Friday, September 15, 2006

And another thing ...

While I'm ranting about charities, isn't it amazing how many soup kitchens there are around Monroe. I'm not knocking them. They're examples of the purest form of charity. A group gets together and perceives a community need, pools its resources and takes action. The action doesn't necessarily mean they come knockin' on your door lookin' for a donation or tapping you at work. They just find the resources -- sometimes their own -- and do it.
I've played a tiny, tiny role in one of these kitchens and what's more amazing is the full course meals they pull together, complete with desserts. I really admire what these people are doing and hope they're not being taken advantage of.
It's also amazing how many people participate in the annual Relay for Life. Again, it's a bunch of well-motivated people tapping their own resources for a common goal. There are countless efforts like this around the county and most of them seem to do their jobs without the assistance of a professional fundraising group.
They proves that charity really does begin at home.


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