Thursday, September 07, 2006

Have a blast at the park

What a great deal Monroe Township officials made with Stoneco recently.
Remember how long ago township residents and officials fought against the Stoneco quarry being started off Telegraph Rd. on what once was the Dennison farm?
They went to court to stop the quarry, but lost. Then there was a settlement that stipulated how long the quarry should operate and exactly where on the site they can quarry and how far away from the property boundaries they can quarry.
Now we have townships officials wanting to develop a park on 22 acres near the township hall off Dunbar Rd. Suddenly, Stoneco offers 35 acres of its property near the quarry to be part of the proposed park land. So the township says okay, we could use a 60-acre park, 22 acres won't be big enough.
So Stoneco says you can have the land but you have to void parts of the old court agreement and let us quarry earlier on weekends and work longer hours and quarry closer to our borders.
And it's a done deal. Because someone decided a 22-acre park isn't big enough. Because we need a township park about as big as Munson Park.
So the people living near the quarry, who already have to endure periodic dynamite blasts that crack their foundations, their plaster and knock dishes off their shelves find that the quarry is getting its restrictions relaxed because someone at the township sold them down the river.
Does the name Al Barron ring a bell?
Looks like this will be Al's last term in office.
He'll have to go into a rehab resort for ex-township officials/wife-girlfriend beaters/drunks.
Before he does, maybe he can have one last blast at the new park.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Change the name of this site to the "Conspiracy Observer" since all you do is bash township officials for making decisions so that you can sit home on your ass!
Seems thay you think that every elected official from the Townships up to the President of the United States is on the take.
Get a life!

13 September, 2006  

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