’ in to the fridge to get another beer
I’d sit down at the keyboard to read the observer
Man, can’t imagine what I’d hear
Bout my hometown
My hometown . . .
In ’06 they voted in, a whole new slate
Of elected folks who all said, “We’ll get it strait”
But the past it wouldn’t go away, quietly and die
With Flourday, Compora and John standing by
Words were exchange- accusations made;
Who da hell skunked that car?
It’s a shame, it came to this –
David Smith with a PPO in arm –
In my hometown
My hometown.
Elections are comin up real fast – who might run?
Names are banter back and fourth down a Beek’s and Club 129
Burkett for Mayor, man, it just might be
But John I. has pulled the paperwork, so well see. .
Dorothy Edwards is stepp’in down, who’s up next?
Omar can’t go, Calvin McGhee wants it bad, but is Willie Hall ready for the test?
Man, my hometown –
My hometown
In a few more hours, once it gets late
Gonna light up the night.
Got some fireworks from the Chinese Place on Jones Ave.
It’ll sure be pretty and really good
The kids they will smile.
But it won’t outshine what is waiting for us all in November
Election day is coming quick.
There’s a lot we can do
We better find it fix to this all
To have better times ahead.
Happy Independence Day –
Too much free time on my hands today!
A dream mayor and council would be John Iacoangeli for mayor because he is a proven forward thinker. John martin, Ed Paisley and Brian Beneteau should all retain their seats because they have proven themselves worthy. If Dorothy does not run how about electing the little burr headed kid who gets on TV a lot with rapidly shifting glazed dilated eyes.
Two elderly friends, Bill and Sam, met in the park every day to feed the pigeons, watch the squirrels and discuss world problems.
One day Bill didn't show up. Sam didn't think much about it and figured maybe he had a cold or something. But after Bill hadn't shown up for a week or so, Sam really got worried. However, since the only time they ever got Together was at the park, Sam didn't know where Bill lived, so he was unable to find out what had happened to him.
A month had passed, and Sam figured he had seen the last of Bill, but one day, Sam approached the park and -- lo and behold! --there sat Bill! Sam was very excited and happy to see him and told him so. Then he said, "For crying out loud Bill, what in the world happened to you?"
Bill replied, "I have been in jail."
"Jail?" cried Sam. "What in the world for?"
"Well," Bill said, "you know Sue, that cute little blonde waitress at the coffee shop where we sometimes go?"
"Yeah," said Sam, "I remember her. What about her?"
"Well, one day she filed rape charges against me and, at 89 years old, I was so proud that when I got into court, I pleaded guilty.
The judge gave me 30 days for perjury.
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Anonymous said...
Did anyone catch that Linda Jo Compora has now added Bill Burkett to the list of people accused of doing wrong!
Linda hit it right on the head when she said that the ethics policy could be used as a political weapon! Looks like the campaigning is kicking off a bit early this year!
So – for the record lets go through all of the wrong doing that Linda has accused various people and entities of:
Al Cappucilli and IKO – Crimes against humanity
Al Cappucilli – spraying her car with skunk oil
Brian Beneteau – Stealing the purple flowers from her mothers grave
Ed Paisley – Ethics violations – Helping Client / landlord
David Smith – Stalking, Harassment, Spraying Skunk oil on her car (yes, I know that is listed twice), being mastermind to get council to exclude her from council activities, masterminding a plot to keep her from finding employment.
Bill Burkett – Getting wife a job at the housing commission
DMBN – Crimes against humanity as a special interest group out to use public money for private interests.
I apologize for anyone who has been falsely accused that I missed. You must understand that the list is long, and it is easy to forget some of the BS.
So – she has now officially accused over half of the City Council, a Downtown Business organization, and a private citizen of wrongdoing.
How long do we have to put up with this? Isn’t accusing every one of ethics violations for political / personal vendettas an ethics violation?
Which one canidate is willing to step up in precinct number 5 to get rid of her once and for all?
She is making a mockery of the Monroe City Council. They need to move ahead with the operational assessment – but instead we have the Linda side show to watch.
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Even the interval point doesnt give rise to any expectations.
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This MATLAB code example shows you to acquire two seconds of audio data from a sound card, calculate the frequency components, and plot the results. kok yeng, your request is not so easy. Utterly ridiculous and it looks simply foolish.
He shines, but does not overshadows others, which is to the credit of Rakesh.
A couple of minor points.
Note that MATLAB has a function for the DCT and iDCT transforms that might be more efficient.
It shows what a jpeg compression is all about. It makes the film a must watch! The article's conclusion is that .
You must be the one having an affair with Linda (yuck) since you are the only one sticking up for her. You are obviously blind as to what is happening. Since you are so stupid, I will not enlighten you.
The topics change from day to day but the input from the fine citizens of Monroe stays the same. Political infighting, lies,slander, intimidation,and ignorance. It all adds up to a backward city. A bunch of know it alls who know nothing. Who ever is trying to stimulate debate by running this website should sit back and pull the plug. Your actually doing Monroe a diservice by putting on display the poor quality of people u have in your community. The televised city council meetings do enough damage to Monroes image. This website only confirms the citizens have equal representation based on the social and moral fabric of their community. If it wasn't for DTE monroe wouldn't even be on the map. Sorry if I offended all the so called historians in town. Your city is on its way to nowhere. Industry keeps leaving and your tax base can't keep up with current expenses. Yet everyone has time to fight. Thanks for letting every one who may be interested in bringing a family or a business to Monroe know exactly what they can expect when they show up. Look in the mirror Monroe, your a ugly place.
Finally! Somebody with some brains!
Dear Observer,
As the Anon above said, please pull the plug before more loonies creap out from under their rocks.
The biggest ass kisser in city government does not have an office in city hall. His office is located at 100 E. Second Street.
The staff there seem to be breathing a whole lot better since he took his resume enhancing trip to the east.
He has backstabbed more people then you can imagine. To qoute Coleman You, "he has all the qualities of a dog -except loyality."
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