A worthwhile topic
In case you missed it, one of the commenters on this blog put up this post, which might provide fodder for lively discussion. Here's the post from ALACAJUN:
Don't want to change the topic of the thread or try and direct the Observers Blog but I am just curious about something.
On June 14th Monroe Transfer, LLC followed out on there threat to file a lawsuit against the City of Monroe (http://dockets.justia.com/docket/court-miedce/case_no-2:2007cv12549/case_id-221844/). Guess that I am curious how people feel. I don't have access to the Justia (federal court web host) for further information so I have not read the filing petition and have no idea what the premise of the suit is. If there is someone that does please let me know.
What do you think? Is this cool because we have liability insurance to cover the cost? Is this bad because it may send a message to employers that we are not welcoming? Is this going to make the folks who have put four by four signs in there yard on Railroad Street happy? (Side note; does "Joe" know about these signs? Are these things legal? Has Dave Smith posted them yet on Historic Monroe.org?).
I guess that we can find out if Monroe Transfer LLC is even wanting to be deal with the City by there response (or lack of) to the Citizen's Planning Commission.
What does everyone think? Good thing, bad thing, doesn't matter thing?
Don't want to change the topic of the thread or try and direct the Observers Blog but I am just curious about something.
On June 14th Monroe Transfer, LLC followed out on there threat to file a lawsuit against the City of Monroe (http://dockets.justia.com/docket/court-miedce/case_no-2:2007cv12549/case_id-221844/). Guess that I am curious how people feel. I don't have access to the Justia (federal court web host) for further information so I have not read the filing petition and have no idea what the premise of the suit is. If there is someone that does please let me know.
What do you think? Is this cool because we have liability insurance to cover the cost? Is this bad because it may send a message to employers that we are not welcoming? Is this going to make the folks who have put four by four signs in there yard on Railroad Street happy? (Side note; does "Joe" know about these signs? Are these things legal? Has Dave Smith posted them yet on Historic Monroe.org?).
I guess that we can find out if Monroe Transfer LLC is even wanting to be deal with the City by there response (or lack of) to the Citizen's Planning Commission.
What does everyone think? Good thing, bad thing, doesn't matter thing?
If anyone has a photo of a sign on Railroad Street please send me a copy to post. We are being sued in Federal court—yes it is a civil rights issue. The ZBA should have all voted to clarify the zoning in Monroe Transfer’s favor. Just Brian and I were not enough. Has anyone ever read the Fifth Amendment on tasking of property without compensation? The city should cave in quickly and cut out losses.
David Alkire Smith
From what I've heard, the suit is two-fold. First, they are appealing the decision of the ZBA, as to their use. They claim to be a recycling center, and although the city's attorney says that they are a scrap yard, the ZBA voted that they were a resource recovery recycling center, with the two dissenting votes being those by David Smith and Brian Beneteau.
The second claim is against the city, seeking damages since Monroe Transfer is not able to continue the permitted use of a recycling center, as was North Star Recycling. They seem to claim negligence on the city planning staff, as well as intent to keep them from using the property as it's historic use, also against the planning department. They are claiming that the zoning code dealing with recycling centers has been changed since their purchase of the property, and its change is an effort to keep Monroe Transfer, specifically, from reopening, also a claim against the planning department.
That is what I know of the issue.
Someone should post this on the Monroe Evening News forums, in an effort to get additional input regarding this issue, since they get many more readers than this blog site does.
The message to businesses wanting to locate in the city of Monroe is, "stay away, we don't want you no matter how many jobs you will bring, no matter whether you follow the laws or not, and no matter the tax revenue you will bring."
There's a big, empty IKO building sitting there for sale, and guess what, no takers. Who would want to bring a viable business there and have to face putting up with people who don't want a business there, no matter the type, whether they are good neighbors or not. It would be a great place for a trucking company, or a warehouse, or similar, but the message out there will be that the city is against business.
As for the signs in people's yards, they have their rights to do this. It is unfortunate that they are protesting a business that isn't even in operation, and they have no idea whether this business would be good or bad for the community. They should remember that every time an event is put on or a fundraiser is held, the industrial or corporate donors handle the majority of the costs. This is potentially a huge benefit for the East side, and the community center, and they need to be given a chance. This could spur more business growth in the area, due to employees needing places to eat, get gas, taverns, drug stores, etc. They have not ever done anything wrong, so they should have the opportunity to open up and prove that they are what they claim to be. The people with the signs moved in their homes knowing that a scrap yard existed before and there was the very real possibility that it could reopen. They are also next to three sets of railroad tracks which are the heaviest industrial use you can have.
Liability insurance or not, we still have a deductible or something like it, like an amount that we pay, say $50-100,000, before the insurance kicks in, so it would be prudent for the city to cut some sort of deal with this compant and quit jerking them around.
The city should settle quickly – not because the threat of a lawsuit, but because the city needs the jobs and tax base.
I feel sorry for any applicant that has to deal with our planning department. My advice to anyone is to bring Laura some doughnuts or something to get on her good side. If she likes you, you pretty well have free reign to do what you want as far as the planning department is concerned. If she doesn’t, you don’t get a recommendation AKA Dick Seib.
I heard through the grapevine the other day she actually jerked around another applicant until after the new zoning code was passed. So – they filed their request before it was passed, but she held it up and made them go through the new zoning code process. I heard she didn’t like what they wanted, so the new code gave her more ability to put roadblocks in their way.
With city staff like this it is no wonder we are in federal court.
What process would it take to settle this matter out of court? I assume city council would have to act? To me the Monroe Transfer SNAFU seems like just another step toward Laura achieving her goal of ousting the current administration. The usual suspects will rile up the East end, alarming them with dooms day scenarios of noise, vibration, radioactivity and cancer. The council will have the choice of alienating one precinct while doing the right thing, or spending a ton of money in a pre-ordained loosing effort to placate the locals.
Can anyone clarify what it would take to settle this thing? I assume the applicant would be willing to settle if the city allowed them use of their property. What does the city need to do to make that happen?
I agree with Mr. Smith in that the ZBA should have voted in favor of Monroe Transfer.
I also agree with cityresident that this issue needs to get more play. I know that Monroe Transfer's involvement with the City of Monroe began before the election in 2005 although this issue is being dropped on the current administration (no, I am not bashing or taking a swipe at the former administration). I know that they (Monroe Transfer) filed a special use permit application in October 2004 to utilize the Borchert Park area (near Mac Steel). I know that the initial thoughts from the City (Port Authority, Planning, Mayor's Office) were to do a "land-swap" for the property that Monroe Transfer had purchased (approx 10 acres) on third street for this parcel. I also know that as late as April 9th 2007 Laura Kreps from the Planning Department faxed documents (ZBA application and appeal) to Brad VanGuilder (environmental activist from Ann Arbor) (Note; I am not bringing this up to bash Ms. Kreps - keep reading).
So, what does this all tell us? It is apparant that sometime in 2004 when Monroe Transfer purchased the Third Street Property they were made promises that they would or could get a larger (newer) parcel of land out near the port. Monroe Transfer claims that this was promised by the Port Authority (Director of Economic Development - Randy Richardville), Mayor (John Iccoangenelli) and City Manager (Debbie Manns). Further, it would appear that (by looking at the paperwork filed by Monroe Transfer with the City of Monroe) someone within the City willingly dragged their footsies. It is additionally a concern the yes, the Cities Planning Department had written and had a re-zoning map approved that did attempt to change part of Monroe Transfer's Property (nearly three years after they purchased it). Finally, it does seem odd that a Planner with the City of Monroe (Laura Kreps) would fax any documents from a city fax number ((734) 243-8683) to Mr. VanGuilder (one of the same environmentalist that was involved with the closure of IKO). This maybe nothing - however, did he file an FOIA request? Did he pay for these documents? I ask because I doubt that you and I could get this information faxed to us, much less all twelve pages. This maybe nothing and maybe simply the Planning Department fulfilling an FOIA request - but, (having made FOIA request) there is normally a cost involved and that is not noted on the fax coversheet nor did Mr. VanGuilder state he had paid for these documents (yes, he gave copies out to people after stating that he had, "just received this earlier today".). This part makes me very nervous because it appears that our City Planning Department (we already know one Councilperson is) enmeshed with an environmental activist who's aim was to keep Monroe Transfer from opening.
I also agree with the last Anonymous who stated that this could be a good thing for the East Side. Truth is during the ZBA meeting there was 15 - 20 residents there that supported Monroe Transfer and were hoping for a job with the company. The resident's with the signs have said in more than one public forum that Mayor Iccoangeneli and Habitat for Humanity (Deb Wilkes) told them that the facility would "never open again". They are the resident's who have made the most noise and posted the largest number of signs. I think that they probably were told something like that - but, I also think they, as adults, should have been able to realize that someone who does not own the property can't make promises about what may or may not happen on that land.
I think that it is interesting that of all the people who have came out against the company none have came out and disputed the claim that they (Monroe Transfer) were made promises back in 2004 - 2005. Part of me wants this case to go forward so that we can find out what those promises were so that we may ensure whoever made those promises never has a political life in Monroe again. Another part of me says, Puck it, just move on.
I do hope all those folks that were so quick to make Monroe Transfer out to be the great Satan understands they aren't. I also hope those same folks notice that those in political positions who stood next to them as they complained are not there now and that there is no "savior" or "angel" coming.
I do think this could spur much more economic development. I think that this could be good for Monroe. Funny isn't it - where is the environmental god, bulldog councilperson and citizen claiming that the mayor had a "closed door private meeting at the port authority" now? Funny, a "scarp yard" is opening on Dixie Hwy (right next to the Battlefield) - why didn't those folks complain about that? The "Citizen" who accused the Mayor and City Manager of back door dealings and reportedly wants to run for Council (NAACP President Willie Hall) lives right down the street from this new facility (Mason Run) - but, nobody came out and complained.
Good thing we are going to be saving money on this assessment - looks like we will need all the cash we can get to settle with Monroe Transfer.
If you have information like you do regarding a fax from our planning department, you need to please get that information in the hands of either the Mayor, City Manager, or one of our Councilmembers. If this person is hindering economic growth for her own personal reasons, then something should be done. Please, get this to someone.
It does seem as if she has an agenda.
Do you have a copy of the fax with the city number on it? I'm assuming Pat Lewis approved sending these documents out before it was done? Do we know Ms. Kreps did it?
I think if we know actions were taken by an employee that landed the City in Federal court, then steps should be taken. It would be nice to know that individuals just aren't being slandered, however.
Yes - give it to Compora. She will take care of everything. She will make sure there are no more IKO's.
She is probably the one who told Laura to send it.
I'm sure she will take steps to make sure Monroe Transfer gets as large a settlement as possible.
I along with many others were given a copy of the information from Dr. VanGuilder.
Understand, my intentions were not nor are they to slander anyone. Ms. Kreps did forward these documents via fax to Dr. VanGuilder. Again, this may mean nothing. If that is the case then fine. My concern was then, as it is today, that the City was under a such a microscope because of the whole Monroe Transfer ordeal, as such, I was concerned with the idea that documents, although accessible to the public, would be forwarded to anyone who is - publicly - against a business from a City worker.
I would be happy to make sure a copy of this is provided to someone. To whom should I forward it?
Why not send it to the clerk, and have him make copies for the city manager, Mayor, and council.
Honestly the more I think about it this is not that big a deal.
It would seem someone tipped off Dr VanGuilder to the plans, and he requested data.
Did Laura provide anything that was confidential? I doubt it, but then I don't have a copy of the fax.
The only thing I would consider improper is if Laura went out of her way to locate this individual, and sent him the information on her own. If she was asked for information, I just can't see any issue.
Does anyone want to accuse Laura of seeking this individual out, and then giving him the information in an attempt to incite hate and mistrust?
Again - don't slander anyone unless you have information. As useless and incompetent as I find Laura to be I won't accuse her of inciting this situation. I will assume some individual asked for the information, and she properly provided it.
So - provide copies so her bosses know whats going on given there is a lawsuit, but I don't see anything improper.
does anyone think its strange that a new scrap yard is opening on 500 dixie highway? why was this scrap yard approved as a " recycling center" under the new zoning code of 2007, yet Monroe Transfer was denied approval under the same rules. Ironically R and M recycling was approved by Joe Lehman just days before Monroe Transfer was to appear before the ZBA, yet Mr. Lehman's official position to the ZBA was that Monroe Transfer was a resource recovery center. Laura Krepps also agreed with Mr. Lehmans approval of R and M recycling. Where were the picket lines, environmentalists, community groups, current politicians, would be politicians, historians, concerned people from the north side of town, and oh yeh Monroes would be savior John arch angel Icoangelli? I guess if your on the right side of Monroes political machine you can get what you need with no problem. What a shameful corrupt town. No wonder business is running out of town. Just remember you get what you vote for. When the garbage and rats are in your front yard because this city has no tax base you can thank people like Linda C and John I, and all the loyal dogs like Laura and Willie. Good luck finding them cause most of them don't even live in the city. Maybe then we'll figure it out. I hope we do it before then. Make your vote count this year!!!!!
Why doesn't the mayor get envolved and put a stop to what appears to be a grave misjustice done to this company. We need jobs and tax base. Can't the city councel get involved. I don't know much about politics but can some one tell me what can be done. Also can anyone prove this Laura Krepps sent this info to people who did not have a right to have it? What should be done if this is true? Can we file an official inquierery into this? I'm sure some investigation should be done. I'm sick of watching these councel meetings where members are accusing other members of this and that. Meanwhile were letting a company get jerked around by the same people that are supposed to help bring jobs to this community. Is it true in the last blog that most of the ploiticians involved don't live in the city? I know at one time you couldn't be a city of detroit worker unless you lived in the city. We should have the same law. That way we would have people that do what's best for Monroe. Time to start holding people accountable for their actions. I don't know about the rest of you but this state is in bad shape and little old Monroe better start looking out for itself. Were last on the food chain when it comes to help. We need to get jobs and elect people that will bring jobs. That way we won't need help. what do the rest of you think? I'm ready to get involved.
After watching Floraday and Compora playing lets jerk people around on TV last evening I can only say Thank God for decent people like Janet Burns and the others who don’t want any more swimming pools on land they don’t own or buying any friend’s vacant building. IACO, Linda C and both Floraday’s should be tarred and fathered and ran out of town on a rail.
After watching Floraday and Compora playing lets jerk people around on TV last evening I can only say Thank God for decent people like Janet Burns and the others who don’t want any more swimming pools on land they don’t own or buying any friend’s vacant building. IACO, Linda C and both Floraday’s should be tarred and fathered and ran out of town on a rail.
It was obvious watching the meeting that Compora had absolutely no clue as to the topic being discussed. She seemed to be reading from a script, but the script seemed incomplete, or just plain wrong. This person is a disgrace to the city. Her only agenda is to meet up with Floraday and Iacoangeli at Fino's, to get her notes for the meetings. Talk about a coalition which needs to be stopped. They all share a brain, and unfortunately for the taxpayers, the smartest of the group is the biggest spender of other peoples money, Iacoangeli. It is good to see that he has maintained total control over these two. Otherwise they would have nothing intelligent to say.
How much money will this lawsuit cost Monroe if the scrap company wins? Didn't we just give Homrich money to finish the demo at the paper mill cause the state didn't pay on time. We have a pension fund problem as well. Just what monroe needs, another couple million out the window. Even if we win the suit we have to pay attorneys to defend the city. That money could go to saving jobs instead of paying attorneys to defend our city against what? TRYING TO KEEP JOBS OUT OF MONROE???? What the hell is going on in this city?
Who cares how much it costs the city. Just add it to Iacoangeli's balance. What's another 1/2 million of tax dollars.
Just add it to the deficit that Compora denies exists.
Why does everybody pick on poor John, Rick and Linda? The only thing they have done is spend tax dollars making our city look like they want it to be. Don't we want a park on every corner? Don't we want to rid Monroe of industry? Don't we want to have cutesy little roundabouts while ridding the city of unsightly rental properties? Shouldn't our kiddies have a splash park to run through in the summer, regardless of whose property it is on, and no matter what the cost? We really need to light up a grave site to honor the fallen victims of cholera, and provide a new skateboard park for our youth at the same site. How else would we get these kids to learn about these fallen souls? Lets buy up all of the vacant properties in downtown, and fix them up to historical standards, and then sell them at a quarter of our cost to anyone willing to take them and maintain them. Better yet, let the DDA buy them, fix them up, set up the Mainstreet office in one of them, hire a couple more useless employees, all the while reducing the amount of tax dollars to fix our crumbling streets.
My lord, we can't do without them, can we?
I see Dave Smith is still posting and answering his own posts!
One pathetic vile filled dude with no life. Oh, I forgot, his life is this blog.
Get over it man, it's eating you alive!
There is not much hope for Monroe as a city if Compora and Londo get away with offering to shove cameras up handicapped people’s a…s and obtain PPOs to squelch dissent. In reading the transcript posted in the net, Compora obtained her PPO because she was advised to do so by the ecology man from Ann Arbor. I would rather live under Joe Stalin or Hitler than she and her friends.
Eating you alive, dude, eating you alive.
Larry go out back now and have a PBR like only Larry know how.
Maybe Larry get some sick head from his friend Linda later. Linda used to work as a pro in Vegas. Now she just be council person. Larry give Linda a PBR flavored protein shake!
Yummy Yummy! Eat it up, slurp slurp slurp!
This web site is a prime example of why Monroe is failing. Its filled with corruption, dishonesty, hatred, and division. Politicians only mirror the society they represent. Look in the mirror citizens of monroe! Its only a matter of time until your demise. May your town rest in peace. I see a second nuclear power plant in your future where your entire town is used to store the nuclear waste those 2 plants create. What a fitting end to the only city in the state that embraced nuclear power plants but complains about a little old scrap yard. Do you realize how silly you look from a outsiders point of view. The irony is that while all of you fight the great state of Michigan continues to die a slow death. Credit that to the corrupt unions who drove industry out of your state. Can any of you say RIGHT TO WORK STATE. Keep fighting. I'm sure that scrap yard will find another home. Don't think twice cause there's always another nuke plant around the corner. It reminds me of the Simpsons. Ha Ha Monroe is filled with a bunch of simpsons. Go Buckeyes.
Maybe ecology man gets some gooey slurp slurp head from his friend the 63 year old ex Vegas Hooker he advises. I see ecology man weigh in about nuke.
I really try hard not to argue but, the last anonymous' comments regarding Monroe and the State of Michigan deserve a reply.
I shall first address the idea that there is any irony in our hoping and "fighting" for a better community. Sadly, our buckeye friend must have learned the definition of Irony from the Alyanis Morrisett song. Irony is making a silly statement like, "What a fitting end to the only city in the state that embraced nuclear power" while not understanding that there are facilities in South Haven (Palisades) and Bringeman (Cook), all the while closing your post in homage to OSU, a state that has two facilities (Davis Bessie and Perry) and six Nuclear facilities that are currently being decommissioned.
Irony is also one making a statement like, "I see a second nuclear power plant in your future where your entire town is used to store the nuclear waste those 2 plants create" when you seem to not be aware that Fermi I is currently being decommissioned - so really, the number of plants will not change even if a new facility is built.
Irony is saying, "Its filled with corruption, dishonesty, hatred, and division. Politicians only mirror the society they represent" and signing your post, "Go Buckeyes". Apparently that Tom Noe, James Traficant, Maurice Clarett, Jim O'Brien thing hasn't registered - eh?
I won't waste anymore valuable Observer space on dissecting the order that is any rant from, about, or by anything from or a fan of the State of Ohio. I would just remind our buckeye friend that Toledo was once part of Monroe and the conscious decision was made to return it - good idea given the leadership of Carty (let the deaf people live by the airport) Finkbiner.
Fermi being de commissioned? What crack are you smoking. I'll have you know that Detroit Edison has a 7 BILLION Dollar renovation plan for Fermi and furthermore intends to build another nuke. It is the most profitable plant that edison runs and accounts for 29 percent of Edisons gross revenue. The irony here is they feed know it alls like you just enough info so you feel like your informed, meanwhile you keep quoting history while the current world passes you by. I work for Edison and live in Monroe and I'm from Ohio. Maybe when Detroit and Monroe are in recievership the great state of Ohio will bail Michigan out and take it all the way to 8 mile road. I garentee Ohio would make it nothing but scrap yards, nukes and waste dumps. Look around it not much different from that now. Buy the way Michigan is last in the country in unemployment. Even behind Louisiana? At least they have an excuse. What's yours Michigan. I'm all ears!!!!
Smoking crack? Really - Well,we know you are not a DTE Management Staff - or if you are you have a hard time reading. Fermi I is being decommissioned. The source for this; Nuclear Regulatory Commission (http://www.nrc.gov/info-finder/region-state/michigan.html) Or maybe you have not heard this?
Yes, Ohio does have a huge number of scrap yards and toxic waste dumps and therefore I can imagine that anyplace they touch would get infected.
Last in unemployment? Again, wrong. (http://money.cnn.com/pf/features/lists/state_unemployment/index.html)True were are 49 of 50 but, hey, your "great State of Ohio" didn't have a job for you did they? Also, you should consider taking a class in statistics so that you can understand what unemployment rates mean. You see they are based on a percentage of unemployed based on 100,000 residents. Therefore, states (like Michigan) with a high population tend to have higher rates.
Finally, considering the need for employment and continued development and well, I don't really want to see you unemployed. I, for one, am hopeful that DTE does follow through with plans to build a new facility - however, as you are aware - there has been no final decision made.
Why don't you get off this Compora gig? You're boring as hell with your one issue rant!
Why is it that when Paisley or Martin (wooden head) read from a paper that's OK but if Compora reads from one that means it's written by Iaco, come on man, give it up!Get a life. your wasting yours.
BTW, where's your proof that Compora was a pro? Put it up or shut it up!
You're a sick SOB! Fixation is not good, it rots your brain you're proof positive. Dude, your kids must be really proud of their old man. His only claim to fame is that he harasses women,Compora and Kreps, something to look up to, huh? Dear old dad is a sicko.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Blogger Alacajun sent this forum off in a needful direction a few days ago and it is off track again. Perhaps a discussion of how the city can live within its means and still deliver both needed services and necessary capital improvements would be a good topic.
David Alkire Smith
Nice try Smith since you're the one that put it off track to begin with with your sick anonymous postings.
Must've taken your drugs now you can sign your name to your posts.
Try to leave the racial,sexual garbage out of it and try and be a good daddy. BTW a good place to start would be to post your proof here. Make your kids proud of their old man show them you're not a liar and post your proof otherwise keep your sick mouth shut about other people!
Who in hell wants to see any proof that Compora actually found anyone to pay her for her services? I for one would rather put my genitals in a meat grinder than in her. That is the most horriffic thought that anyone can think of.
Slurp Slurp Slurp!
Guess again Larry!
Slurp Slurp Slurp!
Seems to me very few people on this blog choose to sign their names. Brian Beneteau and David Smith are the only two that come to mind.
The rest of us hide behind the anonymous tag.
Slurp Slurp Slurp!
I notice you don't post your name either.
Buddy - you better quit accusing David Smith of all evil!
Slurp Slurp Slurp!
Believe it or not I have it on good authority he is not the puppet master behind council excluding Linda, and I doubt he is as evil as Hitler and Stalin. I'm pretty sure he wasn't behind the skunk oil incident or stealing flowers from a grave either.
Slurp Slurp Slurp!
I know that Linda can't differentiate a lie from the truth, but what is your problem, buddy!
Slurp, Slurp, Slurp!
Wouldn't want to get accused of Libel, would you buddy?
Slurp Slurp Slurp!
Not that you could, since you, like me, are a chickenshit and choose to post as Anonymous!
Slurp Slurp Slurp!
Now go out back, have your PBR, and do whatever you want with your little friend!
Peace, Love, Joy! Can't we all just get along!
I for one love scrap yards, rail yards, nuke plants, coal burning plants, steel mills, chemical plants, paper mills, etc etc etc. They bring tax base and jobs! Bring them on! Better in Monroe than China!
Spending my tax dollars to prevent business from coming to Monroe doesn't make me happy! I'm pretty sure my councilperson and I are on the same page on that!
Too bad we can't stay on topic!
By the way - what does it take to get a post removed? Observer - could you give us some guidelines of how vile and stupid you have to get? It would seem that you are amazingly tolerant and give a tremendous amount of latitude. I'm curious as to what kind of content had to be taken off. I appreciate your great service to the community. I'd buy you a coffee or a beer if I knew who you were – but then I’d have to admit who I am, hmmmm.
After posting above I noticed a spelling error and removed the posting. I hope that clarification relieves someone’s problem. My postings are few and not perfect but I have the decency to always sign my name. If anyone doubts anything I have stated concerning Compora they may consult the court transcript posted on www.historicmonroe.org.
I never called a her a bully and even if I did it would be acceptable political speech. In stating a dislike for bullies I was making reference to the persons she riled up and brought to accost the mayor in a very rude manner. I think she is unaware that Monroe Transfer video recorded her inflammatory remarks at the ALCC about another IKO. Again what she did is within the realm of acceptable political behavior but it can bite us in court to have a public official using false statements to deny a company their property rights.
I am painfully aware that some of you seem to think and operate on the third grade level.
David Alkire Smith
Cut the crap Smith we all know you post anonymously then answer your own posts. You are a raving lunatic.
You are infected Brother. Toxic.
Oh yeah, I'd be proud to have you as a father. Bet your council buddies are proud as hell of you too! Watch them slowly fade away well before election day.
Why? Because you are poison!
Good Old Liability Dave.
Hey guys! Let's get back to the issue at hand. What about this lawsuit? Who has any sanity to answer the questions I asked before. Did laura krepps break the law. Can anyone prove it? What can council or the mayor do? Should we fight it? How much could we be on the hook for if we lose? Can the city settle the suit? Let's stop name calling and get back to the issue. I for one am more concerned about getting to the bottom of a corrupt staff or politicians behind the staff. Corruption is like cancer. It must be found and removed quickly!!!!
Slurp Slurp Slurp!
I thought I answered that if Laura was requested the data, and she sent it, I don't see any issue.
If Laura sought out the person and sent the data to incite them that is a problem.
I suppose you could ask Laura or Pat Lewis which scenario was the case. I don't see the point.
The city needs to settle the suit quickly so Monroe Transfer can use their property. There are too many things that were done wrong not to do this. Plus - Monroe needs the jobs and tax base.
Now I can look forward to Larry Camper or whatever his name is ranting about David Smith once he finishes his current PBR.
I personally am not prejudice against any race, sex, creed, color, but I sure wish that stupid people would get off my planet.
Speaking of lawsuits:
Debbie Manns lawsuit against Dennis David, Mayor, And the City of Southgate has been settled. The court of appeals upheld the judgement in favor of the City of Southfield.
What does this have to do with anything? Well, it just goes to show that the City of Monroe should not have hired this person due to the fact that she is obviously sue happy, as well as unqualified. She took that job as an at-will employee, and when the new Mayor took over, he canned her. She alleged that they terminated her because she: (1) refused to assist the Mayor in firing the Chief of Police and (2) she was involved in an investigation of a sexual harassment complaint against the Mayor, while he was employed as a police officer. The defendant claimed he fired her because he viewed her as the Mayor's right hand man (sound familiar?) and the court agreed, as well as now the court of appeals.
This certainly is intereesting reading. I think I'll fax a copy down to her new place of employment, just to warn them of what they will probably face in the future, if they happen to fire her for a good reason, and she wants to make false allegations. False allegations sound familiar also?
Why is telling the outcome of a court case stalking?
Make that 3! He now has started on Laura Kreps. Seems he did the camera harassment to her last week.
What a useless SOB, has to pick on women to make him feel like a man.
Father of the year! Someone to look up to and respect yeah, right!
Go ahead and fax to Manns' place of employment and you and your fat assed kid of yours will be paying through the nose between Compora, Manns and Kreps libel suits.
Can't wait to see it, Father of the Year!
Wow! This is better than Jerry Sringer. Mr Smith may be a little over the top with his tactics however its the conduct of Laura Krepps, Pat Lewis, Joe Leahman, Linda Campora, John Icoangelli, and the rest of the cast and crew who are running a sudo mafia in Monroe. Its time to expose these people in front of the court of law. The lawsuit Monroe Transfer is bringing is the tip of the iceberg. These guys have compora on tape as well as two private investigators working on exposing these people. Wait till depositions start. This aint no IKO. These guys are well prepared and have thought out every step. I heard they tape all there conversations. I have supported them from day one and look forward to seeing them help clean out our dirty little house. They are ready to fund rase for the next election. Looks like monroe goofed up this time. Sit back and watch the rats jump ship. Mr. Smith you'll get the last laugh yet.
I am not from around here. Is this David Smith armed and dangerous or is he just another old guy that goes around sniffing little girls bicycle seats?
I am not from around here. Is this David Smith armed and dangerous or is he just another old guy that goes around sniffing little girls bicycle seats?
I am not from around here. Is this David Smith armed and dangerous or is he just another old guy that goes around sniffing little girls bicycle seats?
I am not from around here. Is this David Smith armed and dangerous or is he just another old guy that goes around sniffing little girls bicycle seats?
I am not from around here. Is this David Smith armed and dangerous or is he just another old guy that goes around sniffing little girls bicycle seats?
I am not from around here. Is this David Smith armed and dangerous or is he just another old guy that goes around sniffing little girls bicycle seats?
I am not from around here. Is this David Smith armed and dangerous or is he just another old guy that goes around sniffing little girls bicycle seats?
I am not from around here. Is this David Smith armed and dangerous or is he just another old guy that goes around sniffing little girls bicycle seats?
I am not from around here. Is this David Smith armed and dangerous or is he just another old guy that goes around sniffing little girls bicycle seats?
I am not from around here. Is this David Smith armed and dangerous or is he just another old guy that goes around sniffing little girls bicycle seats?
I am not from around here. Is this David Smith armed and dangerous or is he just another old guy that goes around sniffing little girls bicycle seats?
I am not from around here. Is this David Smith armed and dangerous or is he just another old guy that goes around sniffing little girls bicycle seats?
I am not from around here. Is this David Smith armed and dangerous or is he just another old guy that goes around sniffing little girls bicycle seats?
I am not from around here. Is this David Smith armed and dangerous or is he just another old guy that goes around sniffing little girls bicycle seats?
I am not from around here. Is this David Smith armed and dangerous or is he just another old guy that goes around sniffing little girls bicycle seats?
I am not from around here. Is this David Smith armed and dangerous or is he just another old guy that goes around sniffing little girls bicycle seats?
Maybe we all could stay on topic? Do we think the pending lawsuit against the City of Monroe will harm our business environment? Should the City seek an early settlement? Why is it that people in the community have not come out against the new recycling center like they have Monroe Transfer LLC? Do we think having R&M Recycling next to the War of 1812 Battlefield will set well with the reviewers from the National Park Services?
Great point. How will the federal court view the fact that Monroe has allowed two scrap yards in its city limits but not Monroe Transfer. Does anyone know why this company has had such a hard time while others seem to open their business's with such ease? Seems to me there's an agenda somewhere.
Smith, let's talk about your Pal Al and his part with Monroe Transfer. Seems Al had a secret meeting with Monroe Transfer. Let's get real here, Al is the reason that the City is getting sued! Seems his dirty little deal backfired!
I can't wait until it all comes out in court. 2 private eyes? To expose who for what?
Your Pal Al is the blame for this along with your fat assed kid on the CPC. The ZBA did right. You just can't stand it when somebody doesn't see it your way. Sorry SOB
Your Pal Al is to blame for this lawsuit that will cost the City plenty! He was so busy trying to upset and destroy everything Iaco because of his vendetta that he forgot to cross some t's and dot some i's. Cant wait for the court hearings.
BTW everybody was on tape including your pal Beneteau making the "jack-off" sign at that meeting everybody saw it and everybody talked. Nice professional councilperson! Seems you 2 are asshole buddies, both low class assholes!
The only one who will be exposed is you for the stalker that you are.
Libel hell is coming your way jerk!
Everything you mention is indices that a business looks at when relocating to or away from a location. Penton’s Industry Week is a good publication on such topics.
David Alkire Smith
If the documents that Mr. Dauer provided during the community meeting are any reflection than it could be that they original plan was never followed out on by the City.
This could have caused some embarrassment for staff or others as the initial plans would not be completed by the new administration.
I think that the poster who stated that we needed to wait until depositions are taken is right. I am also sure that the video tape from the first community meeting will prove to be a big part of the case as I am sure that it will show the veracity against this facility by Councilwoman Compora and others in the audience.
What secret meetings did the mayor have? Did Laura Krepps send out information she wasn't required to? Does David Smith have a love child with Linda Campora? Is Monroe run by a group of aliens from the planet mouron? What a laugh. Just got home from work and I can't stop laughing! Keep it going Monroe. Forget industry and jobs, you guys would make it big as a reality show. I told you yesterday it reminds me of the t.v. show the simpsons. What a joke. The funny thing is all the postings with no name are so transparent its not even funny. There should be a cage match like the old days of wrestling where everyone gets in a cage and the last man standing becomes mayor of Monroe. Once all the would be politicians got into the cage the rest of us could take the cage to the circus and sell these idiots for a bag of popcorn and be done with all of them. If you like my idea I'm prepared to run for mayor. Seems any jerkoff can be in Monroes politics, Why not me? Keep the comedy coming.
anonymous you stated, "Seems Al had a secret meeting with Monroe Transfer. Let's get real here, Al is the reason that the City is getting sued!".
I would really like to understand how a person that took office in 2006 is responsible for a business deal that was filed with the Citizen's Planning Commission in October 2004? Please explain this as the current mayor was not in office?
Further, this "secret" meeting apparently isn't so darn "secret" as Willie Hall has demanded minutes from that meeting (does he understand that minutes are not taking during normal business meetings?) during open council sessions. If this meeting was such a grave "secret" why would an anonymous like you know?
What's the city going to do when the truth comes out and all the secret meetings and all the back room deals get exposed. How did monroe transfer have any secret meetings? If they did I guess it didn't work considering they now are going through the expense of suing the city. In addition the mayor was the guy that screwed them the most by having 4 different meetings regarding the issue. Those additional meetings fueled the fire with all the welfare people in monroes ghetto. Then the do gooders like John Ico came out to save the day and protect the community. This is the same guy who defaulted on a city backed loan. Good citizens of Monroe there's more here than meets the eye. These Monroe Transfer guys knew exactly how to play this game. That's why they taped each meeting. They prepared for the lawsuit from day one. We'll find out in federal court who did what. I only hope our insurance will cover the bill cause I think its going to be a big one.
I have read all of the postings and most of you don't have a clue what's going on. We are being sued because the ZBA denied Monroe Transfers request to operate as a recycling center as defined in Monroes zoning ordinance. They are also suing for damages based on civil rights violations. That's the suit. Question is can they prove their case. I'm told this will take 1 to 2 years to figure out. Those of us who have followed this case from the start will tell you that politics aside it would appear that the city has a tough road to defend this case. Maybe it will get settled and maybe it won't. The question at hand is problem solving 101. What caused this issue to get to the point that it is today. Monroe Transfer is just the latest victim in an inconsistent system called Monroe politics. The difference in this case is that Monroe Transfer is not some underfunded small business owner or some little John Q Public with limited means. They are fully funded ready to take the city on in federal court, win, lose, or draw. With that as a back drop cities get sued every day and that's why we have insurance. However Monroe is self insured. That means we will probably spend a pre determined amount of money on the case and then have to refer it to our carrier. They will then determine if the case should continue or try to settle. Problem is at that point does the company want to settle? The point I'm trying to make is why did it have to come to this. The bad press from this case alone hurts Monroes image that industrial business opportunity is not welcome in Monroe. Not to mention the fall out if its proven in federal court that Monroe Transfer was treated in an illegal fashion. We need growth and responsible business owners in this town. Its my opinion that we have failed to project that image and run the risk of proving to a lot of people that we don't follow rules very well either. I would urge all involved to call their respective council person and voice your concern. Maybe this mess can be fixed.
Just to be fair to the readers, I was able to pull up the court documents regarding Ms. Manns appeal, and the defendant won, that being the former Mayor and the city of Southgate. This case before the court of appeals affirmed the original decision of the ruling for the defendants.
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