Sunday, April 09, 2006

Spiking the coach

Some variation of this usually is going on all the time somewhere, but the folks in Ida have taken it to a new low level.
The buzz around town is that a group of disgruntled parents are hoping to get the volleyball coach fired. Why? A few of the parents of players don't think she's playing their kids enough. So they've gotten up a petition and are urging the district to spike the coach, who otherwise has had an exemplary record. This is exactly the thing that's wrong with high school sports. It's no longer about the kids. It's about tunnelvision parents who coddle their youngsters even though they might not be god's gift to their chosen sport. So an injustice is about to be done in Ida. A good coach could be deep-sixed because of some bad parents who have district apathy on their side.


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