Thursday, September 28, 2006

Junk mail

It's the political season and that means more junk mail from candidates. I got a bunch of the stuff the other day and really enjoy it because of all the crap it contains.
Here's a sampling:
John Manor has a little mail piece that says "Lansing is broken, and John Manor is the kind of leader we need to fix it."
(So like what has he led recently?)
It also says he's an award-winning journalist and family man whose running for the state house.
(He's a journalist? You mean one of those people who ranks below lawyers in terms of public trust and respect?)
It calls him "Independent Reformer John Manor."
(No it doesn't mean he's running as an Independent. The only place it says he's a Republican, though, is in the tiny print saying it came from the Michigan Republican Party).
Bottom line, it presents him as someone who shades the truth, is paid to distort truth and is afraid to admit he's Republican. But the brochure's tiny print also notes that it's "not authorized by any candidate," so I guess we can't blame John.

Junk mail number two came from Kate Ebli, Manor's opponent.
It says "as a vice president of a communications company, Kate Ebli fought for tax incentives that helped create hundreds of jobs ..."
(She used to work for Comcast and lobbied for tax breaks for that cable company).
It also says she supports repeal of the Single Business Tax -- "and believes in the power of local businesses to create good jobs with health care benefits."
(So do I, but why is that a qualification to hold office?)
It also says "she opposes giving taxpayer resources to illegal immigrants and supports punishing employers who hire them."
(I guess that means she'll shut down Monroe County's illegal immigrant detention center and go after Monroe County farmers who use migrant workers).
At least her flier clearly identifies her as a Democrat.
Bottom line: Her qualifications for office are about as slim as Manor's.

Junk mail number three came from Randy Richardville.
It says he "knows how to attract businesses and create jobs. He's been doing it for years. As an economic development director, he's brought good-paying jobs to our communities"
(We'll when he was a Repbublican state legislator, he probably did work to bring jobs to the county, but he's only been an economic development director for about a year.)
It also says he's "ready to change the anti-jobs climate in Lansing."
(I guess that means throwing all the bums out of the Republican-controlled legislature).
Bottom line: He's seems afraid to mention he was term-limited as a House member because he might be seen as a career politician (as if there's something wrong with that).

Junk mail number four came from Dick DeVos, the Republican running for governor.
It says he has "the guts to get the job done."
(That's cause he'll be a real man as governor, not a girly-man.)
It says he will create "more health insurance options for businesses and their employees to reduce the price of health care."
(Since when is the state in the business of creating health insurance options for business? Is he talking about a state-financed health insurance plan for private business? It thought that was a Democratic concept.)
It says he is "the independent leader that nobody can buy."
(That's because he's a multi-millionaire who doesn't need the money.)
It says he's "not a career politician."
(Unlike that evil Randy Richardville).

I can't wait for the next batch of junk mail.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like this blog?? It's junk!!

29 September, 2006  

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